Friday, July 10, 2009

We're here!!!

"You can take the girl out of Texas,
but you can never take the Texas out of the girl!"

Yeah!! We are in Texas this week,
enjoying friends & family...
making TEXAS sized memories!

Wish ya'll were here!

Be back soon! (Monday, July 20th)

Have a great week!
Many Blessings!

Bon-Bons for me!!!


while I should have been doing this...

instead the girls and I sat around making Bon-Bons...
necklaces that is...

much more fun than what I was supposed to be doing...
but after some thought,
I realized I WAS doing what I supposed to do...
for in just the "blink of an eye" these precious little ones will be grown-
and I am quite certain the laundry will still be there!

for now though...
I'm choosing Bon-Bons!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love is a six letter word...

( a frame I made to hold a picture of my loves!)

Love is...

( a painted brick by Princess #1)

a six letter word...

( a picture drawn by Princess #1 & #2 hanging in the studio)


Have a lovely day!
Many Blessings!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Give me five!

I decided this lonely little chair needed a pillow...
since I LOVE pillows...
I thought I would try to make one...

I gathered my supplies...
I used a natural colored linen...
a pre-made pillow form- (I chose the bolster) ...
paint...of course!

after I cut the fabric the size I wanted...
longer on the sides because I knew I wanted to tie the ends...
I free-hand painted the number 5...

I then placed the fabric around the pillow form
to determine where to sew the two sides together...
pinned a rough line to sew the seam...
sewed together inside out...

turned the pillow case right side out...
placed the pillow form inside...

tied the ends up with silk ribbons, fabric pieces, and a little "jewelry"...
just to add that special touch...(these are vintage clip-on earrings!)

I just love how it turned out!
I think some sweet family & friends may find these under their trees this year!

and here it is again...
the 5 is so special to me...
it represents my most treasured thing...
my family!

Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!

Friday, July 3, 2009

America the beautiful!...& a winner!

" America,
God shed His grace on thee..."

(from the song America the Beautiful)

This is MY prayer for our country!

and we have a winner!!!

"Simply Sara!"

please email me with your shipping address
and your goodies will be on their way!

Happy 4th of July weekend!
Many Blessings!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

How sweet it is...

I LOVE candy!!!

the colors, packaging, shapes and textures...

it just provides "oodles" of inspiration for me...

I even love to use candy as a subject in my work...

with all my favorite colors...
and of course a little "sugar" coating (a.k.a. glitter!)

and I musn't forget my daily dose of Dark Chocolate M&M's!!
(they just help keep the creative flow going!)

Hope your day is filled with "sweet" inspiration!
Many Blessings!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

With these wings...

At the beach last week,
one of our favorite things to do was collect shells...
we were thrilled when we found these three sets of "angel wings"...
which led to a question posed by me to the children:
"What would you do if you had "real" wings?"

the Prince: "uh.....FLY mom!"
(he IS a teenager ya know!)

Princess #1: "fly to Heaven, as long as I could take my animals and family"
(so her sweet heart!)

Princess#2: "I would be an angel and fly accross the ocean to see what all boats were there"
(very "her"...always looking for new adventures....usually in a "costume" too!)

one of life's greatest *free* gifts!

Hope your day is filled with many joys!