Showing posts with label web design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web design. Show all posts

March 13, 2011

Mobile webapps and the JQuery Mobile library

Recently I've been experimenting with geo location APIs and mobile friendly web applications. Building a native mobile application felt like it would have too steep a learning curve for the miniscule amount of time I have so I looked at what mobile browsers can deliver with just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It turns out to be pretty easy to build a good looking mobile web application from scratch and I found the JQuery Mobile framework works well to style pages with a native look and feel.
You can see the results at for a 'from scratch' look and for the JQuery Mobile look.

The first thing to take to heart is the spartan look of mobile web apps. There simply isn't room for multiple crowded top nav and side nav bars or for the data dense (but information poor) layouts of most sites. Take a look at a sample page from AllRecipes (which is a great site) - - there are nav bars for site section, tabs, breadcrumbs, sub-page navigation and so on. Not to mention a right nav bar with even more links. These are all useful I'm sure, but for a mobile web app you need to start from a blank page and work you way up and consider the information value of each pixel used. (Every pixel is sacred, every pixel is great. If any pixel is wasted, Tufte gets quite irate.) Another way to think of this is to consider each link as an internal advertisement for a page the user doesn't want to visit. There is a name for unwanted links on a page put there for commerical gain and that is 'spam'. Don't let your designs become link spammy.

Next, you will want to have a way to preview your web app on a mobile device. If you have a modern phone then you can use it's browser and point it to your local dev environment, but another way is to use an iframe wrapped in a phone mockup. Here's the one I use There may be better mobile browser emulators but I didn't spend much time looking for something once I had the iframe based "emulator" working.

Building pages for the 'from scratch' look follows the typical web app development path - you can use most any framework you are comfortable with, but be careful with approaches that are 'client heavy'. You'll want the smallest HTML, few images and the least number of resources downloaded for rendering each page.
Many scripting libraries have a way to package only the necessary modules into a single resource - this cuts down on the network time needed to get the page rendered. Personally, I avoid client libraries since they are mostly meant for whiz-bang interactivity and on a mobile device the interaction feels better when it is as direct as possible. Common web app performance advice applies here - caching is your friend, the network is not.

The JQuery Mobile look was the most interesting part of building the UI for this site. I was really looking forward to getting a native look and feel for free. Although the library is currently in Alpha 3 stage it's very usable and I haven't run into any bugs in my limited testing. The JQuery Mobile library changes how you think of browser based pages. Not only does it try to use Ajax for most things it also introduces "compound pages" which results in an ever-growing DOM with 'sub pages' or panels that are shown and hidden during screen navigation. This allows for JQuery to perform the animated transitions between screens that give the hip 'mobile look' which is so captivating.

The downside to using an Ajax approach is the use of local anchors (the part of a URL after the '#' character) for tracking state. While this is certanly a popular and Ajaxy way of doing things it does have it's problems. If you aren't familiar with the details it really mucks up how you work when building pages and causes things to simply not work and breaks the page (requiring the user to manually refresh the page). I still don't have forms working and had to disable the Ajax loading of some pages due to this hash-based URL trickery. You will need to rigorously test all pages and transitions between all pages to ensure that it actually works.

Another downside to using JQuery Mobile is that the user interaction is noticably slower than just a simple HTML and CSS page. It is almost not "interactive", which is not a good thing for client applications. There is a lot of promise though and I haven't even looked at the built-in capabilities of JQuery Mobile for wider screen devices like tablets.

November 16, 2009

Making the Web faster - SPDY

Those crafty people at Google are doing some cool work to "make the Web faster". The first I had heard of this initiative it turned out to be how to make "pages" faster - a decent thing, but fairly well known. But recently some folks over there have started to look at the actual underlying issues with the gears grinding out the Web - mainly networking latency. Trying to improve the network protocol of the Web is a tricky thing - lots of people (and egos) can get involved. Surprisingly their effort seems to be off to a good start and everybody is taking it at face value and being supporting and questioning things in a positive way.

One really cool thing mentioned in their whitepaper isn't a direct 'latency' thing - it's about 'server push'. If they can really make this happen a whole knew world of application development would open up.

To enable the server to initiate communications with the client and push data to the client whenever possible.

November 04, 2007

Nielsen on Generic Commands

I ran across this interesting bit from Jakob Nielsen's UseIt site about user interface design. It's about using the same few commands in a UI and is an interesting twin to the 'uniform interface' aspect of REST. Although a 'user interface' and a 'network interface' are very different beasts I can't help but wonder if there's some fundamental reason for the similarity.

Summary: Applications can give users access to a richer feature set by using the same few commands to achieve many related functions.

In application design, there's a tension between power and simplicity: Users want the ability to get a lot done, but they don't want to take the time to learn lots of complicated features.

May 21, 2007

Ruby on Rails Job Trends

Job trends for Ruby on Rails From the job search site (which looks very nice by the way), the trend for Ruby on Rails mentions in job postings is on a steep growth curve. The absolute percentage is smaller than other terms, and there may be other factors that contribute to the trend but it's pretty telling.

Job trends for Ruby on Rails and J2EE But to keep things in perspective, compare Ruby on Rails with J2EE job postings

Job trends for Ajax, Web 2.0, Ruby on Rails More happy fun job trends for Ajax, Web2.0, et al.

May 14, 2007

Command Links

Uh oh. I see a mess coming up...
From Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox post on
Command Links
"Windows Vista introduced a new GUI widget for commands: the command link. Once something is in the system that people use on a daily basis, it becomes a de facto standard. Because they'll encounter them frequently in Vista, users will come to know and expect command links."

