Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving was just wonderful!! We have had so much fun spending time with so much family. Dinner was Fabulous and we also got a chance to take family pictures...I unfortunately dont have official copies just yet, but here are the ones that I have so far...

Ok, so these are all of the NINETEEN grandchildren! Such cute kids. I am so lucky to have such wonderful nephews and nieces. (Now imagine 17 more adults in this picture...that's how big this family is :-)

These are all of the Baldwin children: (l to r) rocky, melissa, casey, briggs, jess, haley, andrew, bridget, laura

My wierdo sis-in-laws :-)


Eli was not too happy to be taking pictures...hehe

Friday, November 28, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving Activities

So, the Baldwin family has such a fun tradition that I have definetly embraced. Candy Turkeys!!! Although my candy embellishments dont last long...what a fun family tradition. Here are some of us and our turkeys:

This is mine and Jess's turkey

Give a little niecey a camera...and this is what you get...

Lil miss Ivy took our camera and this is what she came up with.

The kids told us they were doing "service" in our room, so they made our bed and left their "stamp" on their work.

Mr. Chase Jensen

Sad Jess and sad Lennox :-(

Ivy caught Jess at his best hobby

6 ft and Under

Jess has now starting playing in his 6 ft and under league. He loves to play basketball, that is one of his joys in life :-) He really gets a chance to shine in this league because he actually gets to play an "inside" game (whatever that means...)

Laura and I are Jess's number one fans!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Wii Is What Brings Us Together

I have never seen sooo many kids love a game in my life! It is quite entertaining to watch, and actually quite embarassing to play along because I tend to get beaten every time by them (and I actually AM trying).

Laura and Lennox

Lennox and Eli

Mary Jane, Lacy, and Benjamin...we mostly just WATCHED

This is what we did pretty much all weekend.

How Hard Can This Be...?

This is a late post, but for Halloween the Baldwin family had a small party where everyone had to try and eat doughnuts from a is harder than it looks!

Eli (tiger)-1 yrs

Emery (snow white)-4 yrs

Laura (nurse)-14 yrs

Jess (himself)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I've been tagged!

So, here is my fourth file, fouth picture...HOW BORING!!!!!

This is a picture of Jess's old smokin hott purple (or burgandy as he would claim) car that we sold for $4000 about a year ago. This is taken in the parking lot of our old apartment complex...yes, it was ghetto, and yes that is a cement wall.

If I could have had my way to randomly choose a picture, I would have picked...

Ah...the joys of Laura...she makes me smile!

Hmmm...I tag Whitney Baldwin, Krista McClellan, and Angie Castagno