Showing posts with label celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebration. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Christmas time!

a time of "sweet" celebration...

shared with many "sweet" friends...

filled with lots of "sweet" treats...

and extra *special*  "sweet" surprises...

"sweet" memories made...

"sweet" moments shared...

all mixed together in the "sweetness" of the season...

and topped with the "sweetest" gift of all...
sent from above with love, 

a tiny baby wrapped in swaddling clothes...
and laid in a manger,

"For unto you is born this day...
a Saviour."
Luke 2:11

Wishing you a "sweet" Christmas filled with great joy and many Blessings!

Friday, November 19, 2010

simply celebrated...

a handmade birthday...
for our littlest Princess #2...

her special outfit created for the big day...

the shirt made by mommy (me)...

the skirt by one of our very favorite shops...

lots and lots of bitty buntings created...

the cake bunting boasting a tiny flag to celebrate each year...
placed atop a homemade birthday cake-
complete with a few "finger swipes" through the icing...
(she didn't think I noticed!)

and bitty buntings topping cupcakes to share with sweet friends at school... 

and of course a *few* little presents too!

just a simple celebration...
filled with lots of love for our littlest Princess!

"It is the accumulation of the little details, the small things, that
cumulatively make a big difference in our life."

Have a wonderful weekend!
Many Blessings!

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Going to the chapel"...and another lovely stop too!

is where these pretty gifts are headed...
to be a part of a very special wedding tomorrow!

this week has been filled with champagne pearls, swarovski crystals,
lovely raw silks and ribbons too!

as each project was completed they were hung to enjoy...
a *sparkly* pretty little assembly line...

8 bridesmaids...

2 junior bridesmaids...

the colors chosen are so pretty!- a bit tropical in feel...
 raw silks flowers created with pearl centers...

a clip attached to the back, so the flowers can be worn in the hair...

but also so they can be attached to each sweet girl's gift...

and 2 little flower girls...
each with their pretty posie headband to wear...

also wrapped to give and headed to the chapel too!

What a fun (busy) week of creating it's been!
Looking forward to tomorrow, it's going to be a magical day!

Two precious lives joining together...
with friends and family surrounding them in love!

and speaking of love...

isn't this the most adorable tray of goodies?!!

You can find it, along with many other delightful things- including
my original "bon-bon necklace" design
in "pocket full of posies" reader Brenda's new shop!
stop by and say "hello"'ll just love all her creations!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Many Blessings!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

and the stockings were hung...

the hustle and bustle slowing...

the excitement building...

precious family soon to arrive...

to join us for this most special celebration...

the birthday of our King!

Wishing you and your loved ones a most joyous Christmas!

Merry, Merry Christmas!
Many Blessings!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh Christmas tree!

Our tree is filled with lots of color...
and some sparkle too!

it shares little messages...

holds some of our favorite things...

ornaments made by the children...

they are the ones I cherish most and look
forward to seeing each year...

it's a very special tree to us-
a bright and happy tree...
our family tree.

and did you spot the painting below?

it's a surprise gift from my dear friend, Becky!
she is so talented! she just recently opened her darling shop...
filled with her beautiful work...

when I opened my gift I just cried- happy tears-
all the details of this painting have such special meaning!
(which Becky knew!!)
see the glitter??

Oh! it's just perfect!...
and it has already made this Christmas one I will never forget!
Thank you (again!) sweet friend...YOU are truly a gift!

Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!

Friday, December 18, 2009

A few more Merry...

Christmas gifts!
all created with lots of love...
each one very simple,
a little something...

wood die cuts from the craft store,
covered with fabric,
glittered edges,
and a velvet ribbon to hang...

a jingle bell dressed in ribbons and tinsel..

one of my favorite simple gifts delivered with
a very special message!

yummy, yummy cookies!
found here,
you must try them!- you'll be glad!

all dolled-up on a Christmas plate with ribbons
and a tiny cookie cutter...
always a welcomed gift!

a perfect gift for all the children's friends-
(and I keep extras on hand "just in case" by the door)
simply a bag filled with peppermints and a happy wish!

a "ruffle" necklace with a posy...
made from fabric scraps and vintage beads...
a fun girlie gift!

and an ever-popular classic...
a monogrammed candle,
(my hostess gifts this year)

my version...
with glitter-of course!
a bow and some "bling"!

"It is often the thought behind a present that is the true gift."

Have a wonderful weekend!
Many Blessings!