Showing posts with label Assemblages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assemblages. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

last week for Resilience

This is the last week to view my exhibition Resilience at the Butter Factory Arts Centre, Cooroy, bump-out is late afternoon on Wednesday 17 February, and I'll be in the gallery from 3pm for anyone wishing to catch up before the show closes.

A huge thank you, to everyone who took the time to visit my exhibition and for attending the Official Opening, Artist Guided Tour and Artist Conversations in the Gallery - I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity in sharing insights into my process, especially on how the Awards Trophy was created.

Attending the Awards (Sunshine Coast Australia Day) Ceremony, and hearing the amazing stories told by the awe inspiring peeps made me feel very privileged to have created this years awards trophy, and I am very humbled by the lovely feedback I've received from the recipients in appreciation of receiving their trophy - also a big shout of thanks goes to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council for providing local artists with this opportunity.

Pictured above, the actual Awards Trophy - an original photograph was converted into a vector file to create the design.

Further links to the Awards can be viewed via Sunshine Coast Daily's website - Awards ceremony video; Citizen of the YearSenior Citizen, Sports Person of the YearYoung Citizens, additional Recipients (including, Creative, Community - Group or Organisation, and Environment).

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards Trophy

I am delighted to announce that earlier in the year, I was commissioned by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council to design and make the 2016 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards Trophy.
Mateship, kinship and uniting as one, were the inspiration behind my design. The idea behind the concept was to design a trophy that represented what it means to be Australian and living on the Sunshine Coast.
It was an honour to be chosen to design the Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards trophy - I believe the nominees for this award are people worthy of celebrating and honouring for the unconditional service they provide, not only for the people around them but also the broader community.
Designed to hang on a wall rather than sit as an object on a shelf, each trophy is cut from recycled corrugated iron using a waterjet cutting technique, and finished with a stainless steel and Jacaranda backing – while an original photograph was painstakingly converted into a vector file to create the design – the finished trophy however a different design is the same concept as
Resilient I pictured below.
Example concept - NOT ACTUAL WORK
Winners in the seven categories will receive their award at the Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards Ceremony, on Monday 25 January 2016.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

movies to see and artworks up for grabs!

Pictured below, Radiant Love is currently being showcased and is up for grabs at the Art with Heart Art display alongside ten other artworks as the major fundraiser for the 2014 Heart of Gold International Film Festival Gympie, Thursday 9th-12th October.  Art with Heart Art consists of artwork donated by renowned and local artists and is coordinated by Joolie Gibbs and her team at the Gympie Regional Gallery.  Ten artists include; Kim Schoenberger, Joolie Gibbs, Robin Hines, Amy Young, Jane Welsh, Sam Keane, Sherrie Rowan, Nonie Metzler, Bernadette Tuffley, Ryan Bailey.
Artworks up for grabs, I believe, are being displayed in the Propectors Hall for the duration of the event and to be in the draw, purchasers will be able to buy a ticket, record their order of preference for each of the artworks and as tickets are drawn, winners will be allotted their hightest preferred artwork, depending on the pieces remaining at the time you may still win your artwork of preference.  Tickets are $20 each and are limited to 500 tickets - drawn Sunday afternoon October 12, 2014.
Radiant Love, 2011. Found objects, steel and porcelain.
The Heart of Gold International Short Film Fest kicks off tomorrow at the Gympie Civic Centre, 32 Mellor St - there is a wonderful program with planner you can download, for convenience here is the direct link to their  > website.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

exciting news!

Most of my facebook buddies will know of this news already, but its way too exciting not to share with my blogging friends too!   Way back when in 2011, the lovely Jo Murray sent me a link to  'The Landfillart Project' a call for artworks made with recycled hub caps - liking the concept, I created my piece and posted it off to Pennsylvania (previous blog posts). Three years on, my transformed hubcap entitled Threaded Notions has been selected for their very first exhibition entitled, "Second Time Around: The Hubcap as Art" held at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Winchester, Virginia USA - OMG, excitement plus!!!

