Showing posts with label Barrett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barrett. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

..::Barrett: First Movie::..

Our local theater has a summer kids movie pay $5/person for 10 movies, one each week throughout the summer.  Pretty darn good deal!  I knew the girls would love it...but was a little skeptical, okay a LOT skeptical as to how Barrett would do.  He's never been to a movie before.  And it's only been in the last few weeks that he'll actually sit still for an animated movie at home.
I'm not sure why they chose Mirror Mirror as the kickoff to the summer movies...but it wasn't a good one for Barrett.  So even though he seemed excited at first for this new experience...we only lasted about 1/2 the movie before he and I were wandering the halls.  Thankfully, I had taken one of our regular babysitters and her little brother with us so she was able to watch my girls for me during the rest of the movie!
Hopefully next week will be better!  It's a cartoon, so it should be!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Silly Boy!

Barrett LOVES these sunglasses.  He'll put them on and leave them on for hours!
Oh and he loves swim goggles too.  He insisted on putting these on, they weren't even ours, and he kept them on almost the entire time we were at the pool today!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Bubba!!

I have to start this post off with THE CAKE!!!
I put a LOT of time, thought, planning into this cake!
I stressed over it, made plans and changed plans numerous times.
But I'm happy with the final result!
Since Bubba is obsessed with trains right now, it was only fitting to have a train birthday.
Complete with his own train track in the house!!

Someone sure enjoyed the presents!

And YES, he likes the cake!!! Success!!!

We enjoyed a little birthday fun at the park.

And more birthday fun at home with cake and ice cream!

Happy Birthday Bubs, can't believe you are TWO already!!!
Some stats about the birthday boy:
*Height: 34 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
*Weight: 29.2 lbs (75th percentile)
Head: 50.1 cm (75th percentile)
*he LOVES trains
*he can pretty much say everything but still speaks cave man (ie: daddy car go work), it's adorable!
*he wants to do everything on his own
*he has all his teeth and we're just waiting on his 2 year molars
*he adores Jacob and Bryson McGee from down the street
*he doesn't like to be left out of anything
*he loves Thomas the Train, Cars, Chuggington
*he is almost constantly yelling "hiyah, argh" or something of that sort
*he is BOY through and through
*he loves both his big sisters, but gravitates more towards Alexa
*he doesn't like anybody but mommy to get him out of his crib

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why oh Why??

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother making my bed in the morning!
After he had finished piling all the pillows OFF my bed, he says, "All done!"
And then proceeds to climb his tower of pillows!
How can you be mad at that?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

"T" is for Teeth

Barrett had his first official visit to the dentist (aka Daddy) today.  Although Daddy has periodically checked his teeth before, this was the first time that Barrett actually got in the chair and willingly let Kevin look inside his mouth!  What a big boy!
And if you can see on his shirt, it says "T is for Teeth"...quite fitting for a trip to the dentist!! :-)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Nice List vs. Naughty List could this kid EVER be on the Naughty List??? :-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Future Wildcat

And Future Heartbreaker.
I mean, really...look at those eyes!!!
(fabulous photo courtesy of my wonderful friend, Emily, who has THE cutest blog here)

Friday, November 16, 2012

He had me at Hello!

Monday, October 29, 2012

::..a BIG first..::

Barrett's first trip to the ER.
I say "first" because I know it will be the first of many.  This little man is soooo busy and soooo into everything, that I just know throughout the course of his life, we will become well accustomed to the ER!
Here's the story:
This afternoon, the kiddos wanted to go outside but Alexa was using the little girl's room and needed my help.  Barrett followed me in but when I mentioned outside, he went to follow Payton.  Then I heard him screamed.  Payton had slammed the back sliding door shut.  I opened it to free his hand, scooped him up in my arms while I'm scolding Payton and went to sit down on the ottoman to comfort my hurt little boy.  That's when Alexa asked, "Mom, is that blood?"  To my horror, I look down at his hand and there is blood everywhere.  All over his hand, all over me, all over the floor.
I immediately took him to the sink and grabbed a towel but he wouldn't let me touch his hand.  By this point, I could see that the tip of his pinkie finger was hanging on by a thread.  I always thought I'd be calm and cool during an emergency...but I was scared to death.  I managed to tell Alexa to grab my cell phone and then somehow was able to call my neighbor, Brandon (he's a stay-at-home dad and our kiddos play together).  He wasn't home but said his wife Karla was and he'd send her over.  Then I managed to call Kevin (all while holding a screaming baby and trying to calm down two hysterical little girls).  First miracle/blessing/tender mercy: Kevin answered his phone (he'd just finished up with a patient).  All I said was "Barrett just chopped off his finger" and he said "I'm on my way home". Second miracle/blessing/tender mercy: Kevin was at our new office that afternoon that is only 2 miles from home. He was home within 5 minutes.  Karla had already walked in the door and managed to help calm me down a little and then invited the girls to go back home with her while we took Barrett to the hospital.
It took 7 stitches on his tiny little finger to reconnect the tip but they told us it would barely show a scar.
Kevin and I had to literally pin Barrett down during the procedure, together with one of the nurses, as the anesthetic had already worn off.  My poor baby felt each and every stitch and it broke my heart.  But he was such a trooper...when it was all over, we said "Barrett, what do you tell the doctor" and he said "gankoo" (thank you).  It was so sweet.
(*side note: this post is written 5 months after the fact and I STILL cringe every time I think about that little finger!)

