Showing posts with label auction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label auction. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Lights . . . Camera . . . Auction!

"Daisies Squared"
6" x 6"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Click here to bid.

After struggling a bit on the background I finally came up with something I like.  "Daisies Squared" is a square composition of an earlier painting I did on paper (that one was a long rectangle).  I decided to put this little one up for auction on my DailyPaintworks site. Bidding begins at $100. This painting doesn't come framed, however the image below shows what it could look like when framed.

(although this painting does not come framed, this is what it could look like)

Thanks so much for visiting!  I'm off to paint the next . . .

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Value #6

"Value #6'
8" x 8"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Click here to bid.

Still painting this sepia-toned series.  This one however, is on aquabord.  I'm enjoying experimenting a little.  Have a great day!

(what this painting could look like when framed)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Number Five!

"Value #5"
8" x 8"
(watercolor on paper)

It's been a little hectic around here with some family projects and appointments, but all is well.  I just haven't found time to finish paintings and post.  But I'm still painting.  It brings me such joy and peace to put my brush to paper.  

Wishing you a great day full of joy and peace.  Thank you for stopping by.

(what this painting could look like when framed)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Peonies Progress

watercolor on aquabord - wip
12" x 12"

Here's the latest progress on the peonies painting.  Still glazing the background, but we're getting close. Have a good day and thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Another Small Painting

"Red Barn"
3" x 3"
watercolor on paper

Click here to bid.

I love squares, don't you?  I'm having fun with these little paintings.  Thanks for stopping by!

what this painting could look like when framed

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Small Painting Auction

"Wheeler Farm"
3.5" x 5"
watercolor on paper

Click here to bid.

I've decided to auction off some of the little paintings I've been doing.  I think they would look sweet all matted and framed up.  This is the first one.

what this painting could look like when framed

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

An Apple A Day

"An Apple a Day"
6.25" x 7"
(watercolor on paper)

This was a little demonstration painting I did for some of my students.  We've been spending some time just getting back to basics.  I've decided to auction this one off with a starting bid of $30 -- oooh what a bargain, eh!?  Ha!  Click on the button above to bid or just to get a closer view.

Thank you for viewing my work.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pumpkin Pals

"Pumpkin Pals"
8" x 8"
watercolor on aquabord
starting bid:  $100

Click here to bid.

All done and on to the next!  Thank you for popping by.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Lucky 13!

6" x 6"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Click here to bid.  Starting bid:  $75

I think my sister-in-law, Hallie, gave me this jug a few years ago.  Or else I bought this when I was with her.  I can't remember exactly -- all I know is that it reminds me of her every time I look at it.  On second thought, perhaps it is just because it is tall and slender like her.  Ha!

This is #13 -- Thank you for visiting.  

(what this painting could
look like when framed)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Painting #10 - "Big Blue"

"Big Blue"
6" x 6"
(watercolor on aquabord) 

Click here to bid.  Starting bid:  $75

This is my 10th painting in Leslie Saeta's "30 Day Painting Challenge."  Thank you for stopping by.

(what this painting could look
like when framed)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

#4 - Little Brown Jug

"Little Brown Jug"
6" x 6"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Click here to bid.  Starting bid:  $75

Tonight's post is going to be brief.  It's past my bedtime.  I struggled with this one today.  Got a late start as I had some other obligations to attend to and then it gave me trouble.  Thank you, little brown jug.  :)  I think I'm finally satisfied.

Thanks for stopping by.

(what this painting could look
like when framed)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Grape Study

"Grape Study"
10.5" x 7.5"
watercolor on paper

Click here to bid.  Starting bid:  $100

(what this painting could look like framed)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Here's To The Fourth of July -- Cheers!

"I Drink Alone"
10.25" x 4.5
watercolor on paper

Click here to bid.  Starting bid:  $65

To my fellow Americans:   Happy Independence Day!  To everyone:  I hope you all have a wonderful day!

(what this painting could look like framed)

Monday, June 9, 2014


8" x 8"
watercolor on aquabord

Click here to bid.  Starting bid:  $100

I'm pleased with how this finally turned out.  I'll be finishing it with a gloss UV protective finish.  It will not need to be framed under glass nor with a mat.  Thank you for taking a look.

(what this painting could look like framed)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Snack-time? . . . more like Nap-time!

8" x 10"
starting bid:  $50

(what this painting could look like framed)

Click here to bid

Oh my stars . . . this painting has gone through so many changes I can't even count!  That background was crazy.  First it was all blue . . . then one of my students suggested it needed another color, so I added red.  Yowzers!  It was like a Fourth of July firework exploded all over the page.  So then I washed the whole thing out with lots of water -- and color oozing and dripping all over the place.  Oh, wait before that, I decided to SAND the background.  Yes . . . you read that correctly -- I used a piece of fine grit sandpaper and sanded the background to age it a bit.  (Incidentally this painting is on Fabriano cold-pressed paper so I knew it could take the abuse.)  Then I put a burnt sienna wash over it . . . then I just went for it and that's when I added all the water and mushed everything around.  I did some more burnt sienna -- added faint colors to the pattern . . . touched up the milk and cookies a tad and called it a day!  Whew!  I need a nap.  :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Another Family Portrait

"Fireside Chat"
4" x 6"

Click here to bid

Another goofy little painting as part of the Fisher Price series.  I have a few more up my sleeve and am hoping to have some new venues for my little people in the near future.  As Crystal Cook would say "Huzzah!"  :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What Not To Wear

"What Not To Wear"
4" x 6"
(watercolor on paper)
starting bid:  $45

Click here to bid

I think I'd go with the blue pantsuit and red trench . . . ha!  How funny is that?  I had a lovely time the other day posing my Fisher Price "little people" for an extensive photo-shoot.  And I must say, they were pleasant to work with . . . no massive egos or diva mentalities.  So stay tuned for some more fun little paintings.  I hope they bring a smile to your face . . . and pleasant memories of childhood.  Cheers!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Old Standby

"Old Standby"
(watercolor on paper)
8.5" x 8"

(what this painting could look like framed)

Click here to bid

Finally got something done -- yeesh!  So here's "Old Standby" -- I LOVE these sneakers. (I did another painting of them before -- just in a different "pose.")  They're very old -- made by Saucony who used to have a factory in the town over from me. Unfortunately they're gone now -- boooo!  But I just went online and found out where I can purchase this brand again -- never thought of that before, duh!  I miss having the outlet store just up the street though.  Anyway . . . I'm starting the bidding at $85.

P.S.  I just figured out how to place a Facebook "like" button at the top of my posts . . . so if you see something you like, please be sure to "like" it.  Thanks!  :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fresh Kicks

"Kickin' It Old School"
8" x 8"

(what this painting could look like framed)

Click here to bid

I decided to "kick it old school" for last week's DPW Challenge by using my old Saucony sneaker as the subject for this little painting.  Now it's back to finishing up a few commissions I've been working on. Have a good rest of the weekend.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tweaked and Matted

(what this painting could look like framed)

I made a few minor adjustments to this painting and put it up for auction over at the Daily Paintworks site.  It comes matted in a white mat, with a foamcore backing and wrapped in a plastic sleeve.  The actual exposed painting is slightly smaller than 9" x 11" and the mat is about 2 1/2 inches around measuring 14" x 16".   Have a good week -- I'll be in touch.