Showing posts with label Favorite Layouts of 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Favorite Layouts of 2009. Show all posts

30 December 2009

I've just had... EPIPHANY.

You know, for the last few years, I've set these kreative goals for myself and for the last few years, I've come up short. In 2008, it was because my Mom was in the hospital for so long. This year, it's just been SO MANY different things, culminating with our entire house being sick right now. My main goal for this year was to complete 550 layouts. Right now, I've posted 422. I have others to post but it would mean being up until 5am AGAIN. It would mean missing out on all the New Year's Eve festivities we have planned...and really, it's just not worth it. I mean, 422 is a GREAT number...especially with all that's happened this year. And because I'm a glutton for punishment, I'll just set more goals for 2010!!! Naw, it has nothing to do with loving punishment (even though a spanking every now and then never hurt NObody!!!) It's because another realization I've had this week is that setting goals and working hard to reach them is what keeps me focused. I'll leave you with my favorite five layouts for 2009:

(I love these pictures and the fact that this page turned out BETTER than I pictured it in my often does THAT happen?!?!)

(This is the first page where I did a LOT of hand stitching...and realized how much I LIKE it!!!
Hence, the addiction was born!)

(LOVE how this page turned out!!!! LOVE that Memory Makers published it on their blog!!! Never got a chance to be published in the paper mag...but this'll do!!!)

(LOVE all the techniques I used on this page....AND it won the Dreamgirls' Challenge!)


(My first PAPER PUB!!!!!)

(My pride runneth over! Plus, my addiction to the mists was starting to overtake me!)
Umm, I KNOW that's more than five...and I'm ONLY up to May, so I'd better stop. I, too have decided to adopt OLW for 2010 and it's RENEW. I want to renew my commitment to God, to myself and to those who are important to me and never falter in their support of me. If I don't get to do another post before the next year overtakes us, may you all continue to be blessed.
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