
Sometimes, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

And then sometimes life is like an angry chimp at the zoo with a gut full of beans and a score to settle. You never know what you're gonna get, but it's gonna be shit. And for the past five months or so that fucker has been flinging poo at me. Sometimes I've been down, sometimes up. Not to mention furious, desperate, broken and overwhelmed. Funny thing is throughout it all I've been able to keep in touch with the simple fact that despite it all, I am blessed. I live a very good life and 90% of the time I am a very happy person.
Yeah, my brother is still struggling and will probably be evicted at the end of this month. My grandmother not only lost her foot but her entire leg up to the knee. I can't get my mother and sister to think (or plan) past their next paycheck much less down the road into their future and I still miss Bubby like crazy. But even as these things play up, down and out I'm okay. This is life after all and it can't always be sunshine and rainbows despite what the pharmaceutical companies would have you believe. Yeah, I could get a pill for what ails me but pain and sadness and worry and stress are all part and parcel with joy, happiness and contentment. If you don't feel sadness how can you know joy? Sure I often shake my fist at the sky and mutter "fucking Universe!" but I also look at Jeff and think "Wow, I hit the cosmic lottery." So yeah, I'm okay...I'm happy and to top it off I staged a brilliant coup at work this week. Wednesday was to be my last day but late Tuesday I found out my project manager was freaking out because the company had nobody lined up to take over my work (what little of it there is). The folks in systems had no contact point for site updates and the guy I thought was going to take over my tasks apparently flatly refused to have anything to do with it. So I did what any kind-hearted and responsible person would do. I took full advantage of the situation. I offered them two days a week in-office for twice my current rate. And they took it.

Yeah, life is good. Especially when the monkey runs out of shit.

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