Showing posts with label oklahoma city radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oklahoma city radio. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Don't be THAT guy..

Well The girls are now 3 weeks old.. I'm sure to YOU it seems like its gone by fast.. Not so much for MJ and I.. The baby phase is ROUGH.. Especially when they are like "Sleep through the night? No thank you".. They get up every 2 hours to eat.. So far MJ and I have been taking a baby each and we get up with our baby and pass each other in the night.. lol.. I've heard of other ways to do things, like he stays up for 4 hours with them, then I stay up.. which would probably be legit if you only had ONE baby, but alas, we do NOT. Our girls are not really on the same schedule, so I fear if we did that there would really be ZERO sleep for us.. So right now, we are just going for survival. Last night was a good night.. We still got up every 2-3 hours, but between all the getting up, I think we DID get at least 5 hours of sleep.. so yay us right! lol

MJ took off last week, and also this week, but  I've convinced him to go back to work today.. I mean really, at some point, I'm going to have to do this myself, so might as well just throw me into the pool, and we'll see if I sink or swim! I got brave today and decided to put on the baby bjorn and walk around the blocks with a baby.. It was a success.. No baby was dropped, and I didn't drop dead.. so boom! So Today I loaded up the girls, and we made a trip to target to get some baby stuff, and some fenugreek.. Which they didn't have.. annoying. The biggest trip in shopping with twins, is you roll in pushing this train like stroller with their car seats in it.. So then where do you put your groceries/items? NO where.. So then you end up strapping the diaper bag onto the stroller, then you end up either pulling ANOTHER basket behind you, or carrying one of those little tote baskets.. So you get the visual.. Its bizarre.. Of course you can't really stack items on their seats, or put in the bottom of the stroller, because then you look like a thief.. Blargh.

We also considered (for about 2 minutes) taking the girls out to eat.. yeah.. we weren't brave enough. Granted, they do a good job out in public for the most part.. But for the past 30 years I've wanted to punch all the parents in the face that take screaming, crying, baby/toddlers to restaurants.. So I'm certainly not going to be THAT guy..

For all the women who tell you C sections are terrible.. let me be the one to say "BS".. Maybe it was my amazing doctor, but man, I think thats the way to go! I was back in action, and feeling pretty much like myself a week later.. I even carried Mulch and decorated the flower bed! I had forgotten I was not supposed to lift stuff.. but it all was ok.. Also, I am able to drive, and have been since I came home, and I'm able to take my awesome, hot baths again! AHH! I had missed my baths, and my wine the most, so that has been amazing!

We got our storm shelter ordered.. It won't be installed until next year, lol.. Yeah, they are a bit behind due to crazy demand.. But after having to run from the storm when my girls were a week old, lesson learned.. we are getting a shelter. It will be the kind that goes in the back yard, not the garage.. the garage kind make me claustrophobic.. When that storm was headed toward Yukon, MJ packed up us, the girls, and my mom and we moved South to get away from it.. Only for it to follow us to Moore/Norman.. We got into a Cellar at MJ's dad's neighbor's house, and we rode out the storm there.. The girls were AMAZING. No one even knew we had babies in the house! They did a great job.. We got home and just crashed, and the next day looked into getting a shelter.. So hopefully will be installed by next year.

So Mom went home a week ago.. MJ and I were on our own last week. The girls are still alive, so I consider it a success. I hope I am saying the same thing next Friday after I've had the girls a week by myself. So far so good.. but I'm sure they are plotting a take over..

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Getting Closer...and Closer...

Well here we are.. 35 weeks.. wowza. Everyone keeps looking at me with Pity face.. then they realize they are looking at me with Pity and quickly turn the pity face into a smile.. I don't mind either one, it makes me laugh actually.. I probably look like like I need Pity.. I actually feel ok.. I don't feel great, but I think considering, I'm doing ok. My main issue is my back, and just feeling too heavy to get around or walk for very long..I mean geesh, these are big babies!

