Sunday, 30 May 2010

Toffee Fudge Cheesecake - Yummy!

It was my friend's birthday and to celebrate, she had a bar-b-que. It was a bit chilly, however, we managed to eat outside and then it started raining. Here is the cheesecake I made, thought I would share it with you.
 Toffee Fudge Cheesecake
 450g Philadelphia cream cheese
 250g Toffee Fudge Coulis
 350g Whipped Cream
150g Icing Sugar

280g Digestive Biscuits
100g Butter

Method -
Melt butter and crush biscuits. Combine the crushed biscuits and butter thoroughly.
Line the base of a 10-inch spring form tin and pack down lightly. Whip the cream cheese, sugar and toffee fudge coulis together and fold in cream. Pour mixture over biscuit and set in the fridge for a minimum of three hours. Serve with whipped or pouring cream if desired.

 Kathleen x


  1. Wow - i've piled on the calories just looking at that Kathleen!!!

    Paula x x x

  2. Oooh -forgot to say - reason I popped over is because I have a blog award for you

    Paula x x x

  3. Wow that looks amazing! And not particularly conducive to my diet, but I reckon it'd be worth it!

    Sarah x


Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are very much appreciated. Kathleen x