Showing posts with label Obama Bush morph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama Bush morph. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jon Stewart Notices Bush's 3rd Term

I've been calling Barack Obama's Administration "Bush's 3rd Term" for about 15 of the 18 months of its existence now, due to the incredible continuity and expansion of Bush's policies by Obama. It's so obvious now that even Jon Stewart can no longer let it pass.

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Now, will Democratic supporters do what they criticized Bush for, namely, give their man a free pass?

Friday, February 05, 2010

Unemployment Images

Now this is positively frightening.

For a cleaner view, follow this link.

Under the Bush Administration, jobs were being lost, and under a full year of Obama's Administration, it has gotten worse. When you read comments that follow graphics like these, the wilfull partisan ignorance is amazing. Mainly, both sides have failed. Pointing fingers at the Rs or Ds yields one response: You're both right. They're at fault.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The More Things Change...

So, Obama has ordered more troops into Afghanistan. I get the feeling the nation could have had that by voting for McCain. From Time Magazine's article, "Obama Afghanistan Plan Breaks Old Ground":
Did George Bush leave one of his old speeches in the Resolute Desk? As President Obama unveiled his Afghanistan-Pakistan policy Friday, it was hard to miss the echoes of his predecessor's "surge" strategy in Iraq. Indeed, says James Dobbins, the State Department veteran who served as President Bush's first envoy to Afghanistan, Obama's plan is "largely an extension of where the Bush Administration, in its last years, was heading, with some refinements and additions."
Will we be seeing lefties putting bumper stickers on their cars with an 'O' with a circle around it and line through it? Or perhaps an "01.19.2013 - Obama's last day in office" sticker? The wars were the Number One reason the left was against Bush until the economy tanked. Well, Obama is doing exactly what Bush did to prop the economy- stimulus packages and bailouts.

I imagine that dissent isn't as patriotic to some as it was a half-year ago. Imagine that? Partisan blindness. Who'd a thunk it?

I admire the protesters I saw in San Francisco last Saturday. They were not blind partisans. They believe in their anti-war positions enough to see the continuation of the same policy for what it is, and they called it out. What about our Blue Hoosiers? Will they just shove it on down and look the other way? Or, will they call Obama out on it?

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

Or, as The Who sang, "Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss".

Then-candidate Obama was 100% correct when he described then-President Bush's bailout as 'Bush's failed economic policy of borrow-and-spend'.

Unfortunately, President Obama calls the same economic policy 'stimulus'.

In what meaningful way is it different from what Bush was doing? Are we going to hear a peep of criticism from Democrats about this?

I doubt it. In an Indy Star story covering Obama's planned visit to Elkhart, we see what 'stimulus' is all about. Pork, and paying off constituency groups, at the expense of the nation.

"Instead of focusing on a stimulus that will continue to open up the credit markets and create jobs, this bill spends billions on Democrats' wish-list projects," Indiana Rep. Mark Souder said last month after voting against the House version of the package. Souder, a Republican, represents part of Elkhart County.
The Bush bailout was spent on Republican cronies. The Obama bailout will be spent on Democratic cronies. The country will continue to slide towards depression. Thanks for nothing. Is this what 'change' amounts to? Different cronies? Is that the best we could do?