Showing posts with label wheels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wheels. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

SkyWatch with Wheels

Small towns can sometimes have unique---well, what would you call this? sculpture? tradition? But looking up in a small eastern Oregon town on one of our summer trips, I found this.

It goes along with both SkyWatch and my wheels Challenge.

See just below for  the Wheels Challenge. Go to the Skywatch site to see other skies from around the owrld.

I've been posting wheels over at my other blog.

Go have a look, there is a wide variety over the past week. I challenge you to find and photograph some interesting wheels. Or ordinary wheels in an interesting way.  I think I can even use some wheels this weekend for my SkyWatch and Weekend Reflection. Watch for them, and leave a comment if you post some wheels.