Saturday, November 03, 2007

Flower that I found when I was in California. I know I had better start taking photos around home again!! :) :) I haven't been out and about since I returned to Hawaii but perhaps tomorrow if it is not storming. :) :)


Blue Wave 707 said...

Nice flower shot!

Your photos from your recent trips will work too!

Anonymous said...

Nice shot! Storming!? I didn't think it ever stormed in paradise!

That would even be a neat picture if you could figure out how to do it without the camera getting wet. A side of Hawaii we often don't see.

imac said...

Love the shot.

Annie said...

Perhaps you will find some reflections in the buildings downtown to show us? I'd like to see.

Ashley said...

Is it raining in Hawaii now? Drats, I was hoping to visit for New Years.
Great shot and thanks for checking out my blog too:)

photowannabe said...

Lovely shot Renee. I like how the pistils show up in such detail. I guess it has to storm once in a while in paradise so it stays like paradise. What ever you post will be beautiful I'm sure.

Kerri Farley said...

Very very pretty! The detail is great when enlarged!

Unknown said...

Great clarity.

Kate said...

Thanks for your visit and kind remarks. We haven't visited one another's blog for some time, but I want to remedy that! I'll be back soon so hurry up and post some more Hawai'i photos!

Mr. Mapper said...


Annie said...

It must be storming there, Renee, or else something other than photography has captured your attention there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rene, looks like you had a good time in California. I'll have to come back and check out more of your CA photos. I do love your HI flowers too.

Thanks for your prayers and kind words on my blog :)