Showing posts with label Rabbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbit. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Bunny watch

I'd like to introduce you to our pet rabbits. We have a grand total of 2 bunnies (1 male, 1 female). One is called Maisy, and the other is called Sparky.

Maisy is over 2 years old now, and we got her when she was very young. We got her a rescued companion, called Jake, but he sadly died last year. We then got Sparky (another rescued rabbit from the RSPCA). We are not exactly sure of his age, but we do know he is a young rabbit. They have very different personalities, yet they get on so well together. Sparky is a friendly, sociable rabbit, who cleans and cares for Maisy. He is quite lazy though. He is mostly white, save a brown stripe down his back, and a lovely brown/ginger patch behind his ears. His shape is more like a stereotypical wild rabbit. Maisy is a larger bunny. She is a very funny creature to watch. She will often does a loopy sprint around the run, for no particular reason, while vaguely chasing Sparky. She is nervous, and she gets spooked by slight movements outside (even if its just me). She is white all over, with floppy ears. They have a large run, and hutch which they spend their time in. They mow our lawn nicely, and fertilize it too! We have become surprisingly attached to these pets, and thought this post might just show it. Below are a few pictures I took.
p.s. I saw the scrawny fox checking out the bunnies, but again, couldn't get a picture (it was too dark).