Showing posts with label cartoon characters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartoon characters. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

But what about Benghazi? Favorite political cartoons.

Donald J. Trump has been the gift that keeps on giving to editorial cartoonists (and late night talk show hosts). Though I'm pretty sure all of them would agree they would prefer to have a president whose every utterance didn't send them careening to the drawing board.

In fact, there have been so many terrific editorial cartoons skewering Trump and the GOP the last two years that if I embedded all of them, you'd be reading this post for days. Actually, you would probably stop reading it after a few seconds.

For that reason, I've narrowed my list down to five. There are probably funnier or cleverer ones (feel free to link to them in the comments), but these five, some of which came out before Trump took office, resonated with me so much that I decided to save them for future use.

[Click on each cartoon to enlarge it. Then click your back button.]

Enjoy--or try not to weep.

Friday, July 14, 2017

If the Trump family/administration was a 1960s sitcom...

If you were to compare the Trumps or the Trump administration to a 1960s sitcom or cartoon, which sitcom or cartoon characters would they be?

F Troop?

The Beverly Hillbillies?

Hogan's Heroes*?

The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show?

The Flintstones?

Leave your answer in the Comments section.

*And I'm not talking about the POWs.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Donald Trump's good friend, Gazoo -- I mean "Jim"

What Trump really said at the CPAC conference on Friday.

TRUMP: "I have a friend, Gazoo — I mean Jim. He's a really, really great guy. Actually, he's an alien from the planet Zetox. But he's a great little guy.

"He loves Bedrock, I mean Paris. For years he would go to Bedrock — Paris. It was automatic with him. I hadn't seen him in a while, and I said, "Gazoo -- I mean Jim, how's Bedrock — Paris — doing? And Gazoo— Jim — says to me, 'Bedrock — I mean Paris? I don't go there anymore. Bedrock is no longer Bedrock — Paris — anymore.'

"That was four years — four, five years, hasn't gone there," Trump added. "He wouldn't miss it for anything. Now he doesn't even think in terms of going there. Sad."

And the moral of this story? No, it's not that "Paris" isn't safe anymore. It's that you shouldn't trust a guy with imaginary friends who only he can see and hear. (Though Trump having Gazoo as his "friend" would explain a lot.)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Donald J. Trump, Looney Tune?

There is a classic Bugs Bunny episode from 1955 titled "Hare Brush" where Elmer J. Fudd (millionaire and Bugs Bunny protagonist and archenemy) suffers from serious mental illness. Alarmed, the board of directors of the Elmer J. Fudd Corporation  -- a group of conservative white men -- consider Fudd a threat to the organization and have him committed (to the Fruitcake Sanitarium, which is "full of nuts").

Fast forward a bit and we see that Elmer has convinced Bugs Bunny to trade places with him in the sanitarium -- and the psychiatrist trying to convince Bugs Bunny that he is Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire businessman, by having him repeatedly state "I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht." Which does the trick.

(Apparently if you emphatically state you are a millionaire with a mansion and a yacht enough times, you will believe it, even if it's not so.)

Elmer J. Fudd remind you of any other delusional millionaire* you know of?

No? Try substituting "Donald J. Trump" for "Elmer J. Fudd."

Even their signature buildings bare a striking resemblance!

Also, like Donald J. Trump, Elmer J. Fudd was obsessed with offing his opponent.

Today, however, instead of getting put in a sanitarium for his crazy behavior, our cartoon millionaire stands to get put in the White House. Now that's cwazy.

UPDATED 1/26: In his first major TV interview, with ABC's David Muir, which aired last night, Trump, who became our 45th president on January 20th, went full-on Looney Tune, spouting crazy, paranoid nonsense. Like Elmer J. Fudd, Donald J. Trump is a man obsessed -- and believes the press is Bugs Bunny.

*Until Trump produces his tax returns, I refuse to refer to him as a billionaire.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Smarter than the average bear?

Hey, Boo-Boo, check out this video of a black bear scratching its back against a tree and then swiping a (I presume jelly) doughnut from a pic-a-nic basket bear trap at Jellystone Tuscarora State Park in Pennsylvania.

(What, they couldn't find a picnic basket?)


I wonder what Ranger Smith would think...

[Anyone else think that "bear" was actually a guy in a bear suit, at least when he was scratching his back?]

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is Karl Rove Actually the Great Gazoo?

As the Bush Administration winds down to a close (only 35 more days!), and we re-hash or review all that went wrong during the last eight years, I am suddenly reminded of the Great Gazoo, the little green alien (and self-admitted "kook") from The Flintstones, who invented the Doomsday Button, for which he was banished from Zatox, crash-landed on Earth, found by Fred and Barney, and "hired" to serve them -- though he actually winds up just getting them in trouble (typically lots of trouble) and ultimately serving himself. (Just like Karl Rove!)

As Gazoo (voiced by the late, great Harvey Korman) warns Fred in this clip, "Take heed: Don't ask for more than you can handle. You may get it."

While the introduction of Gazoo seemed like a good thing at the time, it ultimately was the beginning of the end for The Flintstones series as it was canceled the very season Gazoo began appearing. (No such luck for us re Rove and Bush.) Yet I still think there are some analogies to be drawn.

I mean, just look at this drawing and the photo above and tell me Karl Rove does not look like the Great Gazoo, or that Fred and Barney do not resemble Bush and Cheney. I rest my case.

And while we never learned the final fate of Gazoo, at least on the show, I heard a rumor that he is now serving new masters over at Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

As for the fate of the incoming President, I just hope that Rahm Emanuel (or some other senior adviser) does not turn out to be Barack "Superman" Obama's Mr. Mxyzptlk.