The good news is that I can still get in and out of the bathtub..I. Love. BATHS. The end.. I mean if I could not take a bath it would be so much worse.. My twin friend told me that I probably wouldn't be able to get out of there without rolling onto all 4's and hoist myself.. Thankfully this is NOT the case so far.. Although I will admit that the bathtub makes a giant sucking sound when I do get out.. I have been putting Epsom salts with Lavender in my baths and its my favorite time.. I have a feeling I will be missing it soon.. lol..

MJ & I have setup an email for the girls.. We have been emailing them throughout the pregnancy about what they are doing, and how I am doing.. I think it will be cool to look back on their lives and read this to them. We will make a scrapbook out of it eventually. I realized on Sunday that this will be my last "sane" Mothers Day.. Its safe to say that MJ & I are not sure if we are more scared of them staying in the womb, or actually coming out!

I'm still feeling very blessed though.. I don't have high blood pressure, and hopefully I won't get it.. Dr. Goff has taken great care of me.. I don't have acid reflux, heartburn, and I don't have much swelling.. A lot of the other pregnant people I know (though they are only having ONE mind you) are already having so many issues that are not cool.. I really think (even though this is a pain) taking my 25 vitamins a day has helped me a TON..but all of that starts with great Doctors, which I have had from the get-go.. Very happy about that.. I am all about knowledge.. Reading as much as you can and being prepared.. so that is what I've been doing.. I hate being unprepared.. I know I will be with a lot of things, but at least I have read up on the subjects!

I think this weekend MJ and I will try to have a nice date together.. being that a week from Saturday we will be in the hospital having babies! Does this seems insane to anyone else but me! Wowza..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Who knew THAT? Not me..

Sorry I've been a bit absent.. I have learned more about pregnant lady bodies in the past week than I've heard about in my whole life..

I had an appointment with Dr. Mirabile (my perinatal dr) last week
and we were all excited to see the girls.. Mom came up to go with us because she had not seen them in awhile.. Dr. Mirabile was out of town, so I saw his Colleague, Dr. Smith, who was awesome.. We are just kicking it, having a great ultrasound and good news.. Babies are big for 26 weeks.. Baby A was 2.6 lbs, baby B was 2.8 lbs.. Looked great! Then BOOM She honky Slaps us right in the face!!! Well.. not literally.. but almost with terrible news!! It was all going so Well!

Apparently my cervix had shortened, which is pregnancy land is bad news.. Of course I knew none of this.. I knew that you wanted it to stay long and closed, but I didn't know that it was a deal breaker at the time..

So she starts telling us about what has happened, and why its a big deal.. (Its a big deal because if your cervix shortens and dilates the babies will want to comeout).. Mine had went from a 3.5 to a 1.5, which in a months time is NOT great.. So we kinda went into panic mode.. At first I was all calm and smooth.. I'm all "So I guess I'll just go home and make an appointment?" and she's all "No, we're going to wheel you over to labor and delivery right now".. WHAT! OK.. Now I'm in Panic mode.. and so is mom.. I'm realizing that this is a BIG deal.. So they do wheel me over to L&D and they get me checked in to a lovely room, hooked up to a bunch of monitors, and we wait..

We are waiting to see if I'm having contractions.. At first I'm not.. which is awesome.. but then I have 5 back to back..which is NOT cool.. So I get a shot in the arm to stop them, and thankfully they do stop.. The irony? I don't even feel them.. I'm that cool.. not really...

So I have to stay overnight.. They call Dr. Goff and he comes to check on me.. The contractions stop and he gives me some Meds for what I like to call a "Irritated Uterus".. and do you blame it? I mean really? I'm carrying almost 6lbs of babies, and they are HEAVY.. and that only accounts for the baby pounds not all the rest of the fluid and all that Yeah, My uterus was mad.. I don't blame her.. But anyway.. I stay in the hospital for awhile, and then since everything had quietened down, I got to go home.. I'm not on "Modified bed-rest" which means I'm not an invalid, but I'm pretty much a princess..which Is pretty great.. lol.. Not really. I'm not the kinda gal who can just sit around, so its been irritating, but our first goal is to make it to 28 weeks (thats on Friday) because thats a big milestone for the babies.. Then 30..then 37!

