Friday, October 29, 2010

We're Alive.

It's been forever. (Just about 2 months). So much has happened since I last blogged. (It feels like it anyway). Here's a recap:


I am currently working as a registered nurse. I am so grateful to have found a job. The job market for nurses is just awful (which by the way is NOT what they tell you in school). I started out working at a care center for disabled children. I absolutely LOVED the kids. I didn't LOVE the hours though. I was working 5 days/week from 11pm-8am. It was killer. Let's just say, I wasn't being a wife or a mother--just a worker and a sleeper. I was going to just talk to my boss to cut down my hours, BUT randomly I got a call from another care center that I applied at back in July. They hired me part time evenings, and the pay is significantly higher. So, I am working half the hours, but making the same amount. We are so lucky and so grateful. I have had a couple shifts on my own, and everything is going well so far--still kind of like being thrown into the fire, but rolling with it so far.

I am currently still in school...(I am always in school). I still have 1.5 semesters until I have a BS in nursing. I can't wait for it to be over--there is so much work to add to the madness of work and family life. Call me crazy, but I think I might actually just push all the way through to nurse practitioner. We'll see. It's looking appealing right now bc I just found out I have to work Christmas day. Boo.


Jess has picked up a new skill: being a stay at home dad. lol. well, not completely. he just is at home a lot more with crew since I am working in the evenings and at school all day on tuesdays. It kind of makes me sad that I am not with crew as much as I was, but I couldn't ask for any better of a babysitter. Jess is the best dad, and loves his boy.

Jess is still working for APX alarm in the inside sales dept. He is doing so well! He is so excited that the official NBA season has started. Bring out the GREEN and the CLOVERS. CELTICS all the way!


Is turning 10 months on Sunday. He is everywhere. He crawls super fast, pulls himself up on things, tries to bite my feet, eats real people food, dances when music comes on, goes after every plug/outlet in the house, chews on his tongue all the totally looks like he's chomping on something, HATES getting his diaper changed...oh my goodness, this is my LEAST favorite thing to do, his top two teeth cut through, eats every crumb on the floor, is off of his prevacid (hopefully for good), jumps on his crib mattress in the middle of the night. He is getting so big and even cuter by the day.

Here are some other things that have happened:

My brother left for a 2 year LDS mission. We dropped him off at the MTC:

We attended the APX Nitro Circus party. We couldn't see much, but was fun nonetheless. I am a short person and therefore could not get any pics of Travis Pastrana. It was so jammed packed.

Attended some Halloween parties. I have to work on Halloween (of course) so we had to take advantage of dressing crew up in his costume as much as possible. Jess had this extra original idea of being celtics players/fans. I figured since he was so adamant about it, why not:


Friday, September 3, 2010

8 Months!

This bushkin is 8 months! Isn't he turning into such a little man??? This might sound bad, but I think by 8 months I actually enjoy staying at home with him (as opposed to wanting to escape from constant crying.) He is just the cutest. He is my best little buddy. There's nothing better than feeling needed. We love him.

At 8 months, CREW:
-Started crawling! (well scooting). On August 31st (his 8 month birthday) he did his first scoot and Jess and I pretty much did cartwheels (yes, we're first time parents).
-His bottom two teeth have sprouted (around 7.5 months).
-He has mastered his pincer grasp while chomping down his cheerio treats.
-Still LOVES his daddy.
-LOVES LOVES LOVES dogs. He cracks up whenever one gets close to him. (Too bad his mom is a dog hater).
-LOVES stuffed animals
-Recently has begun to cry himself back to sleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night. I hate hearing him cry, but we all get better sleep that way.
-Tries his very hardest to pull himself onto things, but still can't muster the strength/balance.
-His cheeks are still chubby.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bring it on Sin City!!!

My brother, Tommy, got his LDS mission call to Las Vegas, NV! He reports to the MTC October 6th! He is going to be serving for 2 years in the desert heat while teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so proud of you Tommy!

(This pic wasn't taken when he opened his mission call, but on his 19th bday. He was visiting me and Jess from think he'll lose the gun by the time he gets home?)

Family Pics (Catch up)

My sister, Whitney, took soooo many pictures while she was here for Bridget's wedding. She was so "pictured out", but we were lucky enough to get some family shots. Check out her website if you haven't seen any of her pictures. She is so good!

Some family shots:

Like I mentioned before, Crew LOVES his dad. I think these pictures say that pretty well...

