Monday, June 14, 2010

Tell me the stories of Jesus.....

Today Anistyn asked Stockton to go get something from her room for her. He complied to her request, as he most always will (I'm sure that will soon change). She then said "Thank you Stockton! That was choosing the right! That makes Heavenly Father and Jesus so happy! Did you know that Jesus died because people killed him because they said He wasn't choosing the right, but He really was? Let's go outside and I will tell you more stories about Jesus."
And these are those moments that make the hard times worth it.....


Lately Kevin and I have been teaching Anistyn all about Stranger Danger, what to do if the house starts on fire, or what to do in any other sort of emergency if Mommy or Daddy aren't around. We were shocked to how little she knew--it seems we forget that we all had to learn this stuff when we were little, even though now it seems like common sense. We made a list of phone #'s for her to call, including 911. Today, after overhearing a conversation she had with her brother, we may need to review what constitutes an actual emergency.

Anistyn: Stockton, you need to eat your lunch.

Stockton: No! Don't talk to me!

Anistyn: Hurry! Eat your lunch!

Stockton: No! Get away from me!

Anistyn: Stockton, you better eat your lunch or I'll call 911--that's the Police.

Hmmm....if only the Police would come for something as minor as one not eating their lunch. That may make my life a heck of a lot easier!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Today I dropped my little girl off at Kindergarten for the last time. I'm not going to lie--it was rough. I love watching her grow up and learn new things, but at the same time I want her to stay little. Maybe I am too sentimental, but all of these "firsts" and "lasts" are really hard for me. I remember when Anistyn was a baby--when the day-to-day stuff was more challenging-- and I would long for the days when my children would be in school all day. Well, the time has almost come and now I long for the days when they were so little and helpless. One of life's hard lessons, I suppose. Cherish every moment!

Here is my pretty girl on her very first day of Kindergarten:

And here she is today, on her last day of Kindergarten:
Anistyn, I am so proud of you and the wonderful person you are growing up to be. You brighten my life every single day and I am SO grateful to be your mom!