
A Blog devoted to progressive politics, environmental issues, LGBT issues, social justice, workers' rights, womens' rights, and, most importantly, Cats.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

OUT Of The Closets and Into The STREETS!!!!

Yay! New York just signed the Gay Marriage Bill, people, so what are you waiting for? Time to PAR-TAY DOWN!

FTA: "Republican Sen. Stephen Saland, who had been undecided about the bill and was one of the legislators who led the negotiations, announced during the debate on the Senate floor that he would support the bill, effectively giving it the 32 votes it needed to pass."

Everybody be sure to send a thank-you note to Rep. Saland, who will be targeted by homophobes for his support. He did the right thing, and it will cost him unless we all translate our thankyous into support at the polls. Thank you, Rep. Saland, for making this day happen!

has the details. And be sure to check out their pic of the celebrations at STONEWALL!!! Hai-yaah!

A great big huge gigantinormous thank you to Joshua Micah Marshall of TalkingPointsMemo who brought us this wonderful reportage.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Entertainment? Say WHAT?

The Gothamist is reporting (along with about half a dozen other papers, so the caca will hit the fan right soon, I'm thinkin') that some ambulatory turd by the name of Ted Kefalinos, proprietor of Lafayette French Pastry, a bakery in Greenwich Village, NYC (yeah, I know. Who'd'a thunk?) decided to make "Drunken Negro Face" cookies to ... um, honour? ... the election of our new President, Barack Obama, and commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday at the same time.

To add insult to injury, the dumb shithead had the gall to ask a (no doubt former) customer, "Would you like some drunken negro heads to go with your coffee? They're in honor of our new president. He's following in the same path of Abraham Lincoln; he will get his."

What the fuck is the matter with these people? Does anybody know? Because there's bound to be some good money in uncovering the, what, gene that causes this kind of ass-enveloped-head stupidity. What, he thought the whole country was gonna be so tickled they'd each order a case and he'd be set for life or something?

I mean, Christ Criminy, what a fucking IDIOT! Figuring he hadn't stuck his foot deep enough in his mouth, he went for the kill when some other hapless customer showed up, and used the N-word (I'd love to use it myself to illustrate what an asshole this guy is, but you know, a whole lot of black people have asked everybody to please not use that word because it's racist and derogatory and they really don't like it, and I'm usually quick to oblige those wot ask nicely) and repeated that twaddle about the President will get what Lincoln got — to which all I gotta say is, Mr. Kefalinos, I sure do hope with all my heart and soul that the Secret Service pays you a not-so-secret call and you get a lengthy interrogation out of this.

It's one thing to call your President a dweeb and a jerk — free speech is enshrined in the Constitution, after all. It's quite another to hint around at threats on his life.

Let's hope that Greenwich Village and the fine city of New York respond by boycotting his store until he makes a public apology. Fool!

Oh, I almost forgot: the miserable blivet* says he's not a racist because his brother-in-law is Cuban. Huh?

*blivet is defined as 10 lb of shit in a 5-lb bag. Maybe we should rename it a Kefalinos.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Are you discontent with the U.S. government? Don't have a fire in yr home ...

Dear Friend of TPC,

You heard right. Keith Olbermann reported the story last night and Raw Story has a blog about it. Here's an excerpt:

It was revealed last week that firefighters are being trained to not only keep an eye out for illegal materials in the course of their duties, but even to report back any expression of discontent with the government.

A year ago, Homeland Security gave security clearances to nine New York City fire chiefs and began sharing intelligence with them. Even before that, fire department personnel were being taught "to identify material or behavior that may indicate terrorist activities" and were also "told to be alert for a person who is hostile, uncooperative or expressing hate or discontent with the United States."

Unlike law enforcement officials, firemen can go onto private property without a warrant, not only while fighting fires but also for inspections.

Olbermann reported that if it's successful in NYCity, they will expand it to other major metropolitan areas -- UNLESS WE STOP THEM!

If you go to the Raw Story blog, you can watch the interview Olbermann had with a former FBI agent about this issue. This guy now works with the ACLU.

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