I had mom bring Miss Pays to the hospital because I missed my sweet girl, and was so happy to see them when I got home.. Now they keep me company while we wait till Friday. Good news is.. everything else was good.. babies look good.. blood pressure good.. babies hearts good, etc.. Just the irritable uterus, and the shrinking cervix..

Friday I go back and we re-check everything.. I'm really hoping everything will have gone back to normal. Its funny because when I got pregnant I figured I'd be one of those people who just sailed through it.. I've never been sickly, heck I can count on ONE hand how many times I've actually been SICK in my LIFE, so I thought pregnancy would be the same.. But I've quickly realized that having twins pretty much throws everything out the window. I'm so excited to see them, and what they look like.. But I'm also so scared. So many things can go wrong, and the hospital visit was a big wake up call for me.. I've GOT to slow down, and most importantly I've got to Let Go, and Let God have this. Otherwise I spend everyday worried out of my mind and wondering what is happening to my body.. I know he made these girls for MJ & I, and I know he has a plan.. I have to trust that plan for better or worse, and I do.. But please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers, because this is a very trying time for my family..

Can you imagine MJ having to wait on me? Yeah.. extra prayers for that guy! He's doing such a great job and he's so patient.. Feeling ok for now. I'll know more on Friday, and hopefully it will be good news!

In the meanwhile, I'll just be kickin' it..All of my friends and family have been amazing bringing us food and goodies. I have a great crowd of folks around me, and around the girls!!

I did get to go to dinner with all my friends at my favorite Mexican Place on Saturday (Abels) and we had a great time. I tell you, I hang out with some funny  peeps..Love em!
PS.. Thought of some new names.. so far everyone still hates them.. we'll see if they stick.. Saxton & Sutton.. Still love Reese & Scout.. But MJ hates Scout..

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm a dumba**

You ever have those moments when you wake up and think "Man, I'm a freakin idiot!".. I had one of those this week...First off, let it be said, that at the end of the day, I know God is in control of my life..and I know that he will always take care of me, so I'm not doubting my faith, but hey, I have bad days too. The other thing that I think God gives you is choices. He will always take care of us, but I do think you have free will, and with free will comes choices. When I think back on some of the choices I have made throughout my life, I think "I'm a dumba**".. The most frequent decison is usually related to Radio..

When I was 19 I started as an intern at Wright Wradio in Weatherford. Mom told me it was time to get a job after my first semester in College and she had a friend that worked as a sales person at the radio she told me to go out there. I walked into interview and this 5 foot tall man named "Wild Bill" said "I love the sound of your voice!".. and with that, my internship began. I started out in the news room, (even though I said, I'd like to do anything BUT news) with a guy that later got fired for sexual harrassment..(not filed by me by the way, lol). .I was an intern with two other girls.. One that I hated as a former basketball rival and the other was a girl I went to high school with that was 3 years older than me named Shea.. (She and I are still good friends by the way).. The first thing they had me do was to write news stories.. I was pretty good at this because in radio, you write exactly the way you talk.. so this was good.. Until I was also enrolled into a "news reporting" class in College..writing for newspaper WAY different that radio.. that sememster about killed me..

Eventually I got to read the news on the air in the am.. I mean what college student doesn't want to show up at 4 am to do the news right? Yes! So begins the story of my getting up at 4am legacy.. As a result of reading the news in the AM, that meant I got to act as the 'sidekick' on some of the morning show bits that Wild Bill did.. We would banter and do funny stuff and I quickly learned that I didn't want to be in the news room, but in the airchair doing my own show. I had some HORRIFIC air checks though.. (An aircheck is when the boss calls you into a meeting to tell you how horrible you are on the air) I have been told "KC when I heard you today I wanted to rip your trachea out" or "KC women aren't meant to be on the radio" or "Why do you have to be so brash".. on and on.. Whats funny is that I thougt thats how all businesses were ran before I realized that radio is very unique in that way.. and not in a GOOD way..

