Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Feria. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Feria. Mostrar todas las entradas

7 jun 2008

Here's an interview with me in the Opinión de Tenerife. If you can't read Spanish you can look at the pictures of me, I guess.

3 jun 2008


*Luis Feria. Dinde. 1983. 2001. 146 pp.

Another book by the Tenerife poet Luis Feria. Poems in prose or brief poetic sketches of childhood.

1 jun 2008


*Luis Feria. Calendas. 1981. 12 pp.

A poetic calendar from January to December, with a short poem for every month. I am fortunate to have a first edition of this work.

Enero / January

No insistas más, zampoña, que no acierto / Don't insist any longer, pan-pipes, I have no way
a preferir tu esquirla de agua clara / of preferring your splinter of clear water
al son del viento y a su turba oscura / to the sound of the wind and its dark host
que me saca a la vida: sal, Luis Feria. / that takes me out into life: come out, Luis Feria.

14 abr 2008


Luis Feria. Cuchillo casi flor. 1989. 87 pp.

One of Feria's best books. Look at the power of this poem:

Guitarra, insurrección, origen de la fiebre,
odre donde los vinos se amotinan,
flagela a los inertes, asalta los reductos.
Timón del viento, arenga a la tormenta,
incrusta tu metralla donde falta la sangre.

[Guigar, revolt, origin of fever / udder where wines mutiny, /whip the inert ones, assault the refuges. / The wind's rudder, harangue the storm, / embed your shrapnel there where blood is absent.]

12 abr 2008


Luis Feria. Más que el mar. 1986.

A book of poetry prose, evoking childhood memories.

Snow is a flower with that smells without love, a cradle without a child. Childhood is an excuse for singing (un pretexto para el canto.) We saw something burning and it wasn't fire (the lemon trees).

A poem about a boy with bad handwriting:

"How could you have handwriting? We had faces, we had feet, ear, hands, but handwritring... "

11 abr 2008


Luis Feria. Arras. 1996.

These are short aphoristic poems by the Canary island poet Luis Feria.

Ah, la hermosura, toda.
Tacto insaciable, aun así no es bastante.

"arras" is a word that means valuable objects used as collateral or tokens in an exchange:

(Del lat. arrhae o arrhăbo, y estos del gr. ἀρραβών).
1. f. pl. Cosa que se da como prenda o señal en algún contrato o concierto.
2. f. pl. Conjunto de las trece monedas que, al celebrarse el matrimonio religioso, sirven como símbolo de entrega, pasando de las manos del desposado a las de la desposada y viceversa.
3. f. pl. Der. Entrega de una parte del precio o depósito de una cantidad con la que se garantiza el cumplimiento de una obligación.