Monday, May 31, 2010

all in the name of science.

Crew had the opportunity to be a part of a BYU research study. Someone from BYU Infant Studies contacted me 2 weeks ago and asked if I would bring my 5 month-old in to test his reactions to certain shapes/noises. I get so bored during the day, I figured why the heck not.

When we got to the lab they put a net-like hat on his head that had electrodes attached that measured his surface brain waves (EEG). They soaked it in saline and baby shampoo and strapped that puppy on! It was HILARIOUS. Oh my gosh, I could not stop laughing. He didn't cry at all, but kept looking at me like what the heck is going on??

Once he got all prepped I held him in my lap while he watched a little movie with a bunch of sounds and circles. They were trying the test whether or not he knew if certain sounds were associated with certain circles. The people conducting the test told me not to make any background noise because it would mess up the results. I had the hardest time not laughing! I was shaking because I was trying not to make any noise! It took 3 minutes, and then we were done!

My little boy passed his 1st BYU exam...I couldn't be more proud.

His certificate of appreciation

The most hilarious pic ever! Don't worry, this hat didn't harm him whatsoever. I love my boy.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

4 Months and Counting.

Crew turned 4 months last week! I promise this kiddo smiles...the camera just mesmerizes him.

I can't believe that it really has been 1/4 of a year since he was born--when you say it like that, it sounds like a short amount of time, but I feel like I have had him forever! In fact, my life before him here seems like a blur. 4 months has been way better than 3 months which in turn was way better than 2 months etc...So, time is definitely the greatest healer. He has been the greatest challenge in my life to date, but seeing him grow and mature is definitely worth the sacrifice. Crew is smiling all the time now--in fact, I can get him to give a hearty laugh once in a while. He constantly "talks" to himself and is becoming more and more of a social baby. He is becoming more interested in the many things his hands can grab, but still loves his plain ol hands for entertainment. I have to physically wash his hands in the sink with baby soap because they smell like rotten milk all the time!

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His new ball that he can actually grab on to!

Crew is still sleeping awesome...except for last night when he woke his mom up at 3am for a midnight snack! USUALLY he sleeps around 8 hrs, I hope it still stays true! He is becoming more attached to me--I think he finally knows who the heck I am! He sobbed the other day when someone he didn't know held him. He still hates to be burped because he thinks he will never get his bottle back again! He is definitely NOT a "cuddler" (just like his mom), but still must be swaddled to sleep....boy I hope he breaks out of that habit soon. He doesn't have very consistent naps during the day. Do any of you know if babies take a while to settle down into naps, or is is just my son??? He also doesn't need his Prevacid anymore! Wahoo! Either he never had acid refulx or he just outgrew it :-)

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So far he doesn't enjoy his rice cereal...maybe we'll give it one more month.

All of Crew's soft little baby hair has fallen out and has been replaced with....nothing! Poor kid is a baldy...never did his last name fit him quite so well.

Here are his 4 month stats:
Head Circumference: 15.75 in (6.26 %)
Weight: 12.99 lb (15.05%)
Height: 24.25 in (26.34%)

Here are some more pictures of the little fella. We love you Crew!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nursing Pinning Ceremony

Thursday, April 29th was the UVU Nursing Pinning Ceremony. This is where I got pinned as an official nurse! If only that was the only thing that was required to be certified as a nurse...still have the NCLEX to worry about. The night was great! I loved seeing all my nursing buddies cross the stage and get their pins. I have absolutely LOVED my nursing program here at UVU. I have loved the people, teachers, just the whole experience in general...It was so nice during the stressful times to have people who knew exactly what I was going through! Gotta love nurses! We are cool.

Waiting to go on stage. Why do I still look flippin pregnant? grrr...

Getting "pinned" by one of the nursing instructors, Mina Wayman.

Recessional. I am holding a Florence Nightingale lamp that I guess is tradition. Before the recessional, we all recited the Florence Nightingale Pledge...pledging to be a good nurse, help patients, etc...

It's hard to see, but this is the pin.

We had our personal bios in the printed program.

Jess and I enlisted Laura to help with Crew so Jess could take some pictures. She was SO good with him. I am so thankful she was able to help us out!

Some of my nursing friends. Ashlei Bluth, Lacy, Kym Heslington (holding Crew--check out his bald spot), and Megan Asay.

Megan Asay and her daughter,Elle, and me and Crew. We both had babies during nursing school. crazy, eh? Megan had her daughter during the craziest semester EVER and still rocked it in the grade dept--she's my hero.

Can't forget my besties Amy and Michelle

Most of us.

I LOVE this group! Can't wait until next semester...yeah right.