Wooooo.... if you do ever get the poster, can get one for me or not? *__* Me want......
Um.. if you guys wanna comment and slander said country, GO AHEAD. I never was that patriotic (only on National Day). All I can say is thank god I'm not a Johorean because those ppl really say nasty stuff about your island.
But seriously, what a country do in its own territory is realy no-one's business but it's own. The idiotic politicians that made them nasty comments.... well, with politicians like those running the country... no wonder our economy is like shit. Yeah. Just know that they're probably doing it because they don't want to lose the water contract you have with the mainland. We're like an over-bearing mother that doesn't want the apron strings cut, even though it is most apparent that the offspring CAN survive on its own and has better looks and publicity.
All and all, it comes down to one thing..... JEALOUSY.
Gah, i seriously wonder why the people here are allowed to run this place when they are doing a very very bad job. Don't hate me for saying so but I think it's true. You have them in Singapore too but they're SMARTER over there. It must be the water here.... retards the brains. See? Use new water!
Aiyo... don't be so cynical. Know that I'm loyal to you... and I can vouch for Mask too. And maybe Zhin ^0^
You as a DJ? Gone la... ppl will be hearing this strange boston-like accent on the radio and think some gwailo is at the mike. XDDDDD
hey-ho.. Have posted the Integra scans on my blog. Check them out XD Ho, also got yer LH6 just now. Am happy.
Looking back on yer twisted tales of hospital care in S'pore... can I ask whether the establishment that you went to was a government or a private held one? I've seen incompetence in the hospital before (look at where I work) but I don't think private hospitals are that incompetent :P But then again, I have this belief that all doctors are just dumb. (When you work with them for a few years, you get to notice how stupid they really are...)
Interesting lawyer story *points below*
Yeah, bitter/ sour drinks were used as a symbols for adulthood in FLCL. I seriously think that can be used for my own life.. *sighs* Well, it's up to yourself if you want believe such things. But I am a kid! I happily admit so! But I ain't no spring chicken... that I know..
Hey, did you know that I found this shop that sells Qoo merchandise here? Not the drink, tho (DAMN!) but the merchandise like pillows and bags... heheheh! I wanna that blue Qoo mascot plushie! Hahaha, plus I nearly bought a Qoo phone strap for my handphone.... -_-
I don't care... Clow should be taking care of you more. *pokes*
Hehehe, the main reason the express or ERT is not used... a one way ticket will cost you RM35. It may sound feasible for a single traveller but a family? 0_0 Plus it only brings you to the airport, does it not? The airport is located somewhere IN THE JUNGLE... got nothing there unless you wanna see the F1 curcuit. Still, it is a convenience for a single traveller to get to the airport on time. I suppose I will use it if there comes a time I need to get to the airport. A taxi ride will cost ya 50 I think....
But I wanna bitch about Zhin~~~! *pouts*
Really la... your no good "husband cum cook", Clow is so blardy useless. *pouts and prods Clow with a stick*
Hope you're not slumped over papers, half dead now XP Hehehe, you will be pleased to know that I did a fanart of Integral... sorta like my way for apologizing about my faux-pas about her gender. Will ink it soon XD Hohohoh, is my pic still drool-free? Make sure you scan it for Zhin... yeah, what do ye make of that boy? Harhar, let's bitch about him. Yes, I do know he does read this blog *waves at Zhin*
Hoooeee, how was the KL express? Never been on it.. damn! Missed the time when they were giving out rides for free.