My Entries Me You Misc

Monday, January 28, 2008
Image hosted by Reverse, rejoice!

Plugs: Ate Lhyz , Ate Kitty, MyLot

Wow! I can't believe I posted thrice today! It's the first time that's ever happened to this lil old blog of mine! I guess it's because of this sudden pay-per-post thing! So far I've joined Smorty and Blogsvertise. I have 3 pending posts to Smorty ($24 in total) and my blog's still pending on Blogsvertise. I can't wait to get my very first cash earned online! Yey! hehe. Pls do click on mylot too and join the discussions! It's really fun! hehe

It's the fourth quarter and I just realized that I have to study to the nth power just to get to the top five of my batch. I don't want to fail my parents nor myself. I have to do everything I can to be able to succeed though so brain cells, get ready to fight!

I have my very own private blog now! Ate Val is so generous in giving away 50 subdomains and I'm one of the lucky few! I just have to edit it a bit and will tell you guys when it's up. I wanna thank Ate Lhyz sooo much for setting up my wordpress blog! I didn't know how to operate it and she gave me a helping hand! *hugz* Thanks po mga ates!!! =)

Wow, now I know the feeling of Hercules when turned from a zero to a hero. Yesterday was finally the competition of the our Lang Song (chinese group declamation contest), the one we've been practicing since.. September or October I think. Wow, how many shouting and memorizing that took and we suffered from the verbal attacks of the head teacher complaining that we didn't have enough emotions (even though I was draining all my emotions already, I tell ya I was spent with every practice) and that we didn't have "yui tsi" (i'm sorry I don't know the english translation of this) I felt so infuriated that our efforts weren't seen but it all paid off when we got the 2nd prize! YAHOO! I must say we did well even though we looked like some waitresses at a Chinese resto~! Lolz! We looked so weird but it was worth it! Now I wish our chinese teachers continue the exemption since we brought home 10kphp! Yahoo! Here's our pic! More pics on my multiply!

Me and Chair! Naku, mga waitresses nga diba?

2nd Place!! So HAPPY! hehe

Share ko lang bagong haircut ko! Na hindi naman mukhang bago... naku mukha akong bangag! Small eyes!!

Man I'm so tired these past few weeks doing computer project ( I dedicate at least 4 hours every sunday on it), filipino project, then staying for passion play. My teacher also added me on the economics team for the quiz bee this coming Feb. January 30 marks our written exam! Hope we'll be able to qualify! =)

Study study study, life's not always about studying right? Konting tiis nalang...

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stolen @ 12:06 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Image hosted by Blogging in Comfort

Plugs: Ate Val, Ate Jays, Nyurnie, Mommy Rose, Ate Noreen, Ate Lhyz

Finally, I can blog easily again! One of my lame reasons not to blog is because of the tasking job of logging in to blogger, and then you have to click a lot of links. But now, thanks to Ate Val's suggestion of Deepest Sender (well i wasn't able to use it because there were too many bugs and when I tried to fix it, I thought that I totally crashed my mozilla firefox! Almost panicked! haha), I have now found another Mozilla addon that works perfectly fine and that is ScribeFire (Love ya!!) Now I can blog more conveniently.

Man, I'll be graduating in 2 months. In just 2 months, I'll be saying Sayonara to St. Jude Catholic School and I can't help being relieved. I feel so suffocated there, I just don't know why. It's as if they always keep on trying to fit in more water in a glass of water but it's already overflowing! That's the feeling you get in SJ. Now don't think I'm not grateful to SJ. SJ has been my 2nd home. I've spent more time there than anywhere else on the earth. Just ask my dad who complains that I practically live there. So I hope that you can also relate with me when I say I wanna do something drastic at graduation, like have a pi tzi bonfire or something. It'll be soo cool! hehe

I don't have the energy to FORCE myself to study anymore. I think I'll just go on my own pace, must enjoy the last few weeks at SJ. Prom's coming up this Feb 16 at Edsa Shang. I'm not as excited as last year (This is my 3rd prom btw, heehe) but I think my gown's more classy. We're having a Hollywood theme this year and I think I like it.

Passion Play's also coming up, clearly the Seniors BIGGEST project. As in UBER. We incorporated some modern themes to add a twist to the usual Passion and Death of Christ. It'll be really cool I think. You go Tedmund, Dani R and all the cast and crew!!!

How come the feeling of being bonded in the class seems to be fading? And to think that we're gonna sponsor our last mass next week. Lord, let there be a miracle!

