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Showing posts with label my eco-art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my eco-art. Show all posts

weekly challenges

. . . and other creative things!

I squeeze in little bits of creative time whenever I can these days.
It feels so good to 'Zen out' even for just a short time!

I completed my challenges

As well as a Travelling Tangles Swap with Kristi Berg.
This was February's Year of the Dog theme.

I have also sent out my swaps for March and April but I can't share those until my partners receive them!

I tried collage for what felt like the first time.
I'm not sure if I have ever really done this kind of collage before but this is on the cover of my new travel journal.
It's a mixed media sketchbook so when we travel
I pack watercolour pencils so I can add bits of dreamy colour.

I found it really hard to cut into a child's story book
 but the top of each page was water damaged
so this puts the illustrations back into good use!

Have a wonderful weekend!
~ joey ~

joey's weekly tangle challenge #189

Good day!
I am so sorry that the challenge is up late today!  I had a very busy weekend with my son's soccer game, preparing for the art show and turning another year older(!)
The weather here was also gorgeous so I suppose I had other things on my mind, so sorry! 
I saw this odd boat in the bay the other day and found that it was an icebreaker on a cross country tour!?  Only in Canada!
 My family and friends spoiled me rotten on my birthday!  I have come to the age of not wanting more 'stuff' but my family knows what my 'needs' are!  I have enough dark organic chocolate to last me a while!  ha ha!  I will also be replacing my pair of 'get down booties' so I am ready for the chilly days ahead!  They are the best slippers ever!

I continue to use up my stash of supplies for an upcoming Winter Art Show. 
I will share more photos soon!

* * *
So let's get on to the weekly challenge!

We are doing a series of 3D strings so today's string is a cylinder like a tin can.

The tangle I have chosen for you to use is

Who doesn't love this tangle?!

Let's see what you can do with it today!
(sorry that pun was totally unintentional!)
~ joey ~

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my eco art studio

My 'studio' is tucked into a nook in our living room.  It is very organized due to the fact that I have extremely generous people in my life as well as having an awesome Thrift Store in our neighbourhood that often sells crafters' cast offs.
I suppose that my 'style' has always been in line with the saying that 
"one person's trash is another person's treasure".
I believe that I learned this from my parents who over the years have made many treasures from other peoples' cast offs.  (One day I will do a post on the beautiful quilts and children's clothes that my Mom sews for charities!)

I have a love of (gulp . . . ok let's be honest)
an obsession with paper products! 
My drawers and cupboards are currently bursting so last week I decided to use up some supplies by making a big batch of cards.

These are just a few of the designs. 
 During this project I really felt the need to put as much Peace, Love, Joy and Hugs out into the universe that I could.

All of the cards, papers, embellishments and transfers used were from someone elses cast offs!  Love that!

When the package of blank cards were used up but there were still paper scraps, I made tags.
And then with the scraps of the scraps, I made mini mosaic cards. 

Now onto the next pile of paper!
~ joey ~

joey's weekly tangle challenge #182

Note:  more Blogger font size problems, I hope that you can read this post ok!?!

~ * ~
A sneak peak at an Eco-Art project that I have been working on lately.
I love to create new, beautiful things from other people's scraps and cast offs!
"one woman's trash is another woman's treasure"!
~ * ~

Welcome to
Week #5 of the 9 tile challenge!
For those of you that are just joining in,
 you can read about what we are doing here.
The tangle for Tile #1 was African Artist
The tangle for Tile #2 was Merryweather
The tangle for Tile #3 was Cruffle
The tangle for Tile #4 was Breach 

For Tile #5 we are going to use the tangle

I think that adding this tangle will really challenge you!
We are half way through now, looking great!

~ joey ~
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A frest start and joey's weekly tangle challenge #178

 testing the waters - welcome to my new blog!

I know . . . this is a crazy amount of change at one time,
 but I felt it was time to just take the plunge!

As many of you know, Photobucket recently took control of some of my photos that were linked to my blogposts.  I felt that it was ridiculous to pay them $400US/yr to access my own photos, so I decided to start a new blog.

It has a new name and a slightly new format,
 but most of this new blog will be the same as madebyjoey.
 I appreciate your feedback and ideas
to make this blog even better!
There will be bugs to work out along the way,
(the font is acting a bit weird at the moment)
and a new challenge 'logo' to design,
but for now, let's try to get back to business
as best we can shall we? . . .

 ~ * ~

Joey's weekly tangle challenge #178:  
I hope that you find my tangle challenges fresh, stimulating and fun! Use the Link Up at the bottom of the post to share your work.

Note:  the link up never closes, so you can come back and link up to any challenge, at any time.
Click here to see all of my past challenges.

* * *

First I would like to say

WOW the past 6 weeks just flew by!

A HUGE thank you to my 6 guest challengers:

Susan, Trudi, Stephanie, Michele, Susie and Ilse.
I think everyone agrees that you all have great ideas!

I really appreciated the chance to rest my brain,
and to have the opportunity to try other creative pursuits like
Carla Sonheim's Kids Art Week!
{week 1, 2, 3&4}
I have also begun making some
"eco-Art" items for a Winter Art Show in December.

* * *

Today I have a new challenge theme for you that will only last 9 weeks (the alphabet was a long one!)
If that's too much of a commitment for you,
don't worry, the challenges are still fun without doing them all.

Ready?  Here we go . . .
You will need:
9 tiles
(any size or shape except circles . . . or
if you can make circles work, by all means go for it!)

~ Arrange your tiles 3 across by 3 down.
~ Draw a "border" around the entire square of tiles.
~ Now draw a large string inside the border that crosses every tile.

This will give you an idea of what I mean,
but you can draw yours any way you like.

While still in position flip each tile over and
number the top of each tile 1 through 9.

Each week I will give you a tangle that must be incorporated
somewhere into that week's tile.

Tile #1's tangle is

The design is up to you, you may
decide to have your tangles
flow from tile to tile or they may be more individual?
Black & white or colour?
Painted before or after?
Tiles or simply drawn in a sketchbook?
It all works! 

I really look forward to seeing each week's tile
and then how they come together at the end!
Glad to be back, have a great week and remember to subscribe so that you can find the new blog easily.
~ joey ~

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