Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta | Norwegian Salmons

Monday, April 23, 2012

Paprika Restaurant in Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta serves Norwegian Salmon menu during April 2012. This menu combines European and Asian flavour. 

Chef Executive of Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta, Iwan Dody Irawan said that the raw materials imported directly from Norway because they contain nutrients and high levels of health.

Kids Fun Parks - Yogyakarta

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kids Fun Parks is a recreation place that built based on International Standard. Kids Fun Parks that built on 1998 has 2-hectare square and located in Jl. Wonosari Km10, Yogyakarta. There are also has vast parking place that can accommodate 100 cars and bus.

This place is fun for everyone. The game kind likes: Dune Bug, Harley Davidson, Jet Rider, Forklift, Grand Canyon, Gnome Land, Jump Fun, Vespa Ciao, Saint Fe Express, Ferrari Cars, Star Trek, Aqua Splash, Adventure Mini Golf, and Go-kart. There are also another facilities likes:

- Amsterdam Cafe, (serving deutch foods: pancake, poffertjess and waffel)
- Saloon Cafe (serving european foods: sandwich, hotdog, burger, andtoasty)
- Viva Itali cafe (spaghetti and pizza)
- Adventure Cafe (indonesian foods: fried rice, bakwi, gado-gado, martabak etc.)


Villa Hanis Yogyakarta – Original Javanese Villa

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Villa Hanis is an elegant original Javanese wooden house, fully restored and adapted to modern standards. It is located in Jalan Palagan, 15 kilometers from Kaliurang Highland and about 5 kilometers from the center of Yogyakarta. Villa Hanis is located behind Hani’s Restaurant & Bakery, one of Yogyakarta’s most popular restaurants! With 200 m square, Villa Hanis has a great view to Merapi Volcano, one of the most active volcanoes at Indonesia.

This Villa consists of a big main room with a king size bed and a bedroom with a queen size bed. Both rooms have an open bathroom and are air-conditioned. The main room is also equipped with coffee or tea making facilities, minibar, lazy chairs, a desk and a flat screen TV. Villa Hanis also have its own private swimming pool. For the privacy of our guests, the rooms are never rented out separately.

Stay in Villa Hanis is a unique experience, combining a real Javanese environment with all modern desires. It is a perfect retreat for honeymooners, tourists who want something really different or families for a weekend out! The size and the privacy of the estate make your stay really personal and truly memorable.

Rates :
  • Main Room from $95,- per night (nett.).
  • Main Room + Extra Room from $120,- per night (nett.).
  • Extra bed: $18,- per night (nett.)
High Season (July – September, and 15 December - 5 January) & Public Holidays:
  • Main Room from $140,- per night (nett.).
  • Main Room + Extra Room from $180,- per night (nett.).
  • Extra bed from $25,- per night (nett)
Rates include taxes, choice of breakfast, fruit basket and flowers on arrival.

Villa Hanis / Hani’s Restaurant & Bakery

Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km 7.5 (600m north of Hyatt hotel)
Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Tel: 0274 – 867 567
Website :

Yogyakarta Culinary Destination

Monday, September 7, 2009

Finding food in Yogyakarta is not difficult things. There are warungs, eateries and restaurants at every nook and corner of the city. It become a serious one during the Ramadhan (Hari Raya Puasa). All the eating establishments closed for the holidays and just save the MacDonald's and KFC.

With the numerous warungs in the city, it is almost impossible to do a comprehensive review. But dont worry about this. Here we shared some warungs, restaurants or cofe. Expect to pay no more than Rp10,000 for meal with drink. The alternative would be proper eating establishments or the 'upmarket warungs', either serving a specialized menu (local or Western cuisine) or a variety of choices. Rp20,000 should be enough.

For the main 'course', we are talking about the upmarket restaurants and dining places. Compared to other Indonesian cities, Yogyakarta falls behind in the quantity and quality of its upmarket experience but it makes up through its reasonable prices and its dining environment which makes little attempt to be what is not.

Gadjah Wong

Located along Jalan Gejayan, Gadjah Wong is nicely nestled away from the main road as if entering a tranquil environment. One of the most expensive restaurants in the city means that, more often than not, you will probably be one of the few diners. Consisting of three dining atmospheres (Javanese, country music or jazz), it offers at least three excuses to return other than the excellent mains which start from 30, 000 Rp. onwards.


