Monday, October 18, 2010

Seeing the sites of St. George

This past weekend we went to St. George. We visit St. George at least 3 times a year, but we rarely see any of the sites or study the history of our favorite town. We decided to hit the St. George Temple, the tabernacle, and Brigham Young's house. (I was a slacker and only took pics at the temple). The kids loved it and Kevin and I loved it even more. We showed the kids where Kevin proposed to me on the lawn at the St. George temple. Anistyn thought that was pretty cool. We loved learning about the history of St. George and gained a great respect for those that traveled there to settle the city. There was a lot of sacrifice involved and they were so inspired. Now, if we could just find Kevin a job in St. George....

Happy Birthday Cole!!!

Last week my baby brother Cole turned 3!!! He had an awesome "Cars" party and we had so much fun! We LOVE Cole so much and I am so grateful that after 3 sisters that I was able to have a brother. He is so sweet, always has a smile and his face, and he and my kids have a blast together. I love his hugs and kisses and am having a blast watching him grow up.
Happy Birthday Cole!!!
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Girls night out!!!

A few weeks ago, I had the awesome opportunity to go downtown overnight with some of my most favorite girls from high school. We stayed at Hotel Monaco, ate dinner at Biaggi's, did some window shopping, caught a late movie, and stayed up most of the night talking. The next morning (after Mel and I hit the gym) we finished it all off with breakfast at the Little America. We had SO much fun reminiscing, catching up, laughing and just having a great time. We decided we need to make it a yearly event. Thanks girls for the best time! Can't wait until our next GNO!!!
Julie, me, Melanie & Rania waiting for the rest of our crew

Sherry, Melanie, Julie, me, Julie and Rania (with our fish "Gill") before dinner
Me, Melanie, Rania & Julie before breakfast

Fun Run & Smores

Last month (yes, I'm behind on blogging again), Anistyn's school held their annual PTA fundraiser, the Fun Run. The whole school goes on a 1 mile run throughout the surrounding neighborhood. I love to go watch her come across the finish line. This year she definitely took her time (she said her stomach hurt), but she found her friends and they had fun walking the Fun Run.
Later that night, we decided to take advantage of the unseasonably warm Fall weather and head up the canyon with our friends the Milams. We had a great time enjoying the mountain air, making smores, and catching up. Now that the weather is actual Fall weather, we are enjoying watching the leaves change and trying to get used to the cold mornings!
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