Second Time Around: The Hubcap as Art prides itself as an environmentally inspired contemporary art exhibition presenting works by nearly 300 artists from every U.S. state and 35 other countries, including little ole me!  So if your in the area please do call in and see the show - the Official Opening is on Saturday 6 September, 2014 and exhibits through to March 1, 2015.  Sadly being on the other side of the globe I'll not get in to see the exhibition - so if there is anyone out there that does, it would be fab to hear all about it!

Monday, December 9, 2013

"Minutiae" opens @ Rosebed St Gallery

Rosebed St Gallery's saw it's official exhibition opening last Friday night for Minutiae.  A massive crowd gathered in support of a special little gallery in down town Eudlo.

Minutiae (n, pl the small, precise, or trivial details of something: "the minutiae of everyday life") is a wonderful showcase of 430+ artworks from 43 artists (me included) and is Rosebed's annual end of year takeaway art small's exhibition, which means, artworks can be taken home once purchased (link contained within for details).

Curated by gallery owner Maya Cater-Malins Minutiae is a delightful mix of artworks at affordable prices, if your in the area and would like to support local....

A couple of my pieces on show...
It's the Little People

Laugh Dream
More images of my artworks for Minutiae seen on my website, additional artworks can be viewed on-line in Rosebed St Gallery's facebook page.

Exhibition dates: 04 Dec 2013 to 02 Feb 2014
13 Rosebed St, Eudlo
Wed - Sun 10am-4pm

Thursday, August 29, 2013

only 9 days left to see my exhibition

It never ceases to amaze me how time flies by so quickly.  My exhibition closes Saturday week, 7th September and if you wish to see the show before it closes there's only nine days to do so.  
I'll be in the gallery on Saturday 7th (Sept) between 1pm and 3pm if anyone is wishing to come and talk with me about my work.
And to share some images with you...
(apologies to my overseas friends for the delay in uploading the images :-)
 Insight - view one

Insight - view two and a detail below

Inner Reflection (sold)

Beyond Silence

Yearning (sold)

Gympie Regional Gallery, 39 Nash St, Gympie Q 4570.
Gallery Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm.
(entry into the gallery is free)
There's additional images on my website if you would like to see more, including the dimensions to give you an idea of scale.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

opening night

What an awesome opening!! Insight: Journeys in Steel and Clay is now open for viewing at Gympie Regional Gallery until Saturday 7th September, 2013.
It was a lovely evening celebrating amongst good friends and new friends...
Guest Speaker, Stephanie Outridge Field graciously accepting a thank you gift from yours truely for officially opening my exhibition...
A beautiful crowd gathered in celebration.
Three openings in the one evening, Gallery Coordinator, Joolie Gibbs, (pictured below) curator of the three exhibitions, opens Joachim Froese Still Life: Photography 1999-2008, while Elaine Thompson, President, Cool/Arts Gympie opened Animated Steel an exhibition by Christopher Trotter and ARTSLINK Queensland, all works on display are a must see, if your in the area!

Meeting baby Mindari with mum and dad, Amy and Jandamarra - precious!


This group photograph consists of five artists who participated in the 2013 OSCAS Open Studio Ceramic Australia Showcase over the weekend. All five of us under the one roof, in the same evening. (only 18 participating in the Open Studio in QLD!)
Note to self for future reference, hiring a bus worked a treat. Happy campers, loading back on the bus for their journey home, Christine and Noela in the front seat. It looked like a lot of fun, I wish I could have joined in!
Gympie Regional Gallery
39 Nash St
Tuesday to Saturday
10am to 4pm
(Closed Public Holidays)
Ph:1300 307 800

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

bump-in today!

To share with you, a few photographs from today's bump-in at Gympie Regional Gallery for my solo exhibiton, Insight: Journeys in Steel and Clay.
Glen and his expertise, lining up and positioning the triptych.

Me with the hammer, nail number one, of one hundred and twenty one!

Glen in the distance marking out 5cm intervals... the first porcelain bone in place.

One hundred and twenty one porcelain bone run the full length of the wall.
It's title: "When you Reach the Far Shore, you Leave the Boat Behind" - Ram Dass

Joolie attending to the final touches.

