Saturday, June 13, 2009

We got one!

We got our letter in the mail that we officially have an RFC- ( resource family consultant)!! We meet with her this Wednesday to discuss our family and what kind of children we would like to care for as part of Foster Care. Right now I want to stick with legally free to adopt, but that may change when they call and have a cute little baby. I just feel like it is so close, but still so far away! I will admit I am a blog stalker- of many adoption blogs - and ran across this quote on one by Marilyn Monroe- "I believe that everything happens for a reason. Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right. And sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together." I love this!! I can't wait for our better thing!!


Jennifer said...

Hooray! Thought of you guys when I was going thru Mom's recipe box and found a picture in the very back of Granny and on the back it was labeled baby # cause it was granny and one of Helen's foster babies. Love you all lots! If you have Helen's e-mail, I don't know if you'd want to ask her all about it or not? Anyway...can't wait for the good news so we can celebrate!

TheVillamorFamily said...

wahoo! congrats Jill! it is so close you can almost taste it can't you?!?! love that quote too!

Mom Ricks said...

All the best to you and good luck with everything!!