"Dolla Dolla Bills Ya'l..." keeps ringing in my ears and all I see are green stuffs again. I can't stop thinkinh about earning money so I'm active at mylot again. I'm not sure if I can post 50 discussions in a day though but I'll try. Only a few cents left till my payout! I just can't wait! Why don't you join me guys at mylot? Click here!! I'm also thinking of selling some stuffs on ebay this summer like maybe a USB watch (it's a watch with a USB in it, do you think people will buy it?) And I'm also thinking of selling my Maroon 5 ticket (Anybody want one? heehee) and maybe occasionally make some mango float for me to sell. I'm also thinking on the Pay per post, but I can't seem to sign in. I've already submitted my blog to another PPP site, just forgot the name... lolz!! hehe.

I'm so sorry sis if my post seems to be all cluttered and disorganized! I'm trying to type as fast as I can. Maybe I'll post again tomorrow now that I have ScribeFire. *evil laughs* BWAHAHHA! lolz

Well tc guys!
Updates when I update! :cool

P.S. Ate Val has a private blog project! Hehe I hope I get to be a part of it... Thanks Ate!!! =)

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stolen @ 10:13 PM

Sunday, April 08, 2007
Image hosted by Easter Sunday with kaching kachings!

PLUGS: Irish, Danwei
Wow thanks sarabeth for the uber cute easter gift!! Thanks so much!!
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Happy easter everybody! The Lord has risen again and let's all celebrate!

My family just came home from mass and I've started doing "business" again. Well not exactly a real business. I've been trying to earn money online since Friday because... well I wanna earn myself some money and also maybe I could pay back my parents and help them earn too. Plus i have my eye on something... *hint hint *cough*DSlite*cough*.... so I've joined this great community discussion board where they pay YOU to post and discuss topics! Pls click here to check it out! It's the only site (so far) that's genuinely sending out money almost anywhere in the world (including phils!). Take note that you only make a little amount of money here =)

But if you want to earn MORE, I suggest to USA residents cashcrate! Pls click here to check it out! All you need to do is sign up surveys and offers and they will pay you! You can get almost $300 a month here and one guy even got $800!! OMG! that's like 40k php here and you don't even have a full-time job! It's really crazy. And their referral levels are the highest so I only joined there because of the referrals =) I hope I can earn at least some bit of cash this summer =)

Oh and here's a new search engine too! Click here!

The main reason I guess for doing this because I can't have a part-time job because of my activities (look at previous posts for list) and I'd die if I go and get a part time job. But if you ask me which one is better, online or part time job, I'd have to say a part time job because this is where the real money comes in! =)

-------------OKAY ENOUGH ADVERTISEMENTS!------------------
lolz! I'll be posting banners once in a while though =)
My father, brother and I watched Sunshine last night.
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I really wanted to watch Ang Cute ng Ina Mo with my mom but I recalled an article saying that you shouldn't have that much on Holy Week so I ditched comedy and turned dark. I mean you could hardly call a movie about sending 8 astronauts to their doom to save the dying sun, FUN right? Well it was a serious and deep movie which requires knowledge about the sun and some physics so I kept bugging my brother at some parts because I didn't know what the heck they were saying. It started out pretty boring enough, I mean they didn't show the launch or anything happy as that. No, they were sending their last video messages to home before they reach the dead zone where you can't contact Earth anymore. But as the movie progresses, the lives of the characters are slowly portrayed and we can see their dreams and hopes. It was really a touching movie despite the lead actor, Cillian Murphy looking creepy again (I mean he really creeps me out, ever since I saw him in Batman Begins). He did a really good job and I kind of admire the roles that he's played now. What really touched me in this movie was the religious elements of the movie. The goal of the crew was to literally create something and when you see that creation in the movie... it'll be mind-blowing! Seeing creation at its best, that's really something and you'll be able to see it in this movie. I can't even describe how majestic or amazing the experience felt, you have to watch it to know what I mean. I recommend this movie to everyone who's interested in sci-fi and those who feel depressed because it'll surely bring some sunshine in your life =)

Now on to real world!

So I test drive a while ago with my dad and I can say... that IT'S HARD MAN! I almost wrecked our neighbor's sedan but good thing pa was there or it would have been toast! I better really enroll at a driving school!

Oh and the puzzle my cousins and I are doing is 1/4 finished! yipppeee!!! After I finish it, I swear, I am NEVER gonna buy any puzzles that has a kitchen in it! NEVER!!

Well I better go now!!
Updates when I update! =) :cool
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stolen @ 10:59 AM