Showing posts with label Frivolous Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frivolous Friday. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

0 Frivolous Friday 4/3/15 (Vacation, Sale and PURPLE Necklace)

I am going on VACATION!!  I am so excited!! My best friend is getting married and I get to 'give her way'!! For me it will be a time away from beading, but time spent with one of my dearest friends!!  So, I will be gone Mon - Thursday next week, however, you can still purchase from my studio (at 40% off on sale) and it will be mailed out on Friday!!  

I also hope to have the site up and running by  4/13/15 for a GRAND OPENING celebration!!  SO, I hope that you enjoy your week.....I know I will!! :)  I'll see you when I get back!!! 

Here it is, just a simple beadwoven necklace strap with nothing on it.  What do you think?

And since you all know I just love that stitch, I am going to do another color on color strap....PINK this time!   I hope you'll come over  to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day.


I am not sure if you have heard of #ONESpark before, but here it is talked about A LOT!!  It is a great organization to help business get started and grow!!  Well, I have been invited by KATY Cube - Miniature Storefronts to be a part of this amazing festival!!  I am so excited!! I am not sure of ALL the details yet, but I will tell you more as I can!!!  Keep watching for the news!!

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

I am HERE to LIVE OUT LOUD! ~Emile Zola

Friday, March 13, 2015

4 Frivolous Friday 3/13/15 (Sliced Agates, Teal and Brown and Black Lava)

Last night I visited a great little show in a near by town while y daughter was getting her volunteer training.  Guess what I found....SLICED AGATES!!  YEP, at first I thought there was just a couple (only one I liked in the stack) but then.....they told me where the rest were!! I spent the next 1/2 hour going through EVERY SINGLE SLICE and picking the one's that I liked.  And let me tell you, if I had a few hundred dollars with me....they wouldn't have any left!! :)  But, here they are!!

And now I am asking you to help me decide which one to start with.....leave a number in the comments and vote to let me know which one I should make first!! ;) 

Have you been watching this one??  I finished up the sides last night, so this morning I will be starting the 'tightening' up.  Here is where I will start off.  You can come over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day.


Once again, these aren't brand new, but they are spectacular!!  Don't you think?  Remember, you can click on the photos to go see the listings!

There is a flyer coming soon, but if you are in the North Florida area, please plan on coming out to visit me at my next show.  

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

Everything you want in the world is just right outside your comfort zone - every single thing you could possible want!!  ~Jamie Lee Curtis

Friday, February 27, 2015

4 Frivolous Friday 2/27/15 (Dragonflies, iPhone6 Plus Case and Wired Boutique)

WOW, between the feature, my review and the new listing was a busy internet day for me!!  I have so much going on right now behind the scenes.  I am making things - earrings and bracelets - for my upcoming show, beading like crazy on the Portrait and then there is the 'house' to keep up!   Yep, life is busy!!  BUT, the busier I am the more I get done....strange, but true! Do you ever find that?  Leave me a comment and let me know what YOU are working on... I'd love to see !

 Yep, I was able to do more rows last night, I hope you are seeing the detail now.  Remember, you can come over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day!!

Is it just me, or do you (my fans and friends) like DRAGONFLIES too? I think these Blue and Pink Dragonflies are PERFECT!! And, it is a 3 piece set!! Click on the photo to see more photos and about the listing!!

Please come and visit me and have some GREAT SEAFOOD!!! I'll have over 500 items out in my booth for you to look at - including some I haven't show to anyone yet!! :)

Please go check out my FEATURE over on Wired Boutique's Blog.  I have to say that when I did the interview it really made me 'think' about my business and life!! Please leave a comment if you can too!

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

There is no surprise more MAGICAL than the surprise of being LOVED! ~Charles Morgan

Friday, February 20, 2015

0 Frivolous Friday 2/20/15 (Blue Magnesite, RED Creations and PRE Party)

Today I will be finishing up my beautiful Blue Magnesite necklace (I hope) and then over the weekend I'll be working on all the 'PARTY' prep!!  On Monday I get to start a new LARGE, it will be a busy few days for me! I hope that you are just as busy and inspired as I am (not only in my art, but in life)! 

Here is where I left off yesterday....hat do you think? Come over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day and watch this creation 'grow'!!

Another round of creations from my you remember all of these?  I have over 630 items listed...there is just so much to look at!!

Did you know you can meet me in person??  Do you live in the North Florida area?   Come visit me and have some GREAT SEAFOOD!!

It is almost time....have you entered yet??

Just look at these great creations....what an honor to be included!!

Today I would like to leave you with this thought; 

Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning! ~Gloria Steinem

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Designed By: Wacky Jacqui's Designs