Showing posts with label women's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

on the lookout...

From tiny happy bunny
i've been keeping my eyes peeled for a great new fall bag. i literally feel like i've looked at everything. if i could make something, it'd look like this, and be a soft, saddle brown, washed leather. could someone make it for me ?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

lingering holiday

ahhh the holidays. nothing says merry chrismas like working 12 hour days, driving in snow in seattle (IMPOSSIBLE) and being homebound for your christmas dinner and eating turkey sandwiches because it's the only food in the house. work was insane this holiday season, but i found time to enjoy what i could. i'll be posting some things i designed (and drew) for hol'09.

Monday, November 3, 2008

many hours of my time recently

so, i was a part of a big project at work. was asked to do all of the fashion illustrations for a presentation given to... uhm, a local professional sports team. i don't know, i never know if i should talk about what i do or not. this blog is more just a place for the artwork, and my evolution in work. i've been hard at work on lots of stuff... here's some of it. i know you can't really tell, but each person really is wearing something different. the people (and their pants) are repeated, but all the tops are different.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

another bag

been diligently working on fall09. here's a bag that i finished drawing today. the strap kind of worked me over, not super excited about the result, but must move on. more fall to do !

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

fall'09 handbag

so the design is NOT mine... but the sketch is... and then i recolored a stripe and stuck it in there. it's a work in progress, i'll update as it goes through changes.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

tee screen in progress

something i've been working on, it's evolved a bit. i also don't see it as done, i want a couple of flowers in there, and another possible pattern. we'll see where it goes.

Monday, April 7, 2008


this project was completed when contemplating local design opportunities. i decided to test the waters of what i knew in illustrator, and also the idea of working on something in women's. something i hadn't done since school. this is a very basic project, but gave me valuable knowledge with the clipping mask tool.