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A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.
Showing posts with label Wedding Card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding Card. Show all posts

Monday, 18 May 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your week has got off to a good start.

We have been promised some lovely weather for the next few days so I am looking forward to that.

Today I used an image that hasn't been tickled with my pens for quite a while .. .. in readiness for when those "happy couples" are once again allowed to get married.

This used:

Image:  LOTV Digital Image "Wedding Couple"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Backing Papers:  First Edition Paper "Bella Rose"
Diamond Stickles
My Trusty Sewing Machine

One of my current "happy couples" should have been married  last weekend.  I was thinking about them lots.  I bet they spent the whole day saying "we should be doing such and such now".  Bless them.  But their special day will come around again .. .. next year .. .. when hopefully things will have settled down.

So that is me for today.  

Hopefully I will catch you again tomorrow.

Saturday, 30 June 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Saturday!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend .. .. full of sunshine!

My day has been full of wedding work .. .. so to round it off nicely I had a quick play and created this:

This used another of the lovely new June images from Digistamp Boutique (you can also get Cute Mrs & Mrs and Cute Mr & Mr .. .. and they definitely are cute):

Image & Mr & Mrs Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique "Cute Mr & Mrs"
Swirly Congratulations Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique Quick Print Plus Sentiment Set "Congrats"
Backing Paper:  First Edition Paper "Sweet Nothings"
First Edition Dies:  Nesting Doily
Glossy Accents
Crystal Glamour Dust
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Dimension Pads

and that is me .. .. flying by the seat of my pants because we are meeting friends at 7.30pm and I still need to make myself look presentable.

Catch you soon .. .. have a lovely evening!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015


Hi Everyone

I hope your weather has been as beautiful as it has been here today .. .. glorious sunshine for most of the day!

Many thanks for all your lovely comments and the sewing machine memories you shared in response to my blog post of yesterday.  My Mum's machine was used for sewing bits of chamois leather together to make full sized leathers.  She did this as outwork to bring a few more pennies into the house.  I can still smell the bits of leather now (and have to admit to always sniffing chamois leathers if I see them on sale anywhere).  

I did own a similar sewing machine back in the 70's when we were first married and I can remember spending many a happy hour turning the handle to make .. ..  .. .. wait for it .. .. .. Crimplene dresses!!!  LOL!!  But I foolishly traded it in to get a discount when Mr Heart bought me the "trusty sewing machine" I use now.  

No chance to clean up my new machine yet as I am still catching up from being away, but I am sure it won't be long as my hands are itching for a play with it.

But for now .. .. as promised .. .. here are a few of the wedding cards I made for various folk to give to my Niece who got married on Monday:

This is the one Mr Heart and I sent:

This was made for my youngest Son to give:

Then this was for my lovely Sis to give to her beautiful daughter.
It looked really nice nestled inside a vellum lined box.

I won't list what each one used as I will be here all day, but if there is anything you want to know more about then you know you only have to ask.

There are no prizes for guessing that the wedding was all themed around yellow and buttons!!

No rose petals scattered up the aisle for my Niece .. .. but die cut buttons cut from tissue paper along with the odd heart here and there.  Super cute and all loving cut by her Sister!  I bet she has RSI now!!

So that is me for today.

Time for favour box duties for me now.

Catch you soon.


Thursday, 8 August 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

I hope the weather is suiting everyone and you are having a good week.  After me moaning about the rain the other day we seem to have had some lovely sunshine filled days .. .. without it being too hot!

My week seems to have disappeared again in the blink of an eye!  I can't believe it is Friday again tomorrow!!

I met up with a lovely new bride and her Mum yesterday .. .. and if all goes ahead I will have a Valentine's Day wedding to add to my list!! How romantic will that be?  I guess that means in the years to come her husband will have to remember to buy two cards for the same day.  An anniversary card "and" a valentine card!!  But he might save a bit of money on the "romantic meal" front as they will be able to celebrate both at the same time won't they. LOL!!

Before I share today's creation with you I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments on my previous post about my Son's music.  I am so happy some of you were able to listen .. .. and yes, I am proud of him.  But then again I am proud of my whole family, (I don't want any of them thinking I have a favourite!!  They are all super special and make my life complete!!).

