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On the Seamy Side RR - Candi's block

It was an exciting day at the post office today with Candi's delightful block arriving for me to stitch on in the CQI On The Seamy Side Sampler Round Robin. I love this block - it reminds me of an ice cream social with it's gorgeous soft colours and the lady in the silky. Can't you just see her ordering an egg cream or a parfait at the ice cream shop? Clairee was first to stitch on this block and did some beautiful seam treatments and motifs, all in herringbone and detached chain stitches. Gorgeous stuff! Now I will try to rise to the challenge and add my part using the prescribed stitches for this go-around, being fly stitch and spider web rose. The photo above is Candi's block after Clairee has stitched on it. I will post another after I do my part. Very exciting also were the lovely threads and ribbons that Candi included. Each participant in the round robin can choose one each of the threads and ribbons! Thank you for your generousity Candi! The colours of t