There is something very methodical about bag making, I am not sure if I like it but I needed a new rucksack style handbag. My Eden Coat is made out of this waterproof fabric so my current handbag keeps sliding off my shoulder which in turn is making my shoulder ache as I assume a 'hunchback-of-Notre-Dame' position to hold it on.
The fabric was expensive so I was keen to use up the leftovers, no surprises there. The pattern is called the Riley Rucksack which was a free pattern with a sewing magazine that someone passed on to me. I plundered all of the notions from my stash apart from the two zips which I bought.
When it was finished I was a bit, meh! thinking I had spent a lot of time making a floppy rucksack. Once it had my usual items in it however, it was much more weighed down.
It is a fab size for all my gubbins including space for a bottle of water.
There are internal pockets for my phone and my notebook. The inside seams are not the neatest because I was losing confidence towards the end that I wouldn't like it so I overlocked the inside with white thread because I couldn't be bothered to change it to green - wish I had now!
The instructions for the straps were confusing, I think I missed putting it all together in the right order somewhere along the line because I made it with a big break between starting it and finishing it. I fell back therefore on my bra making knowledge and made the straps like bra straps! Worked a treat. I don't know where the buckles came from but I hacked the pins off them with a pair of pliers to re-purpose as two sliders.
Ta dah! wasn't sure about it half way through but I sure as hell was not going to have a half made bag in my fabric cupboard.
Glad I finished it because now I love it.
Got anything that needs finishing off?
Jo xxxx