Crew is now 2 months, 1 week, and 5 days old! I can't believe how much he's grown and changed! He is just the most adorable little boy with a bombshell personality to match. At this point in time, unfortunately for his mom and dad, that bombshell personality comes in the form of crying, crying, crying, and more crying.....did I mention that he cries??? Now, don't get the wrong idea, I love my son and he does have his sweet moments, but boy is he one colicky babe. Oh ya, did I also mention that he has acid reflux and is one Prevacid everyday (which doesn't seem to be working that well). We've tried SO many things including switching formulas, gas drops, getting a swing, special "colic" bottles, tummy massages, baths, rocking chairs, toys, driving in the car....and so far we have found 2 things that work: bouncing on the exercise ball ALL day and playing water sounds in his room while he sleeps. Game plan as of now: 1) try out soy formula because he is still really fussy on even sensitive brands 2) have the doc increase his dose of prevacid 3)having him "adjusted" which I'm usually vehemently opposed to, but I'm desperate 4) wait it out. I did read "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp (thanks Crystal), and got great help with swaddling and the benefits of soothing noises. I think I've tried everything...or am about to try everything I can think of. Anyone out there have any new ideas??
On a happier note...my cute little buggy has his happy time right when he finishes eating and he is full of coos for his mommy. He is starting to really smile now! I started seeing glimpses of those when he was 6 weeks old. He is still eating pretty well...he's getting back into the groove after the whole acid refulx setback. He sleeps pretty decent: he's asleep for 5 hrs, awake for one, and then back to bed for about 3! He still loves the sound of running water, and he still LOVES to be held and bounced....all day :-) He chicken-pecks and rubs his face on my shoulder when I try and burp him. He LOATHES his car seat and screams when he lays on his back, but loves looking around and standing up on his wee little legs. This little munchkin sure is a challenge, but I guess the most rewarding things in life are the most challenging, right?
His two month stats are:
Head Circumference: 14.75 in (6.44%)
Length: 22.25 in (22.96%)
Weight: 11 lb (31.49%)
Lovin on his mommy
Lovin on his burp rag
We have to put an ACE bandage around his blanket so he stays in his bundle. We discovered this little gem after countless nights of his arms getting free and waking himself up.
Jess helps out sooo much which I am so very grateful for.
My smiley boy :-)
See you in one month for my 3 month stats/updates!