It's always hard to capture the full essence of the whole show in one photograph, I will get more at a later date...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

hop of the bus! + Official Opening 'time' changed

Please amend or make a note in your dairy folks the time for my Official Opening of Insight: Journeys in Steel and Clay (Gympie Regional Gallery, Sat 17th August, 2013) will be from 5.30pm onwards and not 1.30pm as previously mentioned (to which I have now amended).

Also, I am excited to announce my Guest Speaker for the evening will be Stephanie Outridge Field.  I had the pleasure of hearing Stephanie talk at an exhibition opening some time ago at Noosa Regional Gallery it was truely an inspirational speach which left us all on a high.

And, In the spirit of things and in total excitement!!! I have booked a bus to transport my supporters to Gympie for the opening.  I am capping it at 20 people max.  The cost will be $10 per person (I will be subsidising $10 per person) So... if you are interested in hitching a lift up the highway let me know asap - email me at and I will send you the details...

Of course, this is not the bus that will be transporting you there, but it is a groovy looking bus!
You will be in very safe hands and transported with Lyn from Mystic Mountain Tours.  Lyn took myself and a group of ladies on a Hen's day out, it was an awesome ride - btw, if your ever in need of hiring a bus, I highly recommended them!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

full steam ahead!

Time is ticking by so quick with nearly one month until d-day for my Gympie solo exhibition, my lack of posts is a true indication I have been grinding (literally) away the hours in the studio as well as burning the midnight oil.  Not wanting to say it too loud for in fear of the flying spanner! ...with all my medieval preparations almost in order and working on the final touches with the last of my assemblages... I think, I am starting to feel like I am on top of things, yipeeee! ....well, for now anyhows - only two days ago I felt like I was gasping for air, oh the joys of fluctuations of being an artist! 

The last few weeks (inbetween glazing and firing medieval ceramics and de-teaing tea bags, knitting, latch hooking etc., into the evenings....) I have being wreaking havoc for the neighbours with all the noise pollution echoing through the valley, banging and clanging all through day... I have tried to mix it up abit with my routine as to give them a break from all the noise, but the last few weeks have been fairly intense. - I did manage to take a couple of images 'in the makings' ...and NO my bench is not always this tidy, I couldn't help myself, I did clear the bench for some of the photos.

Of course these images show works in progress, in contemplation, the maybe's and the maybe not's - just a snippet behind the scenes and what can find its way onto my work bench. 

I am currently working on these following three pieces at the moment, doing the finishing touches... the two lighter pieces have been sanded with the darker third piece next in line. I like the randomness of working with the lay of the waterjet cuts each piece takes on its own identity and presence.  The protruding plates you can see, are for the porcelain bone to rest onto - these are designed to hang on the wall, backed with another material, to which I will reveal at a later date.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Best Sculpture Award

Over the weekend my art piece Domestic Goddess took out the Best Sculpture Award at the Immanuel Arts Festival.  In its 32nd year running, the Immanuel Arts Festival is recognised as the largest community arts event on the Sunshine Coast which attracts over 300 artists and showcases over 1000 artworks across a number of different genres including painting, photography, sculpture, creative and wearable art. Its nice to participate and support the local art events, and I am humbled to have received an award.

Domestic Goddess is of course from my Domestic Duties Chp.2 solo exhibition 2012, in which part of, is now touring in a group show entitled Teasing the Domestic with Artslink Queensland 2013-14 Touring Exhibiton Program.  Tour dates are on my website if anyone is interested > here.  However the exhibition Teasing the Domestic is soon to be exhibiting locally for a few days (15 - 22 June, 2013), at The J (Noosaville) in conjunction with the 'Noosa Long Weekend'.  I will post sooner to the day with all the details to confirm the dates, times and opening etc...


Monday, April 22, 2013

Sponsorship & thoughts...

Check out this delicious stash of steel! ...and I have to send a huge-mega thank you to Steve from Caloundra Waterjet Cutting for his sponsorship and supplying me with his discarded steel off cuts.  This steel of course is for my new body of work, my upcoming solo show in Gympie (Regional Gallery), having new material to work with is very inspiring and has injected a new spin on my direction.

In this new body of work I am looking to document my personal journey in a tangible form...
 an inward journey of growth and discovery, personal development both spiritually and emotionally...