My Son enjoyed reading your comments too and he was well chuffed that one young lady was going to put it on her iPod for listening to in the car!

Anyway, round to my share for today, which is for entering into the Sketch Saturday Challenge for this week:

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  The Greeting Farm "Cake Topper"
Backing Papers:  Pink Petticoat "Tiniest Pretty Little Hearts" and "Pinstripes"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Spellbinder Nestabilities:  Hearts
ProMarkers and Chalk
Crystal Stickles
Ribbon, cord and eyelet from my stash box

and here is the lovely sketch I followed .. .. in case you fancy playing along.

Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll hopefully see you again soon.


Monday, 22 April 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Monday!!!

I love the start of a new week .. .. it makes me feel like I have oodles of time to fit everything in I want to do .. .. but somehow the week just disappears in a puff of smoke.  Yes, I will have got lots done .. .. but never enough!!  I am never satisfied.

Even if by some miracle I was ever able to clear my very long do list I would be able to click to my "one day I want to try" list.   I will never be short of something to do!!!

I must be so annoying to live with .. .. but that is just tough .. .. I have my good points too (if you look deep enough)!!!!  LOL!!!

Anyway, today's share is for the Sketch N Stash Challenge where they have provided a lovely sketch for us to follow with the option of doing some distressing too.  They also want you to mention what "new" or "neglected" stash you have used on your creation.

Well I can give examples for both.  The backing papers were new at the weekend (because there was a 34% off sale on at Nitwits and it would be rude not to take advantage) and my neglected piece of stash is my Tim Holtz distressing tool.  Though it is only neglected because I always struggle to find it.  So today I have given it its own special place in the craft pod in the hope I can find it straight away next time I decide to play with it.

So here is my make:

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  LOTV
Backing Papers:  Nitwits "With This Ring Too"  (whilst linking I noticed the sale is still on at the mo)
My Trust Sewing Machine
ProMarkers and Chalk
Adirondack Lights:  Pink Sherbet
Diamond Stickles
Glamour Dust
Ribbon, flower and pearls from my stash box

and if you fancy playing along here is the sketch I followed

Enjoy your Monday everyone.  Time for me to settle into making more wedding samples for interested "happy couples" and then a batch of favour boxes.

Catch you again soon


Monday, 18 March 2013


Hi Everyone

Stranger in blogland here!!

Well the wedding season is well and truly upon us .. .. and as well as making wedding stationery I also need to get some actual wedding cards made .. .. so here is one I made today

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "Wedding Doodles"
Backing Papers:  Digistamp Boutique "Ditsy Rose Papers" (loving the scrummy little roses)
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Glamour Dust
Ribbon, Cord and Charm from my stash box

I have spoilt you a little with the hearts today .. .. just in-case you have been having any withdrawal symptoms.  LOL!!!

I am also entering my card into the Digistamp Boutique Challenge for March.

So at last a share from me .. .. but now back to tying ribbons on wedding stationery!!  Hopefully they will all be tied in time for watching Broadchurch later.  I am really enjoying that programme.

Have a lovely evening everyone.


Saturday, 23 June 2012


Hi Everyone

Rushing through tonight as we have friends coming this evening .. .. and as usual I am nowhere near ready .. .. eeekkk!!!

All I can say is thank goodness I'm not supposed to be cooking a meal or else we would all starve!!

So here is the last in my theme of the week which has been Weddings and Anniversaries.  This one would do for either I suppose really.  

This used:

Image:  Stampendous "XXH005" Glasgow Cheers
Nestabilities:  Classic Circle and Scalloped Circle
Scor-Pal for making the background card
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Glamour Dust
Everything else from the Stash Box

We nipped into the market this morning and I just couldn't resist buying a little of the gorgeous floral ribbon I have used here.  Love the colours.

So that is my theme for this week is over.  I am quite enjoying having themes .. .. and will have a ponder as to what the coming week can be .. .. unless you have any suggestions.

I'll be back tomorrow with my snippet make .. .. but for now I think I had better pull my finger out and get ready for our visitors.

Thank you to those of you who let me know the name of the stamp I used yesterday.  I will have to write it on the wooden block ready for the next time I use it.

Have a good evening everyone.


