Showing posts with label God is good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God is good. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Angels Among Us..

Well as you can see, we took some Christmas Pics! The girls were pretty cooperative for the most part.. However, Londyn got irritated pretty quickly and checked out.. Unlike Crosslee who put on quite a show for the camera. I've told LL that if she doesn't start smiling in pics she's going to think we only have pics of Cross in the baby book! We did get some pretty cute ones of LL though.. Going to have Cute Christmas cards this year!!
MJ and I had the coolest thing ever happen to us the other day. We went to eat at the SHACK, and it was a cold, windy night.. we get the girls out of the car, trudge inside with all hair all blown and weird, and find a seat.. We must have looked pretty haphazardly, because soon after we sat down the waitress came over to greet us.. She told us she had also had twin boys, and talked about how cute the girls were.. Then she said "You all must have some angels watching you", and gave us a gift card. We had no idea who gave us the card, but it said "
We were like "What!! this is awesome!".. So we asked the waitress if she knew them.. she said "Yes" but she couldn't tell us more than that.. So we ordered this great meal and had a great time with the girls.. The bill comes and its $62.44.. I say "Go ahead and put the gift card out, and then your debit card to cover the rest"... Jordan says, "I forgot my wallet, just get your purse".. I say, "I don't have my purse.".. DUMB DUMB DUMB.. We have left our house with NO MONEY.. Jordan is going to have to drive BACK to our house.. leave me at the restaurant with two babies, and wait for him to get there.. So she takes the gift card and runs it.. Its worth $75!!!!! HOW FREAKIN COOL IS THIS!! So we had showed up.. No money.. Nada.. and some angels just took over for us.. That was an awesome God moment for us.. I tell you, just when you think there is no good left in the world, someone comes along and restores your faith. We hope to someday Pay it forward to another couple that we see with twins, and keep the tradition going.. So that was just another example of how God is working in our lives.. so cool. 

I took Cross to a baby shower on Sunday.. we had a pretty good time. She acted very nice. LL stayed with daddy because she was asleep when I left.. MJ truly stepped up to the plate last night.. I went to Women's bible study and he kept BOTH babies while I was gone! I came home after an awesome night of learning about Advent Christmas Traditions, and saw two babies, sound asleep! How awesome is my man! 

Well in other news.. Its looking pretty hopeful that I'm going back to work soon.. I'm not going to give any other details till its a done deal, but I'm super excited about it.. Details to come on that.. 

I also can't believe its almost Thanksgiving and my babies are almost SIX MONTHS OLD! They are becoming so much fun now. We are going to start introducing solids when they are 6 months, but I'm not going to do baby food. I'm going to do Baby Led Weaning.. Basically, baby eats what you eat.. You steam veggies, give them chicken, etc.. When I read about it, it just made more sense to me.. Babies don't really need 'food' other than milk until they are a year old.. they are basically just teaching themselves how to chew/eat up to that point.. so we are going to try that as opposed to baby food.. 

My Uncle Don passed away last week. He was my dad's brother. I took the girls to the funeral and was so proud to see some family I had not seen in awhile.. Everyone also enjoyed seeing the girls.. They acted very good..UNTIL.. I had some blackberry Cobbler at the table with Cross in my lap.. All of the sudden I look down and SHE has the blackberry cobbler on HER, lol.. She was squishing the bowl with her hands and smashing the cobbler.. Cross is CRAZY strong.. and had already demolished it by the time I saw it..She had a little taste of it, and went back for more, lol.. Other than that, they acted pretty nice. Lapoppins is taking them to play at the library today.. She takes them places all the time..I'm so proud of her for doing it. I know the girls like getting out and seeing new people and things. They are very social babies and love people to talk to them..

We are getting excited for Christmas.. I've ordered the girls a few things, and got the goodies for Ava and Joe (niece and nephew).. I think it will be a huge pain to travel this year.. but worth it! Hope you guys are good.. and keep your chins up.. You never know when an angel is waiting for you just around the corner.. which I think is awesome.

Miss Pays and her babies.. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Its all fun and games.. Until you have two..

Well I think I can successfully say we are 'over the hump'.. Lol, or at least on the downhill slide.. This past weekend we took the girls to the farm, and it was a success! We took them to see Pops & Grammy Joni, and they had a great time.. Then we were able to take them to Mom's Church (Trinity fellowship) and let she and Papa Steve show them off.. Yes, My mom might have went a bit overboard with their outfits, but they did look like living dolls!!

Church is about an hour and 45 minutes.. I just knew for sure, we'd make it for about 10 minutes.. lol.. I mean, I have good babies, but they are still babies, and babies cry and fuss.. Especially if your name is there's that.. The funniest part was Cross LOVED the music.. she would be quiet and watch when the music was going, and then fuss and squeal when they would pray.. Apparently she doesn't care for prayer right now, lol. So once Pastor Andy started preaching, Jordan took Cross outside and they were able to listen in the lobby.. Cross was nice out there as long as daddy was rocking her, so she went to sleep.. Londyn acted like an angel, and went to sleep and didn't make a peep..

