Friday, July 12, 2013

family vacation

How is it already the middle of July? I started the summer off strong with a couple projects around the house. I painted and hung pictures in both bathrooms. And I bought several paint samples and have about 4 shades of blue on the laundry room walls waiting for me to choose one and complete the job. But . . . I don't know where my motivation went. Surely it'll turn up somewhere. I wish I could get the 30 week nesting instinct without the pregnancy. Another thing to fall by the wayside . . . this blog. So, here's a short picture post of our family vacation in June.

Sadie obviously knows what to do when there's a camera.

Last month, my family (including my parents and my sister's family) took a little vacation together near Marble Falls. We stayed at Log Country Cove on Lake LBJ. The kids enjoyed some cousin time together and we enjoyed visiting, swimming, and being someplace prettier and greener than Abilene.

There are several playground areas around the camp. And look, TREES!

Eydie turned 4 while we were there. I hope she never hates her wispy curls because I love them.

These guys have no wispy curls to speak of, but the fresh from the bath combover is pretty cute too.

This is where we stayed. Not too shabby. Random decor on the inside. As you can imagine, some of us (Summer, Brandon, Ava) had several discussions about how we would redecorate if we owned it. I don't think we need to worry though.

And this is what a few days of staying in the same house will do for you.