Located along Jalan Kaliurang is Parsley bakery, café and restaurant under one roof. The selection of breads and pastries available at the bakery evokes memories of the neighbourhood bakeries in Singapore. Not a promising start. The cafe area is pretty cozy but with only 2 sofas, it is not exactly the place to hang out for the afternoon. They could do better with other couches. The restaurant serves the usual (local and Western mains) with mains starting from 20,000 Rp onwards which does not reflect the quality of the food served. Having eaten there a couple of times, the service and food is consistently below average. The concept of al fresco dining at night makes little sense when there is poor ventilation (read: no air conditioning) and its location along the busy Jalan Kaliurang defeats the original purpose.

Joglo Resto

Joglo Resto, located along Jalan Colombo and near the main entrance of UNY, is best described as a collection of warung food in a restaurant setting. From bawal bakar to tempe goreng to cream of chicken soup (stay away from that), you name it and they have it. The only difficult part is to comb through the myriad of consolidated menus from various stores and actually choosing what to eat. All you need to do is to write what you want (typical Indonesian style) and that's it. A typical meal should cost around 20, 000 Rp. inclusive of mains and drinks. Bills are settled at the entrance of the restaurant warung style.

Cozy Easy Dining

A chain of restaurants (Jalan Gejayan and Jalan Lasada Adisucipto) with its classy interior, there is a regret of not visiting it much earlier. Prompt service with a wide range of mains with reasonable pricing starting from 15,000 Rp. onwards and the promise of live music on weekends, Cozy Easy Dining really lives up to its name. However, the gig screen seems to distract the overall presentation. No complaints if they screen live football games. Frequently patronized by the younger local crowd, it deserves repeated visits.

Hanis Bakery

Another highly recommended eating establishment located along Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar. Opened by a Belgian who married an Indonesian (at time of writing, the wife is pregnant), this is the closest you can get to the atmosphere of One Rochester without the yippie crowd. Serving both Western and Javanese mains (think Gadjah Wong) starting from 25,000 Rp., the quality is close to you might find it in some fancy restaurants in Singapore. Try to buy some European bread while dining there. A jazz band plays on Fridays and Saturday evenings.

>Sapi Bali

Another restaurant located near the Hyatt along Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Sapi Bali serves one of the better iga bakar (BBQ ribs, I think) in Yogyakarta. The most expensive mains (Iga Bakar) tops at 27,000 Rp which is enough for one very hungry guy. The ribs are nicely barbequed over a nice fire such that the skin is crispy while the inside is tender and soft to the bite. One of my eating companions remarked that given the name of the restaurant and the dominance of Hinduism in Balinese society, iga bakar is one big contradiction but one is not complaining when the food is so delicious.

In terms of hanging out places, Yogya seems to need to pull up its socks.

Via Via Cafe

Located in the Prawirotaman area (associated with the backpackers), this cafe is one of the more stylish cafes / chill out places with its two storey layout. The second floor is well much better than the first especially when the jazz band belts out jazz standards on Fridays from 2000 onwards. Exhibitions by local artists are reqularly held at Via Via which pushes its arty quotient up another notch. Via Via tends to fill up quite fast so reservations are recommended if going in a big group.


Tucked away from the busy street of Jalan Suroto is Kinoki. Located directly opposite the Gramedia building along Jalan General Sudirman, it prides itself as a nice chill out place in the evening with daily movie screenings ranging from Hitchcock to Indonesian indie films. Food is reasonably priced with mains starting from 12,000 Rp. onwards but be prepared to wait for your food. It does sell some nice T - shirts (better than those sold in the distros) and some nice DVDs. A place for the arty farty or just to chill out without having to travel too far out.

Bintang Bar

Featured on Lonely Planet and patronized by its readers, the bar is located along Jalan Sosrowijayan, a stone throw away from the busiest street in Yogyakarta, Jalan Malioboro. Bustling with bules (the local term for foreigners) and Indonesian SPG (Sarong Party Girls), the place is filled with expats and backpackers. Live band plays on Friday evenings starting from 2100 onwards and the atmosphere picks up closer to 2300. Happy hours end at 2000 daily.

