Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9-19-08=5 Years

On Friday, we celebrated our 5th anniversary! Time sure files when you are having fun!! I can not believe it has been 5 years and at the same time it feels like I have known Kim forever. I have the best husband ever and we have the best day everyday! I am so grateful that he is my best friend and my love. He is so romantical and I love it! Thank You for a wonderful weekend hun!
(Well, I could not get the picture to turn, so you will need to turn your head. Thanks! )


Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...

LOL at the sideways pic! I can't believe it has been 5 years!! I'm so happy you guys are together...you are just perfect together!

Keira said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!!!

...Sheri said...

Happy anniversary! I'm so glad Kim has you too. You are so good for him!