Showing posts with label Conferences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conferences. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Absorbed into the social networking Borg

At ScienceOnline2010 I discovered that, however well wired I may look in some contexts--say, among my older relatives--I am a Luddite among science bloggers. I took notes on paper. Everyone tweeted, except me. I live on the Internet. I'm practically a senior citizen among bloggers. I even took a tentative dip into Facebook last fall. But, I don't do mobile very well. I don't carry a cell phone unless I have a special need for one at that minute. Even when I do carry one, I usually have it turned off. I don't know how to text on the phone we have. With my eyesight and lack of manual dexterity, I'm not sure I could text even if I did know how. I'm giving in on the next step into the connected world, I just signed up for Twitter. I'm archymck. Like Facebook, I'm not quite sure how to integrate this into my life in a useful way (and not as another gigantic time suck). Tips, tricks, and followers are welcome.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Second Science Blogging Conference

I just received the schedule for the Second Science Blogging Conference to be held in Durham, NC on January 19, 2008. It looks like I'll be co-chairing a session with Martin Rundkvist of Aardvarchaeology. Our session is called "Blogging about the Social Sciences and Humanities." I'm looking forward to the conference and meeting other bloggers and blog readers. It will also be my first trip east of the Mississippi, so I hope to see a little of the country, too. I'll post more information as it emerges.