Some pictures of the double cousins. I love this little girl.

I think that they're going to be best cousin buddies.

Love his eyes. oh ya, and his cheeks.

Bridget's Wedding (catch up)

July 21st my sister in-law and new brother in-law, Bridget and Tommy Rigby, got married in the West Jordan Temple. I love going to weddings. They really are so special. I especially love going to temple weddings because it really does a good job of putting my life into perspective. Their wedding was absolutely beautiful! We couldn't be happier for you two!

the freshly-married couple: so happy :)

stopping to strike a pose with the double cousins, payton and crew, (who sadly look not a bit alike).

my sister, Whitney, took all the pictures. Check out her website to see them! They look AMAZING.
Most of the grandkids. Boy was it a task to get them all together at the same time. Especially since there were 5 babies that were not. happy.

I was so worried Crew was going to cry and scream while I was inside the temple, but look at this happy boy! I need to have more faith in him.

If I were to tell you that that mini cooper in the background was mine, would you believe me?

Poor Crew zonked out at the reception...thanks Doug for playing daddy.

Lindon City Pool

For those of you that live close to the Lindon Pool, GET UP AND GO ALREADY! We had the funnest time taking Crew. It is decently priced and has so many fun things-even a lazy river just as good as Seven Peaks. It even has a few water slides and a separate kid area.

We couldn't really tell if Crew liked the water park (I think I was giddy for the both of us)...he didn't smile or laugh, just stared. oh well, at least he didn't cry.

I think it's about time I get a new swimsuit (and a tan)...3 years and going strong.

Both Jess and I took Crew down the big water slide. This picture was taken right before he went down with his dad. I was so worried he would choke on water or scream . It was so funny, he didn't even make a peep.

Below are some videos of the day. So much fun!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eating with Crew... hugely messy, although quite entertaining.

He got the "Baldwin-loving-licorice gene"...that's ok, more chocolate for me :)

Practicing his sippy skillz.




Boys and Girls...

...this is what happens when you get in a fight, or in Jess's case "break up a fight".

Monday, August 9, 2010

7 months

Crew is 7 months old. Gosh, WHERE does the time go? I was looking back the other day of some really little baby pictures of him, and he looks completely different. I thought he was so cute them, but this kid has got the cuteness thing down!!! This picture was taken by my sister Whitney Baldwin. At 7 months, Crew:

-Is SO good at eating his baby foods and big boy foods.
-Can FINALLY roll over!
-Still HATES being on his tummy...maybe that's why he has no desire to crawl.
-He still spits up everywhere...on the way to the church building on Sunday, *splat* right on the sidewalk where everyone was walking...I just walked away and pretended I didn't see.
-Still on his Prevacid.
-Loves to grab at everything. He dive bombs for any kind of paper in sight. This gets quite distracting in Relief Society when your neighbor has a bright purple piece of paper she is fanning herself with.
-He loves his seriously LOVES him. He is all wiggly and jumpy when Jess gets home from work.

I am one lucky girl to be his mommy.

Monday, July 26, 2010

this is what i had for lunch...

apparently up in hauser id, kids can get free summer lunch at the elementary schools. adults can buy these lunches for 2 dollars. if felt weird getting my little tray, but the food was healthy, fulfullling, and cheap.

me and olivia in all her glory.

my cousin elle, enjoying a tasty corndog.

living on the edge.

i have been anxious to go home to see my family in idaho. so a couple fridays ago, 9 pm came along and we decided that we were going to make the 11 hour drive that night to surprise my family. we raced home, packed, and were finally on the road around 11:45 pm. we picked up my brother in rexburg on the way up. even though it was hard, i am glad we drove at night because crew pretty much slept the whole time.

we made it up to couer d' alene around 11 am. after making some pretty stealthy phone calls, we discovered the no one was home!!!!! we went and stalked down my mom and sister at a vintage barn sale. it was awesome! their faces were priceless. we surprised my dad and other sister later that day.

we had a great time while we were there. it was so good to see my family. jess left sunday night with my brother, but crew and i stayed that week!

it was a good spur-of-the-moment trip--we live on the edge.

grammy had so many new toys for crew to play with. i seriously have never seen him so happy--i have to invest in some new toys.

grammy feeding him his sweet potatoes.

crew and his grandpa.

playing piano with his aunt olivia.

great grandpa moss.

great grandma moss.

this boy is so loved...i don't think anyone really cared i was there! haha.