(Thanks to for this sharing)



Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ketela(Dried cassava) is food substitution of rice , first this ketele (Dried cassava) is made by staple food because is difficult of him make a living to buy rice. But now ketela (Dried cassava) seldom wear for the substitution of rice, this ketele besides in using as substitution of rice deflect is also made to become cerimping, bread, so on. Society but often exploiting its to be made to become "

"Thiwul" this is food very faforit in Gunungkidul even foreign turist take a fancy to its. this is Ketela(Dried cassava) very easy to got in all area even all provinsi yield ketela(Dried cassava). This Ketela also very easy in planting to be processed to to become substitution of rice. To become substitution of rice many process which must its pare its husk until clean.After paring ketela (Dried cassava)is putting to the sun more or less 2 week. After put to the sun dried cassava or ketela is boxing until smooth.After really smooth ketela is steaming more or less 20 minutes.After 20 dried cassava or minutes,Ketela then become " thiwul" or substitution of this rice.Ketela also deflect to be made " Kripik" by flimsy crosscut ketala form crosscut circle.After hereinafter ketela is entered in frying until your matured.If taking a fancy to just him it of dating to district grill to see the way of making " Thiwul".

Petualangan Kuliner Jamur di Jejamuran

Monday, June 16, 2008

Setelah beberapa hari dipenuhi dengan menu berdaging-daging, kemarin siang saya memutuskan untuk jadi vegetarian. Tapi hanya pada waktu-waktu tertentu saja. Waktu-waktu khusus seperti kemarin.

Sebenarnya bukan waktunya yang sangat khusus yang menyebabkan saya rela menjadi vegetarian sesaat. Tempatnya-lah yang amat mendukung seseorang untuk menjadi vegetarian. Menu-menunya spesial.

Sambil merayakan farawell party kecil-kecilan, saya bersama seorang kawan yang berencana pindah ke luar kota, sengaja mampir di sebuah rumah makan di daerah Beran. Dia berjanji menunjukkan rumah makan patut dicoba di pinggiran daerah Sleman. Tepatnya Niron, Pandowoharjo, Sleman, Jogja. Namanya Jejamuran.

Dari namanya saja, bisa ditebak bahwa rumah makan ini menyajikan menu-menu yang berbahan dasar jamur. Hm... kebetulan sekali, saya termasuk penggemar jamur. Menu yang ditawarkan beraneka ragam. Setelah bingung memilih-milih, akhirnya dengan rakus kami memesan pepes jamur, tongseng jamur, sate jamur, dan jamur goreng tepung. Tak lupa sebungkus keripik jamur. Padahal kami hanya berdua.

Awalnya saya ketakutan tak akan bisa menghabiskan jamur-jamur ini, tapi rupanya rasanya lezat. Benar-benar eman untuk disisakan.

Petualangan jamur-jamur ini kami awali dengan pepes jamur a la Sunda. Tak terlalu gurih, tapi kenyalnya telur cukup terasa. Pas. Pepes ini menggunakan jamur tiram yang bentuknya mirip dengan daging ayam suwir. Jamur goreng tepung, yang juga menggunakan jamur tiram, tak kalah enak. Renyah dan gurih.

Temanku menyarankan sate jamur. Bumbu kacang membuat sate ini beraroma mirip sate ayam. Hanya saja, bila diperhatikan, tak ada rasa ayam. Yang ada hanyalah kenyalnya jamur tiram.

Menu terakhir saya adalah tongseng jamur. Amat cocok dengan suasana sore itu yang mendung dan gerimis. Belum lagi udara yang dingin. Tongseng jamur disajikan hangat-hangat dengan asap masih mengepul. Kuahnya merah dan isinya mirip dengan tongseng biasanya. Namun, di tongseng ini tak dapat ditemukan daging. Yang ada, selain sayur-mayur tongseng, justru jamur-jamur merang. Pedas dan manis.

Selain menu-menu rakus kami, sebenarnya masih ada beberapa menu lain yang kesemuanya menggunakan bahan dasar jamur. Seperti gudeg jamur dan dadar jamur yang menggunakan jamur Shitake. Sebenarnya kami ingin mencoba semua menu itu, tapi perut juga memiliki keterbatasan

Menu-menu yag unik dan menarik. Menu yang bisa membujuk orang untuk mampir dan mencoba. Harganya pun tidak mahal. Untuk satu porsi normal (tidak seperti kami), harganya sedikit bervariasi, sekitar Rp 5.000,- - Rp 10.000,-. Rumah makan ini buka dari jam 7 pagi hingga sekitar jam 6 sore.

Keluar dari Jejamuran, berakhir pula lah hari vegetarian saya. Kenyang!

