Showing posts with label writing and art in common. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing and art in common. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Z for Zombies, Zebras & Zucchini... Oh My!

Welcome to the A to Z Challenge. You can visit the home page HERE.

Today I have asked Loretta Stephenson (Art By Retta), who is also my sister, to do a guest post and finish up this challenge. I was ecstatic when she said yes, so, without anymore introduction, here she is!

Zombies, Zebras & Zucchini... Oh My!

I'm Loretta. I'm an artist.

My sister Karen is a writer.

And this is HER blog!

Karen asked me to wrap up this A to Z wild ride with a guest post. So... what does my point of view have to do with writing, you ask?? More than you might think.

When I started realizing just how innately talented my little sister really was (I can get away with calling her my little sister, since Karen is 1 year younger than I am) I was delighted and impressed.

And over time, I've learned from her just how much writing and art have in common. All the arts, actually. For instance:

We all have a process or method that we individually hone.

We all have blasts of inspiration hit us, with creative surges.

We all have dry spells, but we continue for the love of it.

We all need support of fellow creatives, so we don't feel isolated.

We all go through spells of feeling like everything we do is crap!

We all discover that our most powerful ally is our own belief in ourselves!

We all learn to let go, be bold, be audacious and reach for our dreams!

Oh yeah... the letter Z

You all have been working your little writer tushies off in this A to Z Challenge. So I thought I'd surprise you this time with a zany list of favorite Z stuff. What does this have to do with writing?? Not a zappin thing! :-D

My favorite Yiddish word: ZAFTIG, meaning a plump, juicy round woman... va va voom!

My favorite summer recipe: ZUCCHINI BREAD. Here's a LINK to a sugar-free, wheat-free Zucchini Bread recipe. Eat without guilt! 

My favorite guilty pleasure tv show: ZOMBIES, on The Walking Dead. I just hide my innocent little eyes when it gets too gross. ;-)

(Credit: good ole' Google, no original source found)

My favorite energizing music: ZYDECO. I have THIS GUY'S CD, and it explodes with life and energy!

My favorite artsy animal: ZEBRA. Artists have long enjoyed adding graphic black and white elements to their images.

My husbands favorite western author: ZANE GREY. He wrote 54 westerns in a romanticized and formulaic style, selling over 13 million in his lifetime alone!

My favorite daydream: ZILLIONAIRE. Yep, I admit it. I'd love to actually make a few bucks from my art. Wouldn't you??

Thanks for supporting my sister and each other during the A to Z Challenge. It was fun to peek over Karen's shoulder, and visit some of you.

Oh yeah. I'm an artist... my sister is the writer. Any typos or other grammatical blunders are really truly kinda sorta all mine.

(Loretta, aka Retta, can be found on her blog Art By Retta, working to earn her first Zillion)