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Showing posts with label Blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessings. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So Blessed!

I am feeling extra blessed today. I get to tend my granddaughter, Daci for a few hours, I get to speak to a group of about 35 teenage girls this evening about the joy of being a woman (don't you just LOVE being a woman?), I got to sleep in (thanks, Husband!), I finally got a new phone in my office that has a battery that doesn't die within 30 seconds, and after my speaking engagement tonight I get to go and watch Tannon play a basketball game. GREAT reasons to feel so blessed. I love my life!

If you remember, about a month ago Tannon (how cute is he, anyway?) broke his hand in 5 places (see my April 6 post). He had surgery where 5 screws were put in his hand as well as a bunch of wire. He had Spring AAU basketball coming up as well as Jr. Days for many colleges he would be attending in June that he needs to be able to throw for (he's a quarterback hoping for a football scholarship). The hand break was not the best of timing. We thought he would be cleared for full activity the last part of May which wouldn't give him much time to get his arm back in shape for the June football commitments. He healed quickly enough to get his cast off within 2 weeks, and was just cleared this week for full activity. AMAZING! He is so pumped. The only bad thing was that after 4 weeks of very little running and no playing ball, his legs cramped up like crazy last night at practice. He hobbled around like an old man the rest of the night. Thankfully, we can deal with that. Hint: if this happens to your son, have him drink some dill pickle juice. It is amazing what it does for muscle cramps! I will be running to the store this afternoon to buy some more pickles so that we avoid cramping in the basketball game tonight. I know there is a science behind the pickle juice and it has been explained to me before but I can't remember it. All I know is that it works. One more reason to feel blessed...knowing about pickle juice!

I thought this 'so blessed' 6" x 6" card would be appropriate to share with today's post. All products used are Close To My Heart: Kiwi Cardstock (retired), Whoops-A-Daisy Level 2 Paper Pack (X7099B, $12.95 for 10 cardstocks and 12 B&T paper duos), Versamark Ink Pad (Z891, $9.95), White Daisy Embossing Powder (Z673, $3.95), Treasures of the Heart stamp set (C1271, $18.95 for 8 stamps), White Daisy Sassy Strands (Z400, $5.95 for 16 feet each of 6 textures), Holiday Buttons (Z1285, $7.50 for quantity of 100). Click here to order from my website.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Why don't we have perspective when we need it? Like for instance, when my children were babies, instead of just sitting there and soaking in their sweetness 24/7, I was always trying to get the house clean, the dinner made, or whatever. Well, now that my munchkins are all grown and my oldest has one of her own, I get it! Now! Not 25 years ago when I was starting out and really needed to 'get it.' Isn't that just how it is? I sat for hours today just holding my new little granddaughter, Daci; just breathing in her sweet scent, just feeling overwhelmed with the miracle of life, just enjoying watching her breathe while she slept, and just thanking my Heavenly Father for my blessings. Not once did I think about cleaning or cooking or any of the other thousand things I need to get done. It was heaven. Speaking of heaven, one day when I meet my Maker I am going to ask Him one little question: Could we change up the whole perspective thing and give that to us when we really need it, instead of much, much later? I wonder what He'll say.


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