Everyone says that Crosslee acts like me, and I'm "Payin for my Raisin'.. WEll this could be true, and everyday I thank the Lord that there are not TWO of her.. Yes, she is hilarious.. she smiles with her whole face, and when she is 2 I think she will probably be on TV dancing and singing somewhere.. but as a baby ME, she's a little hard to handle.. lol.. For those of you who know me, you know what I mean.. She loves music.. she loved being in front of the church (When they introduced us to mom's church).. She loves outside.. She loves animals.. and she has a high sense of urgency.. (Yes, she wants it waiting)..She will smile for you, but you better do something funny for it.. No smiles for free with that one. She also doesn't want you to kiss on her all the time!  She is mine..

Then there is sweet Londyn.. We think she acts like MJ.. She's pretty well content as long as she's had a nap, and food.. She's so sweet, and she looks just like a gerber baby! She smiles when you talk sweet to her.. She really only fusses when you change her clothes.. She hates that and acts like you are chopping off her head when you do it.. She loves to be rocked and cuddled, and she lets you kiss her as much as you want. She is MJ's..

Isn't that cool how God works? One of each with such distinct personalites at such a young age. I tell you, we did NOT plan for twins, and it pretty well scared us to death, but now we couldn't imagine how it would be with just one of them. We are a pair, and they are our pair..along with our pair of furry babes, Payslee & Sawyer.. Its a complete unit, and a great one at that. If you ever want to know how God works, just ask us, and we can tell you and show you our story.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wrappin' Presents!

Merry Christmas everyone! We went on a therapy visit last week, and this week... Payslee had on her Christmas dresses, and was looking sassy.. Sawyer was just wearing his lovely fur coat. .We've decided that Sawyer is a Yeti.. For anyone who has watched "Rise of the Guardians" You will notice a similarity between my shih-tzu, and the Yeti's in Santa's Workshop:

So now I tell Sawyer he is a Yeti that is living in my house.. He's such a sweet boy. They had a good time at their visits.. Last week we went to Ranchwood Nursing Center, and Last night we went to The Fountains Assisted Living. Sawyer loves to ride on the people's walkers..the kind that have the little seats where they can sit down. We have a favorite lady there named "Johnny".. Both Saw and Payslee just wait for Johnny to come in from eating, and then she will come and sit on the couch, and they will jump up there and love on her.. Then Sawyer rests on her walker, lol..There's also another guy who is blind named Glenn.. He LIVES for the visits with Fudge, Payslee & Sawyer.. Fudge is the Chocolate lab that goes with my babes to visit.. Glenn waits for us to bring the dogs to him and he loves and loves on them.. It literally brightens his whole face talking to those dogs! It was a good visit last night.. Saturday, we will all be at Barnes & Noble on Memorial Wrapping presents for free, so come by and visit if you want. The dogs and I will be there from 9-11 that morning..

I encourage anyone who has a dog that would like to do this, to get involved.. We have so many therapy reqests and not neary enough therapy dog teams.. You can go to New Leash on Life and find out information about how you can take the therapy dog classes, and the therapy dog test.. I can't tell you how rewarding it is! There are so many people that need these visits.. and so many dogs that love to visit, so its a great time to get started. Always good to give back during the Holiday Season.

I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping.. MJ and I finally put up the tree and lights on the house.. Its pretty ghetto, I'm not going to lie.. He was 'in theory' going to put up lights on the house.. but that never really happened.. So we ended up putting lights in the tree, around the garage, in the flower beds, and then I hung snowflake lights on the fence.. For Ghetto, its pretty good, lol.

There is rain in the forecast today.. I sure hope it does rain.. It makes me so sad to look at Lake Hefner lately.. I know Western OK needs the rain too.. Looks like we might get another Winter Storm on Christmas.. I can't complain, we've had it pretty fluffy so far for "winter" weather..

I always look forward to this time of year.. My grandma Leona used to have the most amazing Christmas's for us.. She would always let me open one gift the night before Christmas.. And I would be so excited! Of course I had the best parents, and grandparents in the world, so I always got everything on my list.. (I know, I know..spoiled)..but I'm not going to lie, it was a sweet gig.

Then on day we celebrated Christmas, we would walk into the house and the first thing you would smell would be homemade Rolls in the oven... She would always make something 'different' for Christmas dinner because she knew we would be sick of eating turkey & dressing.. So one year we would have Mexican Casserole, and another year Noodles.. She was an amazing cook.. After we would eat we would all go to the living room and we would sing.. My Uncle Don would sing Tenor, My Grandma, Alto, Me, whatever key I was singing in that day, lol, and my dad would sing Bass.. It was really like watching a Christmas movie.. Such a neat time in my life.. I hope to someday have cool traditions for my own family.. I always get a little sentimental this time of year because even though Leona died in 1999, I still miss her like it was yesterday.. But, it always makes me look forward to the holidays because My mom has now taken on a few of those traditions, and I've taken some as well.. Grandma always made Date-rolls.. I hate dates, so she would make mine without, lol.. So now I make date rolls for my family.. and Mom makes noodles.. Its a neat time of year.

I hope you guys have your own Christmas traditions.. and if not, you are making some new ones! Merry Christmas!! Be thankful for what you have.. God is good!!!

My grandparents, Shep & Leona, and me!