Showing posts with label George Phillies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Phillies. Show all posts

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Round 3 Results

Moving right along, Mary Ruwart did benefit significantly from Steve Kubby's exit endorsement. It's a dead heat again- a tie!

Bob Barr 186 (-2)
Mary Ruwart 186 (+24)
Wayne Root 146 (+8)
Mike Gravel 78 (+5)
George Phillies 31 (-5)

Phillies is eliminated, and I did not hear him throw his support behind anyone, so where those 31 votes land is anyone's guess.

That's getting to be true of Gravel's and even Root's totals. Funny things can happen on convention floors. A candidate can decide he's tired and wants out, throwing support to someone at a key moment, becoming the kingmaker. 78 or 146 votes are huge at this point. This is where the lobbying really intensifies, and again I kinda wish I was there to feel the buzz of horse trading for liberty.
Round 2

Here's the vote after the second ballot:

Bob Barr 188 (+35)
Mary Ruwart 162 (+10)
Wayne Root 138 (+15)
Mike Gravel 73 (+2)
George Phillies 36 (-13)
Steve Kubby 32  (-9)

Kubby was eliminated, and Barr gained significant separation between himself and Mary Ruwart, taking a number nearly equal to the votes put up for grabs by the elimination after the first ballot. This becomes a nervous time for Mike Gravel, and the pit in the stomach forms for Phillies.

Kubby threw his support behind Mary Ruwart after this ballot, so we'll see if she reclaims some ground.