Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Secretary Of Defense Sarah Palin

Donald Trump today said that he'd love to have Sarah Palin as a part of his administration. No, seriously.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Paging Brian Brown

(Tipped by JMG reader Lynda)

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Brian Brown: We Can Still Undo This

Via press release from NOM:
Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, recently joined Republican presidential candidates and conservative luminaries in addressing the 2,500 activists who attended the FAMiLY LEADER’s Family Leadership Summit, which NOM was proud to co-sponsor. In his interview, Brown discussed the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, and counseled conservatives on what to do next. "We must overturn this decision. This point is a particularly daunting task. In the upcoming election we need to elect a president who will champion the cause for the family, and work to overturn this decision within the next election cycle. Until we overturn Obergefell, we must contain the effects of the decision. There are a number of ways to contain the effects of the ruling, including FADA, a bill that guarantees first amendment rights." Brown ended on an optimistic note, saying never to give up hope; all things are possible with God. He then said that we should be glad that we are to be persecuted—for we have an extraordinary opportunity to stand up for truth.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Harlem Hate Pastor: SCOTUS Is Being Blackmailed By Secret Gay Lovers

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: In the last few months Manning has declared that Starbucks laces their lattes with "sodomite semen" (which can get women pregnant), that former President George H.W. Bush has had "anal sex with 100 men," that all gay Americans will "become cannibals" by next year, that Islamists are justified to execute homosexuals, that Justin Bieber is a transgender man, and that Christian preachers should call gay men "faggots" as often as possible. High-profile anti-gay figures regularly appear on Manning's YouTube show, including Peter LaBarbera.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Franklin Graham: God Will Strike Obama's White House With Lightning For "Arrogantly Flaunting Sinful Behavior"

"A lot has changed in three short years! Just three years ago, the President was on record as holding to the biblical definition of marriage. Now he can't say enough about his support for the LGBT agenda—and right after the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage, he had the gall to disgrace the White House by lighting it up with the gay pride rainbow colors to celebrate. This is arrogantly flaunting sinful behavior in the face of Almighty God. My advice? He might want to have some extra lightning rods installed on the roof of the White House." - Franklin Graham, posting yesterday to Facebook.

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Monday, July 06, 2015

Obergefell Sadz Of The Day

"When I learned the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage I went into what you might call spiritual shock. I almost felt like someone had died. Someone didn't, but something did. True liberty and justice for all. I am grieving right now over the false freedom that was birthed out of a false equality movement. I am mourning because true freedom and true equality have been replaced by a counterfeit crusade that truly sets no one free. I am weeping because America has fallen and many in the church are being caught up in the Great Falling Away. A line in the sand was long ago drawn. Our tyrannical government crossed that line on June 26, 2015. When five Supreme Court justices trampled state rights they knew all too well Christian rights would be trampled along with them. Call it a betrayal of our Constitution. Call it an anti-Christ agenda. Call it an assault on religious freedom. It's all that and more. See, crossing this line in the name of equality was a spiritual assault on every believer who calls on the name of Jesus." - Jennifer LeClaire, writing for Charisma News.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Jennifer LeClaire says that "the silent treatment" is actually an act of witchcraft. Jennifer LeClaire reports that atheists on Twitter are trying to "stir up witches" against her. Jennifer LeClaire says that Satan celebrates every time a gay character appears on television.

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Friday, July 03, 2015

Alan Keyes: The Fourth Of July Is Now A National Day Of Mourning For Christians

"July 4th is the day we are supposed to celebrate the Declaration of Independence. But now, for the first time in the history of the United States, July 4 must be a day of mourning, not of celebration. For Americans of goodwill must commiserate, in the wake of a Supreme Court decision in which an impudent, prejudiced majority struck what they intend to be a death blow against the self-evident truths the Declaration admits and proclaims; and in which even the best of those who should have boldly upheld the Declaration’s standard against the majority, instead cowered in the penumbra of that majority’s abandonment of right and reason, ashamed to admit the power of God’s name, to which the Declaration reverently defers, along with His authority, on which those self-evident truths self-evidently depend." - Alan Keyes, writing for his personal site.

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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Pastor Rick Wiles Renounces American Citizenship Over SCOTUS Marriage Ruling

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Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Marriage Sadz From John Hagee: God Owes An Apology To Sodom & Gomorrah

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Meltdown In Teabagistan

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Franklin Graham Has The Rainbow Sadz

"The President had the White House lit up in rainbow colors to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. This is outrageous—a real slap in the face to the millions of Americans who do not support same-sex marriage and whose voice is being ignored. God is the one who gave the rainbow, and it was associated with His judgment. God sent a flood to wipe out the entire world because mankind had become so wicked and violent. One man, Noah, was found righteous and escaped God’s judgment with his family. The rainbow was a sign to Noah that God would not use the flood again to judge the world. But one day God is going to judge sin—all sin. Only those who are found righteous will be able to escape His judgment. That righteousness comes through faith, believing on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ who took our sins and shed His blood on the cross for each and every one. So, when we see the gay pride rainbow splashed on business advertisements and many people’s Facebook pages, may it remind all of us of God’s judgment to come. Are you ready? Are your sins forgiven?" - Franklin Graham, posting to Facebook.

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Bill O'Reilly Has The Rainbow Sadz

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Monday, June 29, 2015

More Marriage Sadz From Justice Scalia

MSNBC reports:
On Monday morning, the last day of this Supreme Court term, there were no rainbow flags or same-sex marriage protesters left on the marble plaza before the the nation’s highest court. But inside the court room, Scalia wanted to talk about Friday’s 5-4 decision making same-sex marriage legal throughout the United States, despite the fact that there were three other opinions to issue. In an extraordinary reading from the bench in a death penalty case in which he was actually in the majority, Scalia managed to dissent on gay marriage for a second time. “Last Friday, this court took away from the people the right to decide on same-sex marriage on the basis of their own policy preferences,” he said, taking a shot at Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer for suggesting in their written dissent to the case being announced that the death penalty is unconstitutional. It was, in other words, a dissent to a dissent.
The above-linked report notes that oral dissents "considered extraordinary."

