Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bragging Moment....

So last night we went to Jaxon's baseball game. Yes, that meant that it was not snowing! I had to check out where G's accident occurred and to my surprise it wasn't even 10 ft into the park. I still don't understand how it happened. Oh, well Grif is healing nicely although he is going to have a nasty scar.

I was so happy to be able to watch Jax play. His first up to bat he struck out but was walked the second time and he was so proud to score a run. The sky was darkening and I knew that the game was coming to an end. Jax was in the dugout and I was ready to go home. But then next thing I noticed Jax was back out in the out field. A play or two later a pop fly was headed right towards him (in very slow motion it seemed) and he caught it. Crazy mom screaming on the bench. The look on Jaxon's face was absolutely priceless - I wish I had a picture. He was so shocked that it was in his mitt and it almost seemed like he wasn't quite sure what to do next. I am pretty sure that someone told him to throw it to third and I was thinking no don't do that you might over throw it. But to everyone surprise they made a double play and ended the game. Not a bad way to end his second game playing in the Minor's. Oh and he got the MVP award for the game. That was a great boost for his self esteem.

1 comment:

Lynleah (Bevans) Smart said...

Holy crap. What a story. I was about to say you should write it down, but then I realized that you already did. . . : )