This is an elite group. As you'll note below, to be a true Harrison twenty-something, you must always have your mouth open in your picture or be holding a crustacean (alive or dead).
First, there is me. I'm barely hanging onto my twenties by a thread even as I write this.
Then there is Matt, the serious and studious 3rd year law student.

He is also a social butterfly, a camping enthusiast, always ready for a good time (when he's not studying), the driver of a "classic" car and pretty darn fun to be around. Oh yeah, and he sews! Check out his tailoring skills!
Followed by Jamie, the hardcore triathalon athlete. Yes, she swims, she bikes, she runs and she looks good doing all of it! She is also quite the fashionista/seamstress. I mean, how many people can say they've MADE their own swimming suit?

Not to be outdone by Kendra, lead vocalist in a rock band. Yes, there is a rock star in this motley crew of ours. (Pun intended.) She is also a talented interior designer, very knowledgable in the world of persian rugs (seriously) and unavailable, (I like Dave too much to not throw that out there). But all of the other kids mentioned here are available (with the caveat that Renee needs a few more months before she's officially on the market...)

Next in line is Lance, the gourmet cook/community gardener/wild food forager as well as BYU student. Not to mention his cross-country bike touring habit as well as pending international State Department internship.

Followed by Renee, our gorgeous if not a little bit clutzy sister who is currently serving a mission for our church in Malaysia.
It must also be mentioned that Renee is somewhat of a professional hobbyist. When she finds something interesting, she delves into it whole-heartedly, which is why she is a roller skating maniac, biking fiend, and a skateboarding enthusiast. And, in light of her coordination challenges, she has the scars to prove it. Literally.

Finally, little Brookie Poo, the one who prompted this post. She's a student, a true individual, a great writer (just read her blog), a newly realized pet lover and if we're going to be honest - the funny one.

We've had some fun times, this little cross-section of our family.

We've had some fun times, this little cross-section of our family.

So, thanks Mom and Dad for having us so close together and for having so many kids who are awesomely fun to hang out with (I guess that includes the oldies and the young'un that don't fall into the 20 somethings). I'm glad I get to be a part of this awesome group of twenty-somethings for 24 more days!
I can't help but think this is a thinly veiled attempt to showcase your awesome, talented, single, and dare we say good-looking siblings. To all you potential suitors out there- we. are. awesome.
I'm the funny one! ME!!
Live it up, you immature twenties. Just remember the thirties are your glamor years.
We gonna miss ya sista. The Twenties are I mean. Once I get to thirty I am sure you will have a seat all warmed up for me. By the way, Brooke is the funny LOOKING one. Let's get that clear. Love it when you post, and love Trent too.
i'd also like to point out, and I quote, "my sister, brooke, turned 20 this week," >sigh< "and it made me realize what a fun group of twenty-somethings we have in our family."
I made her realize what a fun group we have.
i'll take funny looking, if it means i get funny as well. and fun.
Well hello there, friend! So happy to see a new post, and your family looks hilarious! You all seem to have a serious physical (and personality) resemblance! Are you still doing family letters???? Keep naggin' them--you'll love it! Hope you're well. That little man of yours is still cute as ever!
Um, I LOVE the 20 something Harrisons as well as all of those that fall outside of that group. I don't like that you didn't include a picture of yourself, what is that about? I kind of agree with Jamie that you might be trying to showcase your awesome and single siblings to any potential suitors out there, so I will make sure to direct any of my single friends to your blog pronto. I really do love all of the Harrisons and hope everyone is doing well. BTW, when is Lance on his way out here to South East Asia? We need our fix of Harrison humour (cause let's be honest, ALL of you are the funny ones)
GREAT post Kimmie!! It made me laugh out loud a little. :-) Oh, and Happy Birthday!! Sorry i'm blog stalking you! :-)
Funny family, I hope you can have fun.
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