Showing posts with label Randy Higbee Gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Randy Higbee Gallery. Show all posts

Friday, December 12, 2014


6" x 6"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Click to purchase.

I was recently made aware that my still life painting "Bittersweet" was given an award at the Randy Higbee Gallery's "6 Inch Squared" show in Costa Mesa, California.  I am very grateful and honored.  You can view the show online here.  Over 600 paintings are in the exhibit . . . perhaps you can get some Christmas shopping done!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Little Bit O' News

"Annie's Oil Lamp"
6" x 6"
watercolor on aquabord

Click here to purchase.  Starting bid:  $80

I finally finished a couple paintings I've been working on:  "Annie's Oil Lamp" and "Sugar Pumpkin."  I'm auctioning off "Annie's Oil Lamp" on DPW and am happy to announce that "Sugar Pumpkin" is on its way to the Randy Higbee Gallery's "6 Inch Squared Show" in California along with "Bittersweet."  I hope while there, they will find their "forever homes!"  :)

Thank you for viewing my work.

6" x 6"
watercolor on aquabord

"Sugar Pumpkin"
6" x 6"
watercolor on aquabord

(what "Annie's Oil Lamp" could look like framed)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A New Page - The 2013 Calendar

I created a new page for my 2013 Calendars on the navigation bar above in case any one is interested in ordering.  Below is a preview of each month.  I still have a few left in each size so order soon!

In other news . . . I was very pleased to read on Facebook that my painting "American Interior" sold the other day at the Randy Higbee Gallery even before the show's opening reception!  If you're interested in purchasing original artwork in very fine frames, please visit the Randy Higbee Gallery's "6 Inch Squared Show" which can be viewed online here.  (This link will take you to my page, but just click on "back" to view all the work.)

Thank you for visiting -- have a great rest of the weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Randy Higbee Gallery

I didn't get much done on my Circus Train painting today as I had students and some other things to attend to, so this post is a little redundant (forgive me) . . . however these two paintings are up for sale at  The Randy Higbee Gallery's "6 Inch Squared Show."  You can view these paintings and others by clicking on the link.

Thank you for stopping by -- hope you have a good day.