Geplak ( Yogyakarta's Colourful Dessert )

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Definition of Geplak: Colourful dessert found in Central Java. Each Coloured ball is made of dessicated coconut, colouring and flavoured with palm sugar ( brown ) , durian (yellow ), rose syrup ( pink ) , pandanus leaf ( green ) or just plain ( white ) . A word of warning , each little ball is a sugar time bomb, never give this to anyone with hyperactive disorder!

There's no doubt about it. The Yogyanese have a very sweet tooth. Everything in central Java is sweet, sweet, sweet! From their coffees, to their grilled chicken to their curries. Having said that, life's not complete for the Javanese without this devil of a dessert. Yes, it's as sweet as hell and one sugary coconut bomb is enough to give you a hyperactive high. If you're keen on this dessert, just wander into the throughfare of Jalan Malioboro and pop into their many candy stores. The geplaks sold there are cleaner than the ones sold by the roving vendors. Also to note that this dessert is sold by the kilo for about USD1.30.


Junk food of the week: BAKPIA

Saturday, April 12, 2008

If you go away for a few days, you will likely be bombarded with requests for oleh-oleh (souvenirs) when you get back: from your office-mates, your friends, even, in our case, the woman who runs the shop on the corner where you buy your drinking water. Everyone will pretend they're kidding ... but you'd better bring something back anyway, because you don't want to be known as that person who never gives out any oleh-oleh.

Bakpia is a food that was made from the mung beans mixture with sugar that was wrapped in previous flour be roasted. In several areas in Indonesia, food that was felt sweet if being eaten this was known by the name of pia or the cake pia. The contents bakpia could adapt with the consumer's wish including being brown, cheese, the green fish basket, and the black fish basket. Bakpia that was enough to be known by one of them to come from the Pathok area, Yogyakarta. For who has try it, don't say what delicious it.

These little flaky stuffed pastries called bakpia are a good choice when you go to Yogyakarta because they are

1. food, so you avoid matters of personal style;

2. affordable;

3. strongly associated with Yogya;

4. pretty universally acceptable (as opposed to, say, durian candy); and

5. tasty.

This box confused me at first because it said purple yam on the front, but then listed the flavors on the side as chocolate, mung bean and cheese. The latter turned out to be flavors added to the purple yam, which is why the fillings above have slightly different colors.

Perhaps it's a measure of how long I've been here that yam-and-cheese doesn't strike me as a weird filling for a cookie. It does seem like gilding the lily, because yam is perfectly tasty on its own. Needless to say, that didn't stop me from eating the whole box.



Friday, March 14, 2008

  1. Agung Jl. Letjen Suprapto : - Bakpia
  2. Bakpia Pathuk 450 Jl. Letjen Suprapto : - Bakpia
  3. Bakpia Pathuk 73 Ngampilan NG I/102 : - Bakpia
  4. Bakpia Pathuk 75 Jl. Letjen Suprapto : - Bakpia
  5. Bakpia Pathuk Echo Ngampilan NG I/403 : - Bakpia
  6. Betta Jl. Mataram 43 : - Bakpia, Geplak, Wingko, Yangko, Getuk, Ampyang, Jenang (krasikan)
  7. Bu Muji Jl.Mondorakan 35 B Kotagede (barat Pasar Kotagede) : - Kipo, Banjar, Ukel
  8. Dagadu Djokdja Lower Ground Malioboro Mal dan Jl Pakuningratan 17 Yogyakarta 0274-513115 : Kaos Oblong dan Cinderamata Khas Jogja
  9. Fajar Jl. Mataram 55B : - Bakpia, Geplak, Yangko, Ampyang, Peyek tumpuk, Kripik bayam, Belut goreng, Wader goreng, Kripik Paru, Trasikan, Gadung, Kripik pisang, Kripik tempe, Emping manis/asin, Madu mangsa, Enting-enting jahe, Criping sukun
  10. Kurnia Jl. Glagahsari : - Bakpia
  11. Larisso Jl. Mataram no. 41 : - Bakpia, Yangko, Geplak
  12. Ngudi Roso Jl. Masjid Besar Kotagede (selatan Pasar Kotagede) : - Kipo, Jadah manten, Wajik bakar, Sagon, Legomoro, Gompo, Lemper, Nogosari, Yangko, Waru, Banjar, Ukel
  13. Tape Mataram Baru Jl. Mataram DN I/191 : - Bakpia, Yangko, Geplak, Moci, Prol tape

Dan masih banyak lagi .... tunggu episode berikutnya ..... Read more...


