
Showing posts with the label venture capital

The Cat is Out of the Bag

For anyone who lives in Israel, the mere continued existence of the Third Jewish Commonwealth is a hidden miracle. As the ineptitude of our leadership increases, so does the size of the miracle. IMHO, we should certainly have this miracle in mind when we say the "Modim" or Thanksgiving blessing of the Shmona Esray. [That's prayer #17 out of 18 for those of you who use the authentic, Erets Yisrael nusah of HaRav HaGaon Davidh Bar-Hayim of Machon Shilo.] Indeed at the Jerusalem Conference, Ken Abramowitz, Managing Partner and co-founder of NGN Capital noted that Israel has many advantages for foreign investors, including excellent universities, professional talent but, ...I have never seen a lower caliber of government than you have in this country. Your foreign ministry is staffed with low quality people and a low quality leader (Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni). The Supreme Court is a collection of far-left activists who then appoint more far-left activists to join them on t...