Showing posts with label barcelona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barcelona. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

A walk through El Borne

While having a beer in Café El Borne...

One of those days when you really appreciate Barcelona.

Sad that this sign has to be put up at all but unfortunately this is the reality in Barcelona. You go home everyday not knowing if your flat has been broken into or not.

Alsur Café. Nice place to hang out but the service is horrible. Not that they are rude or anything but just super super slow.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year in Barcelona

Ringing in the New Year in Barcelona with lots of food and sparklers.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sleepy Old Man @ Starbucks

Is this the cutest thing or what? When I grow old I want to be just like him. I couldn't help but notice his two mobile phones. Clearly the coffee had no effect on him whatsoever.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

happy thanksgiving

My dear friend invited me to celebrate Thanksgiving with her and some other folks. We spent the day cooking, drinking and gossiping. What a great way to spend the day. And the best part of it is sharing the fruits of your labour with dear friends.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

wine + cheese

wine + cheese go hand in hand. Just add a few friends and you've got the perfect evening. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cursa de la Mercè '11

Today was the Cursa de la Mercè here in Barcelona, as part of the la Mercè festivities which kick off this week. Only 10km but a bit painful since I didn't have time to train leading up to it. Still I managed to finish in 47minutes. I was planned to run with a friend but unfortunately she sprained her ankle and had to rest. The painful part about running is the awkward moments waiting for it to kick up while you wait with strangers with nothing to say to each other. Hope you all had a great Sunday.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sign the petition

As you may or may not know. For over a week now all over Spain, people have been peacefully 'protesting' against the government demanding change and a fix to this ongoing economic crisis in this country. Yesterday in Barcelona starting around 7am, the police started kicking people out of the square and started beating people for no particular reason. The crowds never engaged in violent activity. Rumours speculate that the government ordered the police to clear the square because of the futbol finals today between Barca and Manchester. The popular Placa Catalunya is used as a celebration ground. But that is no reason to beat unarmed, peaceful protesters. Check out the link below and you can see the video for yourself and sign the petition demanding the interior minister of Catalunya to resign. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Walk like you own this town...

Monday morning means no fooling around.  Get outta my way because I gotta get to work (speaking of, Kylie Minogue's song 'get out of my way' is great to run to...especially if you have to dodge people b/c the song is about what you want to say...get outta my way). So get outta my way because I gotta get to work. Who am I kidding. This is Spain. First, where my coffee and my cigarette (mind you I don't smoke but that's what the traditional local breakfast consists of). As you can see in the photo the 'couple' on the far right are off to a different kind of work. The man behind the couple is thinking 'it's Monday but dam do I look stylish with my scarf'. The woman on the left with the brown coat is thinking 'jesus is it really Monday?'. The girl in the middle with the blue jacket says 'bring it on'. Oh look the light is green yet no one is moving. That's Spain. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Borne Sunday

This morning I woke up and went running along the beach; it was grey and miserable but soon the sun came through and turned out to be such a hot beautiful day. I met up with my friend who lives in the neighbourhood of El Borne and we sat on a terrace for hours having drinks and tapas. Can you ask for anything else on a lazy Sunday? Well yes...soon after we ordered we discovered that they had a Sunday brunch menu. Oh well, there's always next weekend. 

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