Well eventually enough people quit for me to get my first afternoon gig on a Hot AC station.. I had a blast on that show and it really molded me into a good jock.. We started fun bits like "Songs that could get me fired" "Good morning wake ups" "Joke to go".. all kind of great bits.. I loved it.. Eventually the morning guy quit and I asked if I could take over the morning show... Of course I heard "KC, women on the radio don't do well, and no one would ever put a GIRL on the radio as a MORNING show. Girls are meant to be laugh boxes..they laugh at things the MEN would say".. Fortunately I had had some great prior co-hosts and they had told me this was NOT true.. So after a few months of me pestering them non stop (and the fact that no one else wanted to get up at 4am to do a show) I got the gig.. and so began my love of the radio morning show. Been doing it ever since..

From the first day I went on the air, I was hooked.. to the first caller that told me I did a good job.. to the caller that told me I sucked, which made me just want to work harder to win them over.. Radio is addictive. Its like show business.. And it was never a dull moment. I've never worked for more unstable, dysfunctional people than when I was in radio.. But ironically enough, usually the good would outweigh the bad. .So I chased radio forever. I left relationships for radio, didn't bother being a vet because I had radio, developed horrible eating habits and gained weight for radio, left my friends and family for radio, and got my heart broken by radio..
So at some point I've had to ask "What would have happened if I hadn't chosen radio?" I'm not sure.. I always wanted to be an AI (Artificial Insemination) Vet.. Since I saw my step dad do it.. I love cows and loved making better cows. I always wanted to be a large animal vet. I know I would have been good at it too because I'm like Snow White with Cows.. But I never bothered getting that education because I had already found 'my' career.. I got a masters in English because it was easy for me.. Very little studying, and I'm a speed reader, so it came naturally.. So why be a vet right?

Now, as I wake up, a woman in my 30's.. I think.. Wow.. Time has really gotten away from me. Radio was great, but the pay was awfu. I'm not married, I have no kids, I don't own a house, I'm paying on a car, and I don't feel like I 'have' other things that people my age age who did things differently.. However, Have they hung out with George Strait and Garth brooks? No. Have they taken their family to amazing concerts? No.. But hell, if I was an AI Vet, I could probably afford to buy my OWN tickets to those shows and backstage!

The one good thing about radio is that I learned who I never WANT to be like, or WANT to work with. I've met some of the most unreasonable, egotistical, jerks in the WORLD. You can't imagine how unethical some of the people I have worked for can be! So thats a positive.. I've also learned what kind of manager I'd never like to be! But the flip side to that is that it has made me have a thick skin, quick wit, and sharp tongue.. Most of the times those are all good things. I've also learned that I can bounce back pretty quickly, being that I was only out of work for a few months when I lost my job in radio..Thats because I was willing to work hard and work my way up. Some people think a job is just 'owed' to them because they got a college education, or because they previously had a great job. I've never thought that way, and have had to start at the ground floor at most of the jobs I have taken..but it always pays off because you learn so much along the journey.

So as the saying goes, "All things happen for a reason".. but sometimes you can't help but question your decisions. MJ and I were thinking about buying a house this past week, but the whole idea fell through because neither of us had really 'planned' for that.. We hadn't saved enough money, we hadn't done a budget, and we hadn't always managed our money.. So that means No house. We are going to wait 6 months, try to save money, budget, and actually figure out what we can afford as opposed to jumping in head first. Which sucks. But sometimes being an adult does suck.
So yes, I still wonder what my life would be like if I hasn't always chosen radio.. but I have to remind mysef that I've done things, and met folks that most people will never do or meet.. and I hope that along the way I've made some people laugh.. I hope I've inspired some people to volunteer and be good dog parents.. and I hope that I've showed people that when you are down and Out, the Lord can always bring you back up, and always knows what you need. Its now my responsibility to start doing better with my money (now that I'm actually making some!) and get on the road to home ownership! Maybe a marriage and a baby will also be in my future someday.. Who knows! Stranger things have happened..