I'm grateful that my little boy is safe and that his finger will heal but I sure don't like ER visits...I hope he'll go easy on me during his growing up years! :-)

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Little Things...

...can bring so much joy!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Oh Blessed Day!

Look at this handsome little man!
On Thursday, he was 18 months..which means he can now go to NURSERY at church!
Today was his first we've been looking forward to since before he even turned one!
He's such a busy little guy so it will be refreshing to now be able to enjoy the last 2 hours of church without him crawling all over me!  And he'll be having fun with toys, snacks and's a win/win for all!! :-)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ried Park Zoo

Since it's Fall Break this week and Alexa doesn't have school...we decided to venture to the zoo!
The kids always have a great time checking out the animals...
or just sitting on the statue at the entrance to the zoo! :-)

Don't you just get lost in those beautiful blue eyes???

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ain't No Mountain High Enough...

It's begun...the climbing!
He's already into everything, can figure out handles and buttons like nobody's business...
and now he's added climbing things into the mix.
We. Are. In. Trouble. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Rain Boots

Barrett got some rain boots.  And it rained today.
He. was. in. heaven. :-)

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I think I could post pictures of Bubba all day long.  He makes my heart melt on a very consistent basis!  I sure am grateful he chose our family to be a part of!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Why are boxes so much fun???

Friday, May 18, 2012

What a Mess!

This kid seriously knows how to make messes!
But he's so darn adorable when he does it, how can I get mad at him???!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

..::Barrett's Birthday Video::..

..::Bubba's 1st Birthday::..

I canNOT believe it's been a whole year since this:

And now he's THIS:

The happenings this past month:

*Got another tooth, Bottom Right Lateral - March 26th
*Says "Eh-Oh" (Hello) while holding a phone (or anything resembling a phone) - March 30th
*Took TEN steps - April 10th
*Starts WALKING for reals - April 11th (one week shy of his 1st birthday)
*Yet another tooth came in, Top Right Central - April 11th

And his stats at ONE year:

25.3 lbs (95th percentile)
31 inches (95th percentile)
Head: 48.5 cm (95th percentile)


The birthday boy woke up super happy...especially once his big sisters threw balloons in his crib!

We spent some time at the park because the birthday boy LOVES to be outside!

What a handsome little ONE year old we have!!
(he was too excited, I couldn't get a non-blurry picture!)

This mama LOVES her birthday boy just a little bit!! ;-)  I sure don't know what I'd do without him!

And of course, there were presents!   You can't turn ONE and not have presents!! :)

We had a football-themed party for our little man!  Or sports-themed...definitely boyish, because Bubba is ALL boy! I'm pretty happy with how his football cake turned out!

Bubba liked it too!!  It took him a minute or so, but then he dug right in!

I thought it'd be fun to see how our little man has changed this past year!  He came out weighing in at almost 10 lbs but those are sure some SKINNY legs on him in his 1 month picture!!  Didn't take long to chub those legs out though!!  Man alive, I sure love baby chubs!

What a crazy/long/stressful/fun/fabulous/hard/rewarding/tiring/fast year this has been!  We are sooooooooooo blessed to have Bubba in our family!  He is full of so much personality and we just love him to bits!


(I had some videos of singing happy birthday to him and of him eating cake but for some reason, they wouldn't if I can get that figured out, I'll add them later!)