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sweet & chilli cuisine

It's not a big secret to Indonesian people that Yogyakarta people adore sweet foods. The local dish known as gudeg, for example, is distinctively sweet in flavor. Local snacks, such as bakpia dan yangko, are extremely sweet. However, not every local dish is sweet. Krecek—the orengeish fried beef often served with gudeg—is poignantly hot for untrained tongue. Lodeh made by the locals, even though often referred as 'too sweet' by non Jogja, still has a hint of the fiery chilli taste. Its a good idea to ask the food vendor whether the dish is hot or not. For those who are just curious, simply ask them to omit the chilli from the dish and serve it separately. This way you can still taste the original flavour of the dish, but if you can't handle the chilli flavor you can simply not adding the chilli into your meal!

Originally, Yogyakarta dishes are known for its sweetness. However, as more and more people move to Yogya, this small city starts seeing more diversity in flavor. Now you can find many kind of interesting dishes, ranging from sweet, spicy, to fiery, sometimes a fusion from other cuisine such as Chinese or Western.

Local delicacies

The following dishes should be on every traveller's agenda:

  • Gudeg, a curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice, and is the most famous local dish. Goopy slop in various shades of brown, the stuff does not look particularly appetizing, but it can be tasty if done right. There many gudeg restaurants, but the most popular are: Gudeg Wijilan, Gudeg Juminten, Gudeg Bu Tjitro, Gudeg Tugu, Gudeg Bu Amat. If you can wake up early in the morning, you may find small stalls serving Gudeg just at the corner of the street, or close to traditional markets.
  • Ayam Goreng Mbok Berek (Mbok Berek's Fried Chicken). Fried free range chicken with mild garlic and coriander flavor served with crunchy crackers.
  • Nasi Langgi (Langgi Rice). Warm rice served with various side dishes. Can be found in small stall in Gandekan street.
  • Kipo, bite size snacks made of green colored tapioca dough filled with sweetened grated coconut. Can be found in Kotagede.
  • Bakpia, another bite size snack made from sweetened greenbean paste wrapped with thin dough pastry. The most popular bakpia is known as Bakpia Patuk, which not surprisingly, are sold in Patuk street.
  • Jadah Tempe, sandwich of rice cake and sweet beancake. Can be found in Kaliurang.


Yogyakarta is heaven of inexpensive foods, and some tasty and filling dishes can be as low as 25 US cents. However, since there are hundreds, if not thousands hawker stalls offering inexpensive foods, some of them are not delicious. For a start, head to well known food stalls such as:

  • Angkringan Tugu, hawker stall located close to the Tugu Station serving small rice packs (known as sego kucing) and various other foods, 6PM-4AM. The most popular beverages is kopi joss, Javanese espresso dipped with burning coal. Very inexpensive. Rp 1000-Rp 6000.
  • Empek-Empek Kamto, Jl. Beskalan 3 Yogyakarta, Phone: +62 274 514294, opposite to Ramai Shopping Mall's south entrance. Originated from Palembang, deep-fried fish cake and served with sour soy sauce. There are many variety of empek-empek: kapal selam (means submarine) comes with boiled eggs inside, adaaan/bulat has a garlic taste, while lenggang is an empek-empek omelet.
  • Gudeg Tugu, Jl. Diponegoro, close to Kranggan marketplace, 7PM-1AM. Popular Gudeg stall. A complete dish consists of: warm rice, shredded chicken, brown hard-boiled egg, gudeg, areh sauce, and the hot & spicy sambal goreng krecek. Rp 7000-Rp 10.000.
  • Bakmi Kadin, Jl. Bintaran Kulon 3, Yogyakarta. Javanese style soft-fried noodles. Don't miss the popular wedang bajigur, a local beverages made from warm coconut milk with subtle ginger flavor and garnished with diced coconut and kolang-kaling. Local kroncong street quartet often performs in the area. Rp 9000-Rp 15.000.
  • Sate Karang, Lapangan Karang, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. 5PM-10.30PM. Grilled beef satay served with lontongs (rice cake), peanut sauce and thin curry soup. Rp 15.000.
  • Soto Pak Soleh. Tegalrejo, near Diponegoro Museum. This well-known restaurant is Pak Soleh's family business and is now ran by his son. They only serve Yogyakarta-style beef soup as their main menu, which has a spicy taste from the added ginger. Rp 5000.
  • Spesial Sambal. A local chain for those who like spicy, hot food. Their speciality, as the name suggests, is their various kind of sambal (sambal is a kind of hot relish). Rp 5000-Rp 12,000.
  • Waroeng Steak. A local restaurant chain. Their speciality is batter-fried beef steak served with thick gravy. Rp 6000-Rp15,000.