From what I gather, Vista 'command links' appear to be glorified buttons for native applications, not 'underlined text' links on Web pages.

However, Jakob continues with the following regarding web page links:
To reduce confusion, link text should explicitly state that it leads to an action and not just to a new page. It's not enough to communicate this info in the surrounding text; users often scan Web pages for the areas they can act on. Thus, you should assume that most users will only read the link text. In fact, users often read only the link text's first few words, so it's important to start with a word (typically a verb) that indicates the action that results if they click the link.

It appears Jakob is also implicitly approving the use of a link on a web page as an 'action'. From my reading, I think this is seriously wrong. I believe web page 'action links' need to satisfy the following two requirements

  • visually distinct from normal 'safe' links
  • syntactically distinct from normal 'safe' links

The second point is important because of the large number of automated agents that traverse the Web through hyperlinks. Adding unsafe links into the web will cause confusion among both people and software agents.

April 17, 2007

CSS - new style, same old sheet

I've been working heavily in the world of HTML and browsers over the past six months and for the most part enjoy it. It's much much better than the scene six years ago when I was at KnowNow writing fairly advanced Javascript client code that was supposed to work on Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer - what a nightmare. Today's browser world is infinitely better. Now people only complain about box models being a pixel or two off. Well, and there's that z-index bug Microsoft hasn't fixed and probably doesn't even know about, even though everyone else does...

Anyway, my most recent learning experience has been with information extraction from Web pages - essentially extracting meaningful keywords from HTML. I must say, there's a lot of room for learning to take place here. There are several research papers I've found that are really educational, especially those that talk about extraction in the absence of a large body of other documents (corpus) to measure relevance.

As I was going through some experiments I realized that doing a decent job of extracting text from HTML requires knowledge of what 'markup' is and what the particular elements of HTML are defined to mean. Extracting meaningful phrases from markup means to ignore the markup and get to the underlying text which was marked up. But then I began to notice something - in all the advanced HTML pages that use the latest CSS to accomplish 'semantic HTML' (a phrase that I've heard tossed around pretty loosely) something is going wrong. The underlying text that is marked up is becoming gibberish. This is due to the use of CSS for layout and ignoring the effect of the tags on the text. For example, when a span tag is applied to text it is considered an 'inline' element - the underlying text is not meant to be fragmented and split apart and any extraction tool (especially a naive one that I was experimenting with) should merge the text fragments before, within and after the span element with no whitespace. But often designers will add layout and margins to the span tag in order to visually separate the text - yet the underlying markup indicates the text fragments are contiguous. How annoying. There is a simple solution - tag the text as it is intended to be read and understand the difference between 'inline' and 'block' semantics for narrative text.

March 24, 2007


Although I spend most of my time working in and around server-side systems, once in a while I find myself designing and building client side software. Some of that work is the visual and interaction bits, which is more challenging than designing servers - at least for me. Over the past few months I've worked heavily with CSS as applied to HTML and XML. Using CSS is fantastic. Sometimes infuriatingly inconsistent, but fantastic. I have a fascination with good 'design' - the visual kind of design that I appreciate but can't quite create. One site I stumbled on recently is SimpleBits by Dan Cederholm. This seems like a good starting point for exploring the world of page design, styling, typography and user interaction.

November 06, 2006

Participation Inequality: Lurkers vs. Contributors in Internet Communities

A few years ago I had stopped reading Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox even though I had been reading it for a long time before then and had enjoyed his fact filled articles and analysis. Just the other day I popped back in to check out his recent postings and this one caught my eye - Participation Inequality: Lurkers vs. Contributors in Internet Communities - as I'm looking into communities, social aspects of the Web and such.

The article gives some history and data that covers the basics of a 90-9-1 rule with respect to participation - most people just lurk, some interact occasionally and a few are very active. Many people know this and if you've read Clay Shirky's "Power Laws, Weblogs and Inequality" article you'll be familiar with the idea. Although there have been comments elsewhere that Jakob doesn't "get" RSS (and his alertbox site doesn't have an RSS feed), I think Jakob does understand the implications of RSS and this post provides some value by highlighting some issues and suggesting how to design useful systems in the context of participation inequality.

Search. Search engine results pages (SERP) are mainly sorted based on how many other sites link to each destination. When 0.1% of users do most of the linking, we risk having search relevance get ever more out of whack with what's useful for the remaining 99.9% of users. Search engines need to rely more on behavioral data gathered across samples that better represent users, which is why they are building Internet access services.

Make participation a side effect. Even better, let users participate with zero effort by making their contributions a side effect of something else they're doing. For example, Amazon's "people who bought this book, bought these other books" recommendations are a side effect of people buying books. You don't have to do anything special to have your book preferences entered into the system. Will Hill coined the term read wear for this type of effect: the simple activity of reading (or using) something will "wear" it down and thus leave its marks -- just like a cookbook will automatically fall open to the recipe you prepare the most.

(Bummer - Jakob Nielsen had a 'User Experience 2006' in Seattle a few weeks ago and I missed it...but maybe I can catch some of it on a blog somewhere)

Added: Here is another good article from Jakob Nielsen about traffic log analysis.
The top 10 queries accounted for 10% of the total traffic, so each one of these queries is obviously more important than those that brought only one visitor. Taken together, however, the single-use queries accounted for three times as much traffic as the top 10 queries. This statistic shows the folly of focusing search engine optimization solely on a few high-performing queries. Your site must be found when users enter relevant queries -- and the possibilities are typically vast.