Thursday, 21 June 2012


Hi Everyone

Well my internet seems to be behaving so I am going to post now .. .. just in case it goes AWOL again!!! LOL!!

Today's share is the third in my wedding and anniversary theme and is a wedding card.

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat "Happily Ever After" .. .. (not sure if this is still available)
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat "Perfect Papers"
Nestabilities:  Grand Rectangles
Glamour Dust
Ribbon, Button, Pearls and Gems from the Stash Box

The ribbon I used is some of that magic ribbon that has a thread running through it so that it can be pulled and gathered up to make a sort of ribbon flower.  I am hoping to find some that is super thin as I think it looks really lovely .. .. ..  and a super fine version of it would be brilliant.

I have been listening to the radio whilst working and have been hearing of another proposed re-vamp of the education/examination system.  I do feel sorry for teachers .. .. I am sure they don't know whether they are coming or going half of the time from a procedural point of view .. .. let alone having to deal with kids too!!! 

But after an experience I had earlier this week I am sure things are going wrong somewhere.  

I bought goods that totalled £4.50 and gave the assistant £10.50 to pay for them as I wanted a £1 coin in my change.

The assistant gave me my change .. .. .. £6.50 !!

I offered the extra 50p back saying "I think this is yours".

The assistant replied with a confused look on her face "Is it? Yes, I think it is isn't it?  I'm not sure.  Don't worry your receipt will be printed off in a minute and that will tell us".

Excuse me but I didn't need a till receipt to tell me .. .. my peanut sized brain had managed to work it out already .. .. all on its own! LOL!!

Did I get a "thank you" once the assistant had decided it wasn't mine .. .. .. .. nah!!!!

OK .. . .back to work for me.  Invitation inserts next.

Have a great rest of Thursday.


Thursday, 14 June 2012


Hi Everyone

Hope you have had a good day .. .. mine has gone far too quickly today and I am not as chuffed with my production as I was yesterday.

Lots I want to get off my list before the weekend so tomorrow had better be exceptional that's all I can say!!

Tonight's share is a simple little wedding card .. .. love this Happy Couple!  They are probably my favourite wedding couple.

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  LOTV
Backing Papers:  DCWV "Wedding Prints" Paper Stack
Martha Stewart Punch:  Valentine Lace
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Diamond Stickles
Gems and Ribbon from the Stash Box

and that is me for today.

I hope you all have a good evening.

I will be on bow tying duty  -   and lots of them!!


Saturday, 17 March 2012


Hi Everyone

A quicker than quick share today after a busy, busy, busy day!!

Just about to head out and if I am any later I will be in bad books .. .. so here we go:

This used:

Image:  Teddy Bo
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat
Martha Stewart Punch:  Traditional Scallop
Leone Em Pty Punch:  Ash Branch
My Trust Sewing Machine

Flowers and ribbon from the Stash Box

That is me then .. .. off I go .. ..

See you tomorrow


Friday, 12 August 2011


Hi Everyone

Another dull and miserable day here today .. .. but only dull and miserable weatherwise .. .. not in my craft pod!!!  That is always an exciting and happy place!!

I have a very busy weekend ahead of me .. .. brides to see and my lovely Sis and her chappie are coming for a "sleepover" .. .. so I need to get myself organised.

So in an attempt to get somewhere with this masterplan I thought I would post nice and early (for me) and get ahead of the game.

What better way of getting in the wedding spirit (not that it takes soppy me any effort at all) than making a wedding card .. ..

Prepare for photo overload!!!!!!!!!

This used:

For the card:
Image:  Lili of the Valley (one of my favourites from them)
Sentiment:  Lili of the Valley
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat
Woodware Punch:  Inverted corner
Adirondack Ink Pad:  Pink Sherbet

Glamour Dust
Diamond Stickles
Ribbons, cord, flowers, charm and pearls from the Stash Box

For the Box:
Self Assembly Box
Anita's Sentiment Stamp
Silver Embossing Powder
Go Kreate Die:  Frilly Square #3
Heart Vellum for the fold over wrap
Diamond Stickles
Flowers and pearls

So that is me for today.

Off to go and get some of that organising done .. .. plus I also need to pop and see Mum.

Have a lovely rest of Friday everyone and a good weekend.

By the way .. .. .. did you manage to find the heart today?  LOL!!!
