We had a GREAT Easter this year! We absolutely loved that Easter weekend fell on the same weekend as General Conference. I know it has happened before, but not in my recent memory. I loved having a day just to focus on our Savior and our family. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!
On Saturday, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Joyce (who I didn't get any pics of---ugh!). We went to dinner and then they came over to our house to watch the kids color eggs while Daddy attended the Priesthood Session. We came out with a few cracked eggs (Stockton), but still had a great time.
Sunday morning before Conference started, the kids went on an Easter Egg hunt in the basement since we had too much snow outside for a real one (that darn Utah Spring reared it's ugly head!). Every other year there has been an Easter egg hunt somewhere in the neighborhood, but the weather was too yucky this year. So, this was the first year that we had our own and I loved it! It was nice to not have a million other kids fighting for all of the eggs. After the hunt was over, Daddy made us pancakes and bacon and we settled down to watch Conference. After a very relaxing afternoon, we headed to Kevin's parents for dinner. It was nice to see some other family and also squeeze in a visit to my mom, who lives one street over! All in all it was a WONDERFUL day. Happy Easter everyone!!!