  • Ayam Goreng Suharti, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 208, Yogyakarta. Phone: +62 274 515522. A very popular mbok berek fried chicken restaurant, the recipe still remains a secret.
  • Dixie Easy Dining or simply Dixie, Jl. Gejayan 40b (south Selokan Mataram), Phone: +62 274 560745. Offers various kind western and asian dishes served with distinct modern-asian style. Nice modern-ethnical interior. Rp 8000-Rp 50,000.
  • Gudeg Wijilan Yu Djum, Jl Wijilan 31, Kraton and Jl. Kaliurang km 4.5, Karangasem CT III/22, Yogyakarta 55281, Telp (0274) 515968. A more lavish variety of Gudeg, served with thicker sauce, and more expensive as well.
  • Seafood Bu Tutik, Monumen Jogja Kembali, Northern Ring Road. Offers various kind of seafood dishes.


Yogya is filled with many 'high-end' restaurants serving many kind of dishes, from western to asian to asian-fusion cuisines.

  • Gabah Resto, Jl. Dewi Sartika 11A Sagan, Phone: +62 274 515626. Western dishes. Modern classy decoration.
  • Gajah Wong, Jalan Gejayan, Phone +62 274 588294, [10]. Serves many kind of dishes including French, Italian, Indian, Chinese as well as Indonesian. Divided into 3 zones: Country, Javanese and Colonial, each is lavishly decorated and themed with live music. In the Javanese zone, you can hear the Javanese gamelan music performed throughout the night, while the Colonial zone has a live jazz band.
  • Omah Dhuwur, Kotagede. Western dishes.
  • Sobo Pakulaman, Jl. Sultan Agung 46, Yogyakarta 55111, Phone: +62 274 388855.
  • Rempah, Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar km 8, Yogyakarta (300m north of Hyatt Regency Hotel), Phone/Fax: +62 274 884777



  • Embassy, Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa complex, Jl. Laksda. Adisucipto km 8.7 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55282 (behind Hugo's). Phone: +62 0274 487241. 10PM-3AM. Nightclub franchise from Jakarta.
  • Hugo's, Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa complex, Jl. Laksda. Adisucipto km8.7 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55282. Phone: +62 0274 487241. 10PM-3AM. Stylish yet funky club with wild and friendly servers. Popular among the youths and expatriates. Be sure to watch the 12AM ritual performed by the bartenders and servers. Offers live music and DJ's.
  • The Jetset's (TJ's), Graha Royal, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo 139A, Phone +62 0274 544229. 10PM-3AM. Funky and popular among the youths. Offers DJ's and live Music.


  • Blatz, Jalan Kaliurang. Equipped with free internet via WiFi.
  • Soda Lounge, Jalan Solo. Often hosts talk shows and book discussions.

The Worldwide Gudeg Jogja

Friday, February 8, 2008

Gudeg is one of some special foods from Jogja. It is just like Sate (roasted beef in stick) from Madura and Pempek from Palembang, Gudeg Jogja has been well known in Indonesia, even in other countries. In Jogja, Gudeg has been widespread in almost every area, from the Gudeg center on Wijilan Street to other places.

A lot of cafes or small restaurants serve Gudeg with various tastes, surely the prices follows, especially at Wijilan Street. Besides tasting the Gudeg, we can find many kinds of special traditional handicraft.

Vendors of Gudeg usually attract the customers’ attention by making an attractive packaging named kendhil (a clay-made package). It does not only make the serving become more attractive but also makes the taste become more delicious. We can find the Gudeg Kendhil in almost every place which serves gudeg.

Gudeg is made from unripe jackfruit boiled with special spices and coconut milk (santan). The top and the bottom parts of the pan used to boil the spices and the coconut milk (santan) is covered with unripe Jati leaves. To get a perfect and delicious taste and color of the Gudeg, those ingredients are boiled all night. The Jati leaves are used to get an attractive color. The areh or sauce is made from coconut milk (santan), spices, and turmeric as the artificial color. It is poured on the ready-to-serve Gudeg. The Gudeg itself has a sweet taste.

