Quite a rare ceremony at George Washington University today -- the Inauguration of our new President, Steven Knapp. (No, no, not Stephen Knapp, expert on "Spirituality, Vedic Culture, and Eastern Philosophy," Steven Knapp, expert on 18th- and 19th-century English literature and literary theory and former Provost of Johns Hopkins University). Dr. Knapp is our first new President in 19 years and only the 16th in the history of the University.
There was pomp and circumstance aplenty in the ceremony, as faculty and administrators looked splendid in full academic regalia -- all except our immediate past president, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg who displayed his appreciation for the event by wearing a baseball cap with his academic robes. It was, to be sure, a GW baseball cap, but still, one was reminded of the unfortunate parka and ski cap that Vice President Cheney wore to a ceremony celebrating the liberation of Auschwitz. It showed a lack of respect for the importance of the event. A pity our President Emeritus couldn't have dressed properly.
Still, everyone else did a great job and it was a pleasure to hear Dr. Knapp's scholarly address. Good luck, President Knapp.