I often frequent a deeper level of mind,
I find peace and solitude in this space....

For me, this 'space' is enriched with meaning overflowing with abundance,

it is the direct line to "source"

it is here where all the magic happens

and is where all the answers lie, to your own truths....

Saturday, April 13, 2013

all in a days work!

Incredible, its been over a month since my last blog post, I don't believe it!!  Over the past month I have literally been flat out from dawn to dusk each day working away.  A typical day for me at the moment starts off with about an hour or two sewing tea bags on the treadle, time in the clay studio, paperwork, housework, promo work (computer time - social media etc), and time on the tools welding and grinding in the afternoon's.  Then the night shift kicks in working into the wee hours... either preparing more tea bags for the morning sewing, going over my thoughts on new works, gaining inspiration, paperwork, gluing, sanding, knitting (tea bags)....

My last post mentioned a call out for used tea bags, and I am happy to report my tea bag supplies are over flowing, I even received a parcel in yesterday's mail (many thanks Tracey!) and big thank you to everyone else contirbuting.  Two more collection points have come on board Tree Frog Gallery and Mapleton Library.  "(lots more updates feature on my personal facebook page)"

Not sure if I have filled you in with all the gaps of whats on the agenda - I am even finding it hard to keep up with me, my busyness is in aid of making new works for my two up coming solo exhibitions. In August this year I have a solo exhibiton entitled Insight: Journeys in Steel and Clay at Gympie Regional Gallery showcasing my welded assemblage works, and as mentioned in my last post the next installment to my Expressions of Love (with the use of recycled tea bags) will showcase in Noosa Regional Gallery 2014.  Of course, then there's my usual events like the Abbey Medieval Festival and group shows I commit to each year. Its certainly a busy time and an exciting time right now and I'm loving every minute of it!!  

Here's a picture Glen captured of me while welding an assemblage piece for the August exhibition.  If your one to plan ahead mark this date and time on your calendar folks to join me celebrate my first solo exhibition at a regional gallery, the official opening for Insight: Journeys in Steel & Clay with Guest Speaker Stephanie Outridge Field is on Saturday 17th August, 2013 from 5.30pm. 


Saturday, January 19, 2013

500 Teapots

Breaking news!  TEA BRAKE pictured has been selected and will feature in the next publication '500 Teapots Vol.2' by Larks Books (among many other fantastic artists teapots, I might add).

Larks Crafts, 500 Series started with the first volume of 500 Teapots in 2002 since then 35 books have been released.  Other titles in the 500 series include; 500 Art Quilts, 500 Vases, 500 Ceramic Sculptures, 500 Cabinets, 500 Raku, and the list goes on.... and 500 Pitchers (2006) in which I was fortunate enough to be included with another of my images. 

This next edition 500 Teapots Volume 2 will be released this coming August 2013.

Photography by Natalija Brunovs

Thursday, November 29, 2012

new assemblages exhibiting

Last Friday night saw the official opening of Small Works/Small Town Exhibition at Rosebed St Gallery, in the quaint little township of Eudlo.  Recently featuring on the television show Better Homes & Gardens only a few months ago, the gallery is a hive of activity and oozing with funk!  Always a wonderfully curated show, the girls Annie Burns and Maya Carter-Malins really know how to deliver and never fail to showcase an amazing array of artworks.

Small Works/ Small Town is Rosebed St Gallery's annual summer showcase - a 'takeaway art' exhibition - its a great format where buyers can take the artwork with them instantly upon their purchase, practical and a great idea for the seasoned visitor!

I just happened to have some new small assemblages coming through in the studio and submitted an EOI and was selected to exhibit, among many other talented artists. A few images on show, (to save me time...all the finer details are all on my website :-)

 Soul Connection II
Trinity I - Sold

Trinity II

Trintiy III
...and good buddy Jo Murray has posted images from the opening night in her Picasa Web Album and on her blog if your wanting to see what fun was had!

The Small Works/ Small Town Exhibition continues until Sunday 23rd December, 2012.  Rosebed St Gallery, Eudlo. Hours: Wed-Sun 10am-4pm