Gudeg is usually served with warm rice, egg, chicken, ceker, tofu, tempe, chip, fried onion, etc. We can also serve a glass of tea, ice tea, orange juice, fresh water, etc for the beverages. It is not complete if we come to Jogja without tasting Gudeg. Read more...


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Iklim kompetisi yang ketat, ternyata juga mempengaruhi bisnis bakso. Saat ini muncul warung-warung bakso dengan inovasi-inovasi baru. Contohnya warung bakso yang satu ini. Kalau di tempat lain biasanya menggunakan daging sapi (atau babi), tapi di warung bakso ini menawarkan daging ayam. Namanya warung bakso "Kuning Gading". Lokasinya, di sebelah selatan toko buku "Puskat" Kotabaru. Kalau dari arah stadion Kridosono, letaknya setelah gedung Widya Mandala, tetapi sebelum viaduk jembatan Kewek.

Saya pertama kali makan di tempat ini karena diajak Lily Halim setelah melakukan tugas peliputan untuk majalah BAHANA (Soal perbaksoan, Lily Halim memang pakarnya). Selain dagingnya, yang istimewa dari tempat ini adalah porsinya yang sangat besar. Dengan menggunakan mangkok besar, kita disuguhi bakso yang terdiri dari mie kuning, tahu potong, daging ayam, bawang goreng, irisan daun seledri dan tentunya bulatan bakso. Bulatan baksonya pun cukup terasa dagingnya. Kalau kebanyakan bakso lebih banyak tepungnya, tapi kandungan daging dalam bola bakso di sini lumayan banyak. Sehingga terasa sekali tekstur dagingnya.

Untuk ukuran Jogja, tarif di warung ini memang agak mahal. Untuk 2 porsi bakso+2 gelas es teh+krupuk (seribuan)+2 piring nasi+irisan tahu ekstra, kami membayar Rp. 23.500,-

Bakso Rusuk

Warung bakso lain berinovasi dengan menambahkan rusuk sapi. Maka mereka menyebutnya bakso rusuk. Salah satunya adalah bakso rusuk "Samson" yang "enceng-encengan" (berseberangan diagonal) dengan pintu gerbang Akademi Angkatan Udara, Yogyakarta. Jika memesan bakso rusuk spesial, maka Anda akan disuguhi semangkok bakso dengan potongan rusuk sapi seukuran telapangan tangan balita. Tentu saja masih ada daging yang menempel. Selain itu masih ditambahi dengan thethelan (remah-remah daging).

Dagingnya cukup empuk, sehingga tidak dibutuhkan tenaga Samson untuk mengunyahnya. Harga per porsi Rp. 9.000,-

Selain hidangan bakso, yang istimewa di sini adalah es telernya. Menurut saya, rasa kelapa mudanya cukup 'nendhang'. Manisnya pun tidak keterlaluan, sehingga kita tidak justru kehausan setelah meminumnya.

Bakso Luar Negeri

Sementara itu di dekat rumah saya di Klaten, sedang ngentrend warung bakso dengan mengambil nama negara luar negeri. Yang pertama Bakso Arab. Keunikannya pada ukuran baksonya yang sangat besar. Bakso ini diiris pada bagian pada bagian tengahnya, kemudian "dikupas" keluar sehingga menyerupai irisan manisan buah pala. Tujuan pengirisan ini untuk membuat bagian dalam bakso juga telah matang.

Karena ukuran yang "oversize" maka Anda akan kekenyangan jika makan satu porsi saja. Lokasi warung ini di pasar Srago, ringroad selatan, Klaten.

Di dekatnya, sekitar 200 meter, ada warung bakso Jepang. Saya belum tahu mengapa warung bakso ini dinamai warung bakso Jepang. Terus terang saya kecewa dengan hidangan di sini. Tidak ada yang istimewa. Bahkan es campur yang dihidangkan sudah terasa basi. Maka saya berjanji pada isteri saya untuk tidak jajan ke sana lagi.

Ada lagi warung bakso "Nuklir" yang ada di wilayah Bareng, Klaten. Warung bakso ini sering memasang spot iklan di stasiun TV swasta. Tapi saya belum pernah mencoba ke sana.

