Showing posts with label Doncaster Libraries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doncaster Libraries. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Busy days

It's been a busy time here lately - specially for the Babe Magnet.

He was at Huddersfield Lit Festival ten days ago  - today he's giving a talk at Doncaster Library . . .

and at the same time he's in discussion about another TV appearance on a programme about one of the cases that has most fascinated him over his crime writing career. 

This one focusses on a Leeds murder from the past. More when I can reveal details.

At least maybe today I'll get a chance to be at my own desk.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Started planning my next course - Advanced Romance Writing at Fishguard Writing Weekend with
Writer's Holiday. Also collected some of the 'treats' that are needed to help inspire and sustain the writers on this course.

An interesting fact - whenever I go to get the chocolate (for inspiration!) the local supermarket has set up a lovely discount price on it. Do you think they keep an eye on my blog/facebook page? 'If it's February she'll be coming in for supplies for Writers' Holiday.' So maybe they have a note in their diary - April means she'll need supplies for Relax & Write' Weekend Coursesx .
The  Writer's Holiday course is absolutely over-full right now - but as they say 'Other courses are available.'

The next  one will be a Focus on Writing Romantic Fiction Retreat at  Royal Agricultural University  in Cirencester - dates   6th - 8th April.

If you'd rather just have a library talk - with Valentine's Day coming up I have one of those too -  The ABC of Love in Doncaster library on February 14th

I'm sharing this with another author, Lynda Stacey  - from 11am to 12.30 in the Central Library Doncaster

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New courses

OK - so here are the new courses coming up later  this year.

Just a reminder that the basic course at Weetwood Hall (16-18 May) can still take an extra student or two if you book now.  And Writers' Holiday (21st -26th July)  may have a cancellation - not sure if those have been filled or not. But you can always enquire!

Those are the courses that prepare you to join the Advance Romance Writing Course at Fishguard in February' I know that's booking up well - but it's ages away!

So these are two new courses -  both at Weetwood Hall Leeds.  The first one is a new concept - for people who are already embarked on writing a romantic novel and would like a weekend of concentrated  focus,
 writing, discussions and one to one advice. That' why it's called:

Focus on Writing Romantic Fiction
A Retreat at Weetwood Hall   Leeds
Dates:  26-28 September 2014
Focus on Writing Romantic Fiction is a guided writing retreat for people who have been on a course before  or who need to do exactly as it says on the tin – Focus  on their writing. Where you’ll have time and space away from the real world to write and reflect on your novel. You’ll also  have the opportunity to work with me to discuss the novel, work through problems,  brainstorm new ideas, and get it ready for submission. There will be some relaxed group sessions designed to make you think deeply about your writing, and during the weekend there will be scheduled for one-to-one time where you can ask all the questions that have been bothering you.  This retreat is designed for people who have already started work on a novel and who want time to focus on that  - and not have to worry about anything else.

On a Focus retreat,   all rooms booked are single rooms which gives you comfort  and privacy and the time to yourself,  with all food provided. To get away from family and home chores – to concentrate on writing – and  have  professional advice/input/discussion.  Meeting like-minded people who love writing/popular fiction/romantic novels is always something my students say they value. So there will be plenty of opportunity to do that.

Then the following month there's a very practical course dealing with all those bits and pieces you need to know  to make sure you get your novel ready to submit.
Before You Submit your Novel – The Practicalities
Weetwood Hall Leeds
Dates:  24 – 26 October 2014

Attend as a Day Visitor or Residential Member
Get your novel ready to send to a publisher.
This course will cover the preparation needed before  submitting your novel to a publisher: 
•             Writing a synopsis that sells your story.
•             Polishing those first three chapters.
•             What to include in your covering letter – introducing yourself to the Editor (or Agent).
•             Pitching the unique selling point of your story
•             Pinpointing the type of reader and the market you’re aiming at.

Full details and application forms for these courses can be found on the Relax and Write web site
And  as I've been asked to run a couple more courses next year  -including one at the lovely Gladstone's Library in   March 2015 - keep your eye on the Events page of my web site  which I'll be updating soon. 
Oh yes - and it's not a course but I'm doing a library talk as part of the Doncaster Libraries   Turn The Page Literary Festival   :
Wednesday 4 June, 3p.m. - 4.30p.m.
Authors Kate Walker and Stephanie Cage – Central Lending Library, Waterdale

Behind the Hearts and Flowers. Popular Mills & Boon author Kate Walker will be talking about being a romantic novelist and her latest book, which is released on the 30th anniversary of the publication of her very first book! Joining her will be new author Stephanie Cage who is a Doncaster-based romance writer and author of Perfect Partners (Crimson Romance).
Ticket Price £3
Further details on the Doncaster Library  web site.

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