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Phyllis Schlafly Has The Sadz

"We have a government of three separate powers and they have their duties, rights and obligations, but nobody assigned to the judicial branch in the Constitution has the right to overturn the law that we’ve had for millennia. It’s just not the kind of country that we live in. A lot of people thought when the Supreme Court handed down its bad decision in Roe v Wade, well the Supreme Court has spoken and that’s it. That settles it. Well, it didn’t settle it. It was just the beginning of a big fight. And eventually that decision’s going to be overturned. But, meanwhile, we’ve cut big holes in it because the American people did not accept the ‘rule of law’ that one human being could belong to another human being. The same thing will happen here." - Phyllis Schlafly, speaking to World Net Daily.

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ted Cruz Has The Sadz

"During the past 50 years, the Court has condemned millions of innocent unborn children to death, banished God from our schools and public squares, extended constitutional protections to prisoners of war on foreign soil, authorized the confiscation of property from one private owner to transfer it to another, and has now required all Americans to purchase a specific product, and to accept the redefinition of an institution ordained by God and long predating the formation of the Court. The time has come, therefore, to recognize that the problem lies not with the lawless rulings of individual lawless justices, but with the lawlessness of the Court itself. The decisions that have deformed our constitutional order and have debased our culture are but symptoms of the disease of liberal judicial activism that has infected our judiciary. A remedy is needed that will restore health to the sick man in our constitutional system." - Sen. Ted Cruz, proposing a constitutional amendment that would subject members of the Supreme Court to a retention election every eight years.

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Texas AG Ken Paxton Has The Sadz

"The truth is that the debate over the issue of marriage has increasingly devolved into personal and economic aggression against people of faith who have sought to live their lives consistent with their sincerely-held religious beliefs about marriage. This ruling will likely only embolden those who seek to punish people who take personal, moral stands based upon their conscience and the teachings of their religion. It is not acceptable that people of faith be exposed to such abuse.  Displays of hate and intolerance against people of faith should be denounced by all people of good will and spark concern among anyone who believes in religious liberty and freedom for all."- Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, via press release.

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Catholic Bishops Have The Sadz

"Regardless of what a narrow majority of the Supreme Court may declare at this moment in history, the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable. Just as Roe v. Wade did not settle the question of abortion over forty years ago, Obergefell v. Hodges does not settle the question of marriage today. Neither decision is rooted in the truth, and as a result, both will eventually fail. Today the Court is wrong again. It is profoundly immoral and unjust for the government to declare that two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage. The unique meaning of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is inscribed in our bodies as male and female. The protection of this meaning is a critical dimension of the 'integral ecology' that Pope Francis has called us to promote. Mandating marriage redefinition across the country is a tragic error that harms the common good and most vulnerable among us, especially children. The law has a duty to support every child’s basic right to be raised, where possible, by his or her married mother and father in a stable home." - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, via press release.

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Linda Harvey Has The Sadz

"This is a tragic day for America. By this unjust and unconstitutional decision, the rule of law in America apparently no longer applies. There is no phrase or word in the 14th Amendment that justifies this illegitimate ruling that will create a monumental, unnecessary division in this country by setting a standard supporting sexual deviance. Parents, it's time to make some hard decisions. Your children will now be told in public schools that there is only one view of sexuality and it is that anything goes. Thirteen year olds can 'date' people of the same sex and go full speed into the homosexual life, and any efforts to prevent them from doing so will be subject to restraint by the full force of law. And so, God help us. The majority on this court has defied the testimony of nature, anatomy, history and Almighty God. Jesus declared marriage to be one man and one woman in Matthew 19. Because of this arrogant and unsustainable decision, America now stands in defiance of God, and we can only pray now for His mercy on our nation." - Hate group leader Linda Harvey, via press release.

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Frothy Mix Has The Sadz

"Today, five unelected justices decided to redefine the foundational unit that binds together our society without public debate or input. Now is the people’s opportunity respond because the future of the institution of marriage is too important to not have a public debate. The Court is one of three co-equal branches of government and, just as they have in cases from Dred Scott to Plessy, the Court has an imperfect track record. The stakes are too high and the issue too important to simply cede the will of the people to five unaccountable justices. But leaders don’t accept bad decisions that they believe harm the country, they have the courage of their convictions and lead the country down the better path. Marriage, the family and our children are too central to a healthy society to not fight for what is best. I realized that fact early on and that is why I lead the charge against some in my own party in 2004 to ensure the Federal Marriage Amendment received a vote and I continue to stand for marriage, for families, for freedom." - Rick Santorum, via press release.

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Breitbart Has The Sadz

"In a crushing defeat for traditionalists, the U.S. Supreme Court has mandated same-sex marriage as a constitutional right from sea to shining sea. In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court has held there is a 14th amendment right for people of the same sex to marry. The U.S. becomes only the second country, after Brazil, that has arrived at same-sex marriage through judicial imposition. The fear now is that the federal government, under urging from the gay community, will work to stamp out any vestige of opposition or even dissent, including eliminating accreditation and tax exempt status for religious schools that do not recognize same-sex marriages. Some religious conservatives have hinted at non-violent resistance and civil disobedience, though what that means remains unclear. One thing is clear from recent history. Though gay activists insist the issue is now settled, a Supreme Court decision rarely truly settles a question; they tend to open up new fields of debate, particularly on such controversial and divisive issues." - Hate group leader Austin Ruse, writing for Breitbart.

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