Isu Daging Tikus

Sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu, bisnis kuliner bakso di Yogyakarta sempat kolaps dihantam isu daging tikus. Entah benar atau tidak, sempat beredar rumor bahwa ada seseorang yang menyaksikan pekerja sebuah warung bakso laris di kota gudeg ini sedang menguliti daging tikus. Sontak beredar kabar bahwa bakso di warung ini menjadi enak karena dicampur dengan daging tikus.

Isu ini sempat membuat penggemar bakso merasa jijik dan ogah menyantap makanan rakyat ini. Tapi waktulah yang membuktikan. Tidak dapat dapat dipungkiri memang ada satu atau dua pedagang bakso yang curang, tapi saya yakin warung bakso yang sudah mapan tidak akan berbuat sebodoh itu, yaitu mempertaruhkan reputasinya demi penghematan yang tidak seberapa.

Saat itu, yang sedang ngetrend adalah bakso urat. Warung bakso urat yang diminati konsumen di antaranya warung bakso "Pak Kumis" dan "Pak Kribo" di sepanjang jalan Gejayan. Sementara di wilayah Selatan, ada warung bakso di dekat lampu merah R.S Bethesda Lempuyangan dan Jl. Sultan Agung.

Bakso Asli

Teman saya yang keturunan Tionghoa mengatakan sebagian besar bakso yang dijual sekarang ini sebenarny sudah tidak asli lagi. Dia beralasan bahwa kata "bak" dalam "bakso" dalam bahasa Mandarin bermakna "babi." Jadi, menurutnya, bakso yang asli sesungguhnya memakai daging babi. Baik untuk kaldu maupun irisan dagingnya.

Namun mengingat sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia adalah muslim, maka resep ini kemudian dimodifikasi dengan memakai daging sapi. Ternyata makanan ini diterima oleh masyarakat luas.

Namun jika keyakinan Anda tidak melarang mengkonsumsi daging babi, maka Anda dapat mencoba resep bakso yang asli. Di Jogja, bakso "asli" ini dijual di dekat klentheng Kranggan (sebelah utara Tugu). Konon bakso ini cukup enak dan laris. Saya sendiri belum pernah mencobanya dan hanya mendapat informasi dari teman.
Saya pernah mendengar informasi bahwa bakso yang dijual di dekat pelataran parkir R.S. Bethesda juga menggunakan daging babi. Tapi saya tidak dapat mengkonfirmasi kebenaran informasi ini.

Saya pernah mencicipinya. Menurut saya, hidangannya tidak terlalu istimewa. Rasa vetsinnya sangat nendhang sehingga mulut berliur terus sesudah makan. Tempatnya juga sempit dan panas.

Bakso Pahe

Jika dompet sedang lengket, maka biasanya saya jajan bakso keliling yang biasa jualan di depan kos saya. Harganya lumayan murah, tapi bisa untuk mengobati ketagihan saya pada bakso. Hanya dengan dua ribu perak saja, Anda bisa mendapat semangkok bakso lengkap. Bahkan masih ditambahi potongan daging! Kalau tidak percaya, datang saja ke kampung Bangunrejo. Tugu Jogja ke arah barat. Masuknya dari gang di sebelah toko Takrib (depan pasar Pingit). Biasanya dia mangkal di depan rumah Triyoko/Sasongko.


Kalau bicara soal kelengkapan, bakso di tempat kelahiran saya, Gunungkidul, lebih komplit. Dalam semangkok bakso ada bulatan bakso rebus, bola bakso goreng, irisan tahu goreng, mie putih, mie kuning, potongan daging, bawang goreng dan irisan seledri. Sedangkan bakso-bakso di tempat lain, kadang menghilangkan salah satu unsurnya.

Warung bakso di Wonosari yang terkenal adalah di jl. Sumarwi (depan garasi Jangkar), bakso Taman Bunga, bakso Muncul (depan eks SMEAN) dan di desa Kelor, kecamatan Karangmojo.

Bicara soal bakso, saya teringat desa tetangga yang sebagia besar warganya berprofesi sebagai penjual bakso. Desa itu bernama desa Bejiharjo, atau lebih tepatnya dusun Grogol. Karena lahan pertanian di tempat itu tandus, maka sebagian besar pemuda di desa itu merantau ke kota besar. Uniknya, sebagian besar penduduknya berjualan bakso. Jika Anda berlangganan tukang bakso keliling, sekali-sekalu coba tanya asalnya. Siapa tahu dia berasal dari dusun Grogol.

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