Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Stethoscope

This summer I've been taking two class at the community college a math class and a speech class, so that I can finish all my pre req for school. In my speech class we are working on informative speeches and I chose to do mine on the history of the stethoscope. As I have been doing research for this speech, I have learned so much about the stethoscope. The word stethoscopes comes from the greek stethos-chest, scope- examination. The picture below shows the physician physically listening to his patient. I was surprised to hear that the physicians would actually put their ear on their patients chest. O how things have changed.

The stethoscope was invented by René Laennec a French man. He was born in 1781. His mother died when he was about 5 years old of Tuberculosis. He eventually lived with his uncle who was a physcian and René became interested in medicine.

René figured out that wood was a good medium to transport sounds. He was gifted with his hands and was able to make the first stethoscope. Below are pictures of wooden stethoscopes that were used in the 1820's. I am amazed at how far we have come! (I thought they kind of looked like candlestick holders).

Over the years the stethoscope has changed physically but not in use. This is my stethoscope and now when I look at it, it reminds me of how hard many others have worked so that we can improve the medical field! I can't wait to see where the future of stethoscopes will go!


Jordan said...

Very interesting Kelly! I didn't know any of that.

I like your orange stethoscope! I have a purple and pink stethoscope! :)

TK said...

SO Good Kellis! I can't wait for you to use